
Friday, April 1, 2016

Bookcover Spotlight #42

The Incident on the Bridge

This cover works for me on a lot of levels- the hand skimming the water, the bridge in the background with the lights, even the purplish clouds. And the way the title seems distorted by the water- I just think this is a very effective cover. 


  1. I's a very effective cover. I really like it... it has the air of mystery and the color of the sky is perfect.

    1. I love that sky, with the bridge in the background and the lights and I do think it looks mysterious. :)

  2. This is a great cover! I love the bridge in the distance and the colours of the sky are gorgeous ♥ The hand skimming the water and the distorted font makes for a really mysterious tone that just seeps through everything else!

    1. I think so too, every time I see it I think it looks mysterious! I think I read the blurb and wasn't super crazy about the premise, but the cover is a winner all the way.

  3. I love the cover on this one! Even though I've been on the fence about the book itself the cover has been tempting me.

    1. I know, I'm not sure if I'll read it either but sure has a nice cover lol.

  4. also the letters! the hang and the creepy letters make me think.. is that a a dead body??? LOL

    1. You know I never thought of that, but that's a great idea. I wonder... I do love how the fingers are just trailing in the water. :)

  5. I looooove this cover, it makes me even more curious about the book! I really need to have it in my life. Also, I hadn't noticed the clouds until you pointed them out, and I pretty much love it- the whole scene in the distance is fabulous!

  6. I definitely agree that this is an effective cover. If I were browsing in a bookstore and came across it, I would pick it up to check out.

  7. Love the cover. The story synopsis let's me know it is not for me. :)

  8. I agree, it's a pretty cover. I especially like how the focus is on that hand in the water and you see the bridge in the distance, but you see very little about the actual person. It's a very original cover!

  9. That is a great cover. I love the colors and her hand in the water. :D

  10. I love this cover too! I'm not familiar with the book, but the cover alone would make me curious to see what it's about. Thanks for sharing!
