
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Sunday Post #46/ It's Monday. What Are You Reading

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

This has been another eventful week, with lots going on. May has been crazy. As usual I'm looking forward to summer and some lazy days in the sun. Preferably by the water... 

With reading time at a premium, I decided to do some quick, easy reads. I'm going to review the Winter Soldier comics and started this past week with Winter Soldier: Winter Kills. This week I'll be reviewing Winter Soldier: Broken Arrow and maybe some other comic stuff if I have time. You can check out my review of Winter Kills here

Oh and I realized my blog is a year old on June 8th. Actually my first reviews went up in 2012 but June is when I started blogging regularly. So we'll go with that. Not sure how I'll celebrate it, but I'll think of something.   

Happy Memorial day weekend!




Perry's Killer Playlist (Perry & Gobi, #2) Legacy of the Clockwork Key (The Secret Order, #1)


  1. My blog is turning a year old soon, too (June 4). I don't have anything planned yet. I might think of something.

    No Game of Thrones this week. :(

    I love the Pure Michigan ads on TV. There are a couple of other states (Missouri and I think Wyoming) that have really stepped up their tourism ads in the past year or so. I credit Pure Michigan for setting the bar so high.

    1. Hey congrats! I'm not sure what I'm going to do but I'll try and think of something... :)

      I do think Pure Michigan has done a good job with their tourism ads. I live here and I sometimes think "I want to go there"! LOL.

  2. The Dragon Egg drink of the week sounds interesting, not sure if I'd drink it but I'm sure thousands would. LOL
    Hope you manage to get in some quality reading time. Have a great week.
    Sharon - My Sunday Post

    1. I'm not sure if I'd drink it either LOL. Definetly sounds interesting. And hopefully I can get some reading time in over the long weekend... :)

  3. I must remember to be back in June to wish you a happy blogoversary. :)) Also I'll be reading Shattered soon and I really hope you're enjoying it. I need to have a great ending. Great post, Greg :)

    1. Yes please come back! :) Shattered is next up for me and I too am hoping for a good ending. I've peeked at a few reviews (no spoilers) just to get a sense and it seems positive, so that's good!

  4. I am so bad with blogoversaries - I have the counter on my blog and I always keep an eye on it, but then for some reason I completely go past the date and then realize like a week later that the blogoversary already. I even had it marked on my calendar this year, but I never noticed it from the mess of uni notes. Oh well... I hope you have a good blogoversary though :)

    1. Thank you, I almost missed it too. Technically it should have been March I guess, since that's when I really started, but then June was when I posted regularly, so.. that will work. :)

  5. Congrats on your BLOG BIRTHDAY!!!

    I missed this weeks Game of Thrones but it has been getting so good! I am also looking forward to getting all my reading done in the summer by the water.

    Have a great week Greg and Happy Reading!!

    1. Thank you! I'm going to read as much as I can by the water this year... we'll see how that goes!

  6. Looks like you have a stellar week lined up, Greg. Happy early blog-oversary!

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

    1. Thank you Terri! Hope you have a great holiday weekend.

  7. Happy Memorial Day! Hope you can find some extra reading time over the long weekend!

    My Sunday/Monday post:

    1. Me too, I doubt it but I'll try! Hope you have a great a holiday weekend too!

  8. Happy upcoming blogoversary! Those years just fly by, don't they?

    And sometimes we do have to read quicker reads to mix with the hefty ones. Enjoy your week...and here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

    1. Thank you! And yes, this first year has flown! Seems like I just started...

  9. One year already? Time flies and congrats! I hope you enjoy the long weekend. Have a great week Greg and hopefully you get some reading in there.

    1. One of these weeks I have to gt some reading and reviewing done, right? LOL. Thank you Kimba and hope your holiday weekend is going well.

  10. Congrats a bit early on your one year blogoversary! Mine, I just realized, is May 29th. Time flies when you're having fun, my mother always said. Have a good week and hope you find more time to read. I am struggling with that problem now too.

    1. Thank you Rita, and congrats on the 29th! Good for you. For me it's mostly work and life stuff, I'm not even in a slum p just not getting anything read. :) It has to get better...

  11. Happy Memorial Day, Greg! I hope you're having a good weekend and some reading, too! I see you have Perry's Killer Playlist. I just finished Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick. It was lots of fun. I'll be interested in how you like the second book.

  12. I hope you enjoy the long weekend too. Reviewing comics is interesting. I had a client/friend who had a Comic Bookstore and I was always surprised at how many there were and the neat collections. Happy Reading!

    1. Enjoy your weekend also! I do like reviewing comics, it's a nice break and I'm a comic fan from way back. I don't always find much i like these days, but occasionally I do. :) Comic stores can be fun!

  13. I read Slated a few weeks ago and likes it, now I'm curious about the others. Happy reading and enjoy your new books!

