
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tuesday Tagline #53


Bad things happen. Fight to make things right. Or let it wreck your life. This is kinda different from a lot of taglines, a little more in- depth maybe, I don't know, but I'm intrigued, between that and the cover. 


  1. This is a far more straightforward mystery than the cover leads readers to believe, and from I pushed myself through reading... I've read better. I couldn't bring myself to spend too much more time on this, so I ended up DNF-ing this. I think Ferris has a reputation (well-deserved) for writing indepth, complicated YA. I am not sure this her normal fare though. The tag-line could have fit the mystery of this better, I think.

  2. Can't get any more direct than that, right? (lol) One word titles are always intriguing. Hugs...

  3. The cover makes it look like a boat wreck/plane wreck book but the tag line just looks like it's an issue book. Hmmm.

  4. I thought the same as Jenny, the cover and title made me think Shipwrecked. The tag seems more angsty driven.

  5. yup it's almost as long as a blurb! LOL good one though :)
