
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Sunday Post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This has been a good week weather wise. Lots of sun and temps in the 70's early in the week, it cooled off a bit towards the end. Not bad. I got a bit of reading in, watched more Netflix and enjoyed the various SciFi Month posts. Speaking of, SciFi Month is off to a great start- lots of nice posts this week. 

Last week I had my Top Ten Star Wars Moments for SciFi Month as well as a few other posts. I've also tried a few podcasts, something I've been wanting to do but haven't had time. I liked Super Serials a lot, I saw them mentioned over at I Wish I Lived in a Library- I listened to one and liked it a lot. And I tried a few other as well, with mixed results. I'll try to share more as I figure out which ones I like or don't like. 


SciFi Month runs all through November- you can check out the details here. #RRSciFiMonth and @SciFiMonth.

Rinn Reads has a great intro post for SciFi Month.  

Manga Maniac Cafe reviews The Black Stallion.

Star Wars Stacks is a Star Wars book club and podcast. This episode talks the new Star Wars movie.

Exploring All Genres reviews Total Recall


  1. I live on NetFlix, and Hulu too, lol. The Lifeboat Clique looks interesting and I like the cover. We had warm weather here too and I loved it. I am not ready for winter.

    Have a good week, and happy reading!

    1. I'm not on Hulu, but I should be. :) More stuff to watch! I don't know if they just overlap w/ Netflix though or if it's worth it for me to get it. Netflix doesn't seem to have many movies I want to watch, just TV shows. Maybe Hulu has the movie?

  2. Enjoying Sci-Fi month, having fun coming up with posts!! I only got a few episodes in to Continuum, I really should try it again!

    Have a great week!

    1. Yes watch Continuum, I need people to talk to about it LOL. I miss that show, now that it's done. It has a cool take on time travel... and Garza. Love her- such abadass!

  3. This weather has been amazing!!

    I am going to have to tune into the discussion about Luke and Leia! I am intrigued, especially since they are siblings!

    I am watching the show Scream Queens, which I love, but I am mentioning it here because Carrie Fisher's daughter is on it. :) Her character always wears ear muffs, as an homage to Leia. :)

    1. I know it! Those days in the 70's were awesome. :)

      I hope you get a chance to come by, the discussion should be fun. I basically look at what could have happened if they weren't siblings. Hmm... :)

  4. I've been on both Netflix and Hulu this week, in addition to reading and blogging. And when I start a show with six or more seasons, I can't seem to stop watching...

    Enjoy your Sci-Fi events....and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I don't have Hulu, but if I did I would be in even more trouble. I've thought about getting it...

  5. I know so many of my friends get lost in Netflix like you do so don't feel bad! It's addictive!!! Some friends don't even have cable, they live off Netflix :)

    I don't know if you've noticed but my hubs and I noticed that we haven't seen any Star Wars trailers on tv - have you?? Curious....

  6. Okay, I just looked Continuum up. Why have I not been watching it?! I know what my next binge will be.

  7. I will check out Pamela Druckerman vlog, thanks for sharing. Netflix is dangerous, we have Hulu too..I try to avoid both..LOL hope your temps stay decent.

    1. Me too, we're looking at 50's- which I guess could be worse. :) Druckerman writes some interesting stuff, I read one of her books and it was interesting.

  8. Oh Continuum s4... that's something to look forward to! As I said in my post I binged on s2 of The 100 this weekend and enjoyed it. I struggled to get into it for a while (again) but by the middle was gripped and had to keep going! Of course I'll have forgotten all of it by the time s3 comes out next year!

  9. That is why we're not getting Netflix. I'd watch everything that was on it. Have a great Sunday and week.

  10. The weather this time of year is terrific. I am curious about podcasting and will look forward to listening to yours. Good luck with them.

  11. Your quote of the week is great, and it alone made me want to pick up The Lifeboat Clique (that's where it's from, right?)
    We've had warmer weather, too, with a beautiful sun to brighten everything :)
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Yes, I've been doing a blurb a week cause I like spotlighting them sometimes.

      Hope your nice weather continues... :)

  12. As you saw on my post, I'm listening to Super Serials too. Well just a few of them, I've only read Nancy Drew and the Sweet Valley High books previously so I listened to those and love them. It made me want to reread the books! The other books I didn't read when I was younger and don't think I've any interest in reading them now so I slipped those episodes. I'll be keeping an eye to see what other books they discuss though as I thought they were fun and like you said very different to other podcasts.
    Thanks for the links, I'm going to check out Rinn's post.

    1. I did the same, I listened to the Nancy Drew one cause that's the one I could relate to. I never read sweet Valley high (obvs) but I still might listen to some of their other ones just to get a laugh- they're pretty funny!

  13. I really need to watch The 100. It's not on the UK netflix though which sucks. The Lifeboat Clique sounds interesting!

    1. Oh that's too bad. The 100 is really good- if you get a chance to see it.

  14. I am on Netflix all the time and my regular shows are taking a hit cause of it and being recorded when I should be watching Glad your Sci-fi month is going great!

    Weather here is getting colder and rainy and I don't like it. :( We finally had our first frost yesterday..blah.

    Have a great week!

  15. I haven't been on Netflix that much because Christmas Movies. I can't seem to stop watching them.
    The weather was amazing this week but I think that was the last of it but I am ok with that, I like the chilly weather, I am a strange girl :)

    Have a great week Greg! Happy Reading!