    1. I liked Slated a lot! The sequel Fractured was good, went in some different directions but I liked it as well. Hope you like them if you get to them...

  14. Bring on Summer and more reading for you, in the meantime Happy Memorial Day ;)

    1. Yes summer is finally here, 80's today and yesterday and beautiful weather. Hope you are enjoying your weekend as well!

  15. Congrats on your blog being almost 1 year old, it's such an awesome milestone to reach. Sorry to hear you had a busy week, I hope this week will be a bit calmer for you.

    1. Thank you, I hope so too actually! The year has gone by very fast...

  16. So much fun looking at the Best US Island contest... our village just came in a close second in their "coolest small town" voting. Congratulations on your upcoming blogging anniversary!

    1. There's some pretty good islands on that list.. several I'd like to hang out for awhile! I'll have to check out the small town contest, sounds like fun. You guys must be in a pretty neat area...

  17. Congratulations on your upcoming blog anniversary. Those Winter Soldier books look interesting. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks Kathy, they are nice light reading for a little interlude! Have a great wek too!

  18. Almost a year old, fantastic! I hope you get some quality reading time and your life clams down soon.

    1. Me too, it's been crazy lately. Hopefully things will calm down this summer...lazy days and all that. :)

  19. I have become a massive Marvel fan and just bought some Spider Woman comics, so I'm definitely going to drop by you Winter Kills review. Following for the rest ;) I'm loving the covers of all of your reads! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you enjoy all of them!
    My Monday posts
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Ooh, hope you like them. I read some Spider Woman's once, they were pretty good. She's seen a bit of a resurgence lately at Marvel, so that's nice. The Winter Soldier's are pretty good, at least the ones I've read, and I really liked the movie so thought I would delve into them a bit more.

  20. Have a great week of reading and if I forget, Happy Bloggersary!

    1. Thanks Sharon, much appreciated! I'm going to squeeze in some reading this week if I can help it.

  21. ENJOY your reading week, and CONGRATS on your Blogeversary!!

    I love blogging.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

    1. I've been enjoying it too, if you love books and sharing with other readers it's hard not to have fun doing this. :) Thanks so much for visiting!

  22. Hope you are enjoying the lovely weather! Happy Blogoversary!

  23. I've never remembered to celebrate any of my blogging anniversaries. But congrats on your upcoming one!

    Happy Reading!

    1. I could have easily missed it if I hadn't been looking at old posts. :) Thanks and hope you're having a great weekend!

  24. Yeah, May has just been crazy! I'm looking forward to lazy summer days too. Your current read Shattered looks good. Compelling book cover too. Enjoy!

    1. I'm looking forward to a nice long, lazy summer but I know it'll fly by, so if I can get some reading in and spend lots of time by the water I'll be happy. :) Shattered should be pretty good judging from the buzz I've seen...

  25. Wow...congrats on blogging for a year (almost)! It really flies by doesn't it? I forgot about mine last year! lol

    1. Thanks Melissa. It has flown by, can't believe it's been a year. I almost forgot too, to be honest... :)

  26. How exciting to almost be at a year! Time flies when you are having fun...or reading. :)

    1. It kinda snuck up on me , and it has gone by fast. Have a great week!

  27. Happy Blogoversary! November might sneak up on me... but then again, I live under a rock often. Have a great week! :)

    1. Thanks Sophia! It totally snuck up on me...

  28. I'm too lazy to do stuff on my blogoversary. LOL I may or may not drum something up though for my 3 yr in Oct. We'll see. :) Have a wonderful week!

  29. Congrats on the blogoversary :) Mine's coming up in July and I have no idea what I'm going to do.

    I was thinking of you because I finally broke down and started watching Game of Thrones - I'm that one crazy person that was resisting (I really didn't like the wolf being killed). For some reason I think of GoT and I think of you LOL! I am enjoying it now - even though the horse loosing it's head was so not cool! Hope you're having a great week and getting a little more reading time :)

    1. Hey Berls- I guess I deserve to be to GoT since I'm always talking about it- LOL! I hope you like it- although I have to say I'm not the biggest fan of the show. Love the books, but the show- they make decisions sometimes I don't like. Yeah it's a violent books but they seem to go overboard on the show sometimes, for shock value. I didn't like it when the wolf was killed, either.

  30. Happy Blog Birthday!! Mine is coming up in June and I have a week of author features and giveaways, it's a ton of work so I'm hoping it works out!

    I hope you managed to get some more reading in this week!

    1. You have it together more than I do, I have nothing planned at this point. I should do a giveaway or something, I haven't done one of those in ages...

  31. Congrats on the upcoming blogiversary. Getting that first year under your belt feels really good.

    1. Thank Vilia! It does feel good and it went by quick... and I have so many more books to read now thanks to fellow bloggers. :)
