
Monday, August 22, 2016

Cover Characteristics The Ocean

Cover Characteristics is a meme by Sugar and Snark- every week a characteristic is selected and we post 5 books with that week's theme.  

This week's pick- The Ocean

This week I'm going with one of my own topics again- covers featuring the ocean or a seaside view. As I was brainstorming ideas I thought how the sea can affect a story, and how so many stories are set on or near (or even under) the waves. So.... a topic is born. :) I had a lot of fun with this one, and not surprisingly this one was hard to nail down. There are just so many choices... 

The Woman in Cabin 10Destiny's RoadRed Sun of Darkover (Darkover Series)The SirenTidesThe Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia, #3)World of Water (Dev Harmer Mission, #2)Title Wave (Booktown Mystery #10)

The Woman in Cabin 10

This one might be my favorite right off the bat- I just love how atmospheric it is, with the rough seas and the water on the porthole. 

Destiny's Road

This one I like because it's fun to think about what an ocean on another world would be like.  

Red Sun of Darkover (Darkover Series)

This is an old favorite if mine, for the same reason as the one above- another world. And I love mercreatures- so this is a two fer. 

The Siren

Beautiful cover, and I love that she's facing the sea. 


I've used this cover before and I enjoy spotlighting it, as it's one of my favorite YA covers of recent years. 

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia, #3)

I loved this book as a kid and I love the idea of sea voyages. There are a lot of covers to choose from for this book, and while this isn't the version I had it does have a nice, serene quality. 

World of Water (Dev Harmer Mission, #2)

I read this and enjoyed it and I've always liked the idea of water planets. It's a good read and I love the sense of looking up from below. 

Title Wave (Booktown Mystery #10)

Cozies often have nice covers to go along with their punny titles and this one is no exception. Doesn't it make you want to be on a cruise? 

I thought of this one too- there are a ton of covers for this book over the years and this one is obviously retro but I like the mysterious nature of it.  


  1. I love the cover for The Woman in Cabin 10. Totally gives off a great vibe for the book - which I still need to read!

    1. Me too. It's my fave and I just the tone it sets.

  2. I love the cover for The Woman in Cabin 10! Though part of that may because I loved her first book and really want to read it! Voyage of the Dawn Treader is one of my favorites of the Narnia books. It was one I didn't love for some reason as a child but loved it when I reread it as an adult.

    1. I do too. It's my favorite and I like just looking at it! I hope you like it, I thought it was good. For some reason Dawn Treader was one of my favorites too even though I don't remember a lot of it.

  3. My two favourite covers that you've featured are The Woman in Cabin 10 and The Siren. I also love the covers from Kiera Cass' The Selection series. I guess she likes girls in dresses!

  4. I love the covers for The Siren and Title Wave. Good topic choice by the way. :)

  5. I've always liked the cover for Tides ever since I saw it on your blog, so that one is my favorite! Deep Blue is nice too because of all the flowy, floating fabric. Underwater photos are just so cool! But The Women in Cabin 10 just looks scary to me lol, the whole being trapped on a boat with the rough seas thing.

    1. Tides is great, and I use it whenever I can lol. And I love The Woman in Cabin 10, but it did have a bit of a claustrophobic feel . I like how they captured that vibe.

  6. Thanks for porting this. I love looking at cover art. The cover for Deep Blue is gorgeous.

  7. Excellent choices!!! I agree The Woman in Cabin 10 cover is my favorite out of these too. I also really love the covers for The Siren, Tides, and Deep Blue.

    1. I love all of those, but I think Woman in Cabin 10 is my fave. There's just something about that ...

  8. Ooh, I'm reading The Woman in Cabin 10 right now! The cover is so good - it's actually textured so you can "feel" the drops!

  9. The actual art of Destiny's Road is so pretty!

  10. Yea!! Love your theme! So nice. Can't wait to get my hands on The Woman in Cabin 10. The Narnia one is my favorite. But just because it is my favorite everything...!

  11. I love the cover of Tides! Did you read it? For some reason I couldn't get into it. :/

  12. I really love the cover for The Woman in Cabin 10 as well. They did a great job with it. The retro 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is pretty fabulous as well.

  13. Those are some gorgeous covers!
    I apologize for being so late! I posted 2 in 1 this week.
    Thanks for joining in :)

    Sugar & Snark
