We Were Liars is an interesting book. I saw it popping up on a lot of blogs, and heard about the surprise ending, so I was curious to see what all the excitement was about. It definitely has a surprise ending- and not what I was expecting. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the book, or the ending. And that's okay.
Cadence is a member of the Sinclair family- they're an old money family in the Northeast, with a private island off the coast of Massachusetts. Each of the three daughters has their own place on the island, with the center of activity being the big Victorian house of Harris and Tipper Sinclair, Cady's grandparents. Trust funds, big houses, an easy life... the Sinclair daughters have it all. But of course they're not truly happy. Like everyone else, they have problems in their lives- and when things come to a head one fateful summer on the island, all of their lives will change forever.
Cady is a member of the Liars- a group of fourof the grandkids who do everything together. They're inseparable and even within the foursome there are relationships and stresses. Cady falls in love with Gat, the nephew of an Indian man who her aunt lives with- but not everyone in the family approves of Gat being there, and he knows he doesn't truly belong or see the world the same way as the tall, blond, snobby Sinclairs.
Cady's relationship with Gat is a centerpiece of the story, and plays a central role in the pivotal events of that summer. I've heard it said by other blogs that this book stayed with them after reading it, and I can see that. I'm still thinking about it, and little things I read earlier in the story come back to me and make sense, or take on a new meaning, given the twist. This isn't really a suspenseful read per se, but there is a certain tension throughout as cady tries to get answers to certain questions. And of course, after the twist, everything makes sense.
Did i like this book? Yes, for the most part. It has a lot to say about family and money and what's truly important- and how money can trump a lot of things. I'm not sure how I feel about the big twist. It shakes things up and turns everything upside down, and it definitely would reward a re- read, as so much of the story has a different meaning with the foreknowledge of what's really going on. I would recommend We Were Liars because it's smart, sad, powerful at times, and has a twist that will get you thinking.
Oh, and I liked the mention of Murdick's Fudge on Martha's Vineyard. Love Murdicks!
Nice review...very informative.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
Thank you Elizabeth.
DeleteGood review, Greg, and you've avoided spoilers very well while still saying something about the book and your reaction to it. Like you, I've seen a lot about this book, but I'm just not sure if I want to read it yet. Books that stay with you can be really good or really disturbing.
ReplyDeleteThis is a tough one to review without spoilers, and I was originally going to include some spoilery discussion in the review (hidden of course), for those who wanted it. May still do that. I appreciate your comment, thank you! I felt the same way about this one, had heard so much. I think I'm glad I read it, although it's not an essential read or anything. I liked that it was short and read quick, so it wasn't a huge time commitment.
DeleteI've seen mixed reviews, too. You've helped make me quite curious, though. I may have to read it just for the twist if my library has a copy.
ReplyDeleteI think it's worth a read if your library has a copy. If you do read it let me know what you think, I'd love to see people's reactions to this one.
DeleteIt is very interesting to read the thoughts on this book. I thought it was cleverly written and agree it stays with you long after you read it. I would like to listen to it now that I've read it and see how I react.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. I'm glad I read it, had no idea where it was going and enjoyed the uncertainty. :) I think it has a lot of relevance too...
DeleteI'll be sure to check out your review! I liked this too, although I had to let it sit for a few days before I wrote the review. I thought the writing had a certain quality that worked for this story...
ReplyDeleteI've seen this one everywhere, but I haven't decided if I want to read it yet. I probably should though, just to see what all the hype is about :)
ReplyDeleteI was kinda sick of seeing it everywhere and not knowing what was going on, that's one of the reasons I read it LOL. It helped to that it's short and reads fast, so I didn't have to sink too much time in it. Let me know what you think if you do read it, you may see it coming but it did surprise me.
DeleteI didn't see the twist coming either. I think I sat there open mouthed for a second! I think my reaction was very similar to yours. It wasn't one I was amazed by but I am glad I read it. I think the length really works in it's favor. I think if it had been much longer it would've been tedious. Great review! This is a tough one!
ReplyDeleteMe too, it came out of left field. I agree the book didn't blow me away but I am glad to have read it. Kinda gets you thinknig... and yes, if it had been a 300 pager that would have been too much.
DeleteThank you for commenting Katherine.
I didn't see the twist coming either and I wasn't expecting the book to go in that direction. I loved it though, I thought the fairy tales worked great and I really enjoyed the language of the book
ReplyDeleteIt took me by surprise, I knew SOMETHING was coming but wasn't expecting that. I liked the writing style too, it was off putting at first until got into it but it turned out to be perfect for this story. Such a different read.
DeleteThanks for commenting Trish.
I've read so much about it, heard so much about it, you just couldn't escape this book ! So I feel like a mule with my hooves stubbornly planted in the ground... Maybe I'll read it later ;)
ReplyDeleteHa ha i know what you mean, sometimes I just don't want to read a book no matter how hyped it is. Or I'm just ambivalent. I hope you like it if you do read it- the nice thing is it's a short read.
DeleteGreat review! I've seen this book on a lot of blogs with mixed reviews. But you make some good points. This sounds different from what I've been reading lately so I'm really curious about this. I'm going to read this soon. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Kathy! I saw mixed reviews too, some pople liked it and some hated it! It is very different and not like whatI've been reading lately either. Will look forward to your thoughts when you're done.
DeleteGood review, Greg! I'll be interested to read this when I finally get it.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jan. I hope you like it... it's definitely different.
DeleteI was hoping you'd do a spoilers section.
ReplyDeleteAnyway I guessed the twist (the what rather than the how) halfway through. Mostly because I've read or watched similar stories and noticed the clues. So the fun of the big revelation didn't work on me.
One thing I did miss...why did Cady and her gang refer to themselves as Liars?
Wandering through the Shelves
I was going to do a spoiler section, and maube i will... either a revised or a discussion post. You know, I'm not sure why they were called liars- i don't think that was ever explained. My own theory is they just called themselves that beause tehy would lie (to each other or the adults). That would be a good question for spoiler discussion! Maybe someone knows...