    1. That's okay, I like the chilly weather too- even though I complain about it. I wouldn't want to be in a high humidity warm weather all year aound state- I like the cooldown. Christmas movies- good times! I didn't have Netflix til a few months ago, now I'm always on it LOL!

  16. I'm so glad you enjoyed Super Serials! I love them! Once of their hosts had to have an appendectomy so they're late on this weeks' post and I have zero patience. She needs to get better now! Netflix is definitely a hole you can fall into! That feature will it will automatically keep playing kills me every time! I look forward to your top ten list! I love the book to movie adaptions (most of the time) and am curious to see everyone's top ten! Have a great week!

    1. Super Serials is fun, I'm glad you mentioned it! I see that Trish tried it too- yay. Nice to spread the word. I saw that about the appendectomy too- hope she heals fast! It's hard (for me anyway) to find a good podcast- they have the right mix of snarkiness and fun. Even though I may not have read all those books, I'll probably still listen.

  17. I so rarely watch TV -- completely different from my life ten years ago. Continuum could be fun just to see Vancouver again. We spent a week there for my 50th.

  18. Netflix is addictive I agree. how did we live without it?

  19. All your shows are on Netflix ?! Ugh, I'm still waiting for some of mine. Like Sherlock (I believe there is still 1 season missing from Netflix) and Wentworth (which is taking foreverrrrr)!

    Looking forward to more SciFi posts! I was going to participate by NaNoWriMo is taking over my life this month! :D

    Here is my The Sunday Post!

  20. If I didn't have so many books to read I would probably spend all my time on Netflix. Or YouTube. Darn obligations! Adulting gets in the way of Neflixing. lol

  21. Oh I have totally gotten episodes of Amazon to have them come on Netflix shortly after. I'm so impatient ! The temps here have been warm but rainy. Sounds much nicer by you :) Have a great week!

  22. I've been watching Longmire on Netflix. It's so good.

    Looks like our temps are dropping now. Oh well, I enjoyed the warmth when we had it.

    Have a great week!

  23. There are so many good shows now on Netflix that I'll have to make time to watch. The temps here are finally cooling down and it is raining today. I can't wait to read your post about Luke and Leia were together!

  24. I hope I have some time to check out some sci-fi month posts next week as I didn't read a lot of them so far. I never tried podcasts or audiobooks so far, for some reason the fact that I have to listen to a story doesn't appeal to me, although maybe I should just give it a try. The Lifeboat Cligue looks interesting and I like the cover art style.

  25. It is in the 40s-50s here as well. I really like it cool. I am so excited for Star Wars. I used to wonder about if Luke and Leia weren't siblings and hooked up, but I can totally see the allure of Han. So I am team Han.

  26. We had 70s for part of the week, too. What a treat! We're back to the 40s again today though... knew it wouldn't last. The Lifeboat Clique looks good.

  27. With this warm fall we are so behind on our shows, but know that when the cold and snow hit, we can catch up! We were going to go to the new James Bond movie, but it was just so dang nice out and our grandson came to play! Have a great week.

    PS. I loved Faygo Rock -N- Rye!

  28. I spend way too much time on Netflix and Hulu. I actually bought some episodes of a show I was watching from Amazon only to find out it would be on Netflix soon too. Oh well.

    I'll have to check out your Star Wars post. I am enjoying all the trailers and excitement for the new movie.

  29. Nice to watch the shows you really love without waiting! I saw that podcast mentioned too but never got to it. I love the idea of podcasts but its making the time to listen that gets me. So much competition!

  30. We had a sci-fi and steampunk reading theme last year and really enjoyed reading a lot of novels in that genre. Thanks for sharing all these titles! :)

  31. LOL netflix is so addictive, if only I could give up sleep ;) Curious about The Lifeboat Clique. Have a great week and make the most of the lovely weather!

  32. NetFlix is so addicting...though they never seem to have what I want when I want it...had to go to Prime for Orphan Black. We watched Continuum for a while but gave it up season 2...just lost it's appeal...maybe it got better again?

  33. Looks like a good week. Love how you have your days organized.

    ENJOY this reading and fun week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  34. You've had the opposite weather of us. This November has brought the cold where we wake up to 44° mornings and even though it said 68°, it was brisk outside. We have Netflix and Hulu too after giving up that expensive cable. I like how you're a Star Wars fan as I had also grown up on it. I looked at your mentioned past posts and the clips of SW made me smile. I was Princess Leia one year for Halloween but of course back then there weren't elaborate costumes as I had a plastic Leia mask and dress. Your cover post was fun to look at since I do like flashy covers before I read their summaries. I'm adding a few to my TBR.

  35. I'm not a movie watcher and don't watch much TV either. It gives me more time to read but it also gives me a blank spot when anyone talks about good movies and shows. Come see what I am reading here. Happy reading!

  36. I'm posting my favorite book-to-movie adaptations, too. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow, too.

  37. I've just recently started Gilmore Girls on Netflix and I'm ADDICTED. I don't feel too bad about it though, because I go through phases with Netflix, and don't even touch it for a month or more sometimes. Have a great week!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

  38. It has been crazy warm here in New England too! But of course you are a big fan of star wars! How could you not be! :) I'll be checking that top ten list :) we got tickets for the 4 of us (hubby and kiddos) Imax 3D of course! That's the only thing we talk about at home:)
