
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sunday Post #34/ It's Monday. What Are You Reading?

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

This week has been better, I actually got some reading time in. It's March 1st, can springtime be far behind?  

did manage to get some time in on Lord of the Rings Online, which I haven't played in months. Nice to get back, although some of the quests in Rohan leave a bit to be desired. 


  1. I got the chills watching the godzilla trailer. Just hope the trailer isn't all the good parts of the movie and the rest of it stinks :)

    ENJOY!!! Harry Potter, She is a fantastic writer and I loved it.

    I want to read Moth and Spark looking forward to your review

    The weather is so cold here in NJ also. It's suppose to snow today, I have my fingers crossed it's the last snow of the year.

    Have a great week!
    Happy Reading


  2. Definitely neat to see Jim Butcher at GenCon. My son and I have talked about going together to a ComicCon or book convention this year. I'd kind of like to go to the Book Expo (BEA) in NYC at the end of May. They have a whole day about book blogging.

    I'm glad you got some time for reading this week. And I certainly hope spring comes one of these days. My sister-in-law in Maine says they don't get spring. Instead they go directly from winter to mud season! Have a good reading week!

  3. I'm envious. I often wish I could go back and experience the Harry Potter series for the first time again. I hope it's magic for you (bad joke, I know. I couldn't resist).

    Stopped by from The Sunday Post. New Bloglovin' and Twitter follower.

    Jessica @ Tales Between the Pages

    1. Thanks Jessica for following! I've heard people say that, that they wish they could experience them again for the first time, so they've obviously had a huge impact on people. That's awesome and I'm looking forward to the "magic" ha ha. :)

  4. Yay Harry Potter! I hope you enjoy the series! The Godzilla trailer looks pretty good, can't wait for it. Hope you have an awesome week!

    Cyn @ Bookmunchies

    1. You too! I'm looking forward to HP and savoring them all for the first time. I think Godzilla looks good too, in spite of a little skepticism. Hope it rocks!

  5. My Son is a huge Godzilla fan, but this new one looks a little over done to me. Which means he'll love it lol. I liked Harry Potter but never finished the series, enjoy!

    1. Thanks, I'm not sure what to think of it either. They may be trying a little too hard... we'll see!

  6. I thought Moth and Spark was amazing. I hope you enjoy it when you get to it. Come see my Monday Report. Have a great week!

    1. That's good to know, I think it looks great. It was a bit of an impulse buy but I saw good reviews on blogs so figured I was OK. :)

  7. YOU'RE READING HARRY POTTER FOR THE FIRST TIME? *gasp* (Not that my reaction wasn't clear from the caps locks). I REALLY hope you like it :D It's a great series and seriously, it's time you jump on the bandwagon :P

    1. I know, whats the deal? I'm hoping to like it too, and I think I will. It's kinda cool to come into it after all these years, I'm going to try to more or less read them all through so I get the whole experience at once. Should be fun!

  8. I can't get over this weather!! Negative temps this morning on my way to work, snow everywhere...I can't handle anymore winter!

    Seven Wild Sisters looks cute!

    1. It was terrible this morning. So much cold... I'm really over it!

      Seven Wild Sisters looks really whimsical and fun, it sort of continues the story from The Cats of Tanglewood Forest, if you ever saw that. Neat artwork and I think the story will be cool.

  9. Ah, I'm so excited that you're reading Harry Potter for the first time!! I really hope you like it! I haven't played Lord of the Rings Online in a year or so either and I really miss it. I've been on Marvel Heroes and the beta for Elder Scrolls Online mostly. I love Emma Frost cosplays, because it takes a while lot of courage to put on some so...nonexistent, lol!

    1. I'm going to have fun with it I think! Part of me wishes I would have read it younger and did the release parties and all that, but whatever...I've heard so much I'm looking forward to discovering it all for the first time!

      I kinda missed LOTRO too, it's been ages since I played so I jumped back in. Marvel Heroes sounds fun! And the Emma Frost stuff... yeah what you said. Seems like it would be kinda breezy! LOL.

  10. I had this great, long winded comment for you and then my internet explorer decided to eat it - so I'll try again, only shorter this time. Hope you enjoy Harry Potter - I did and my boys did! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  11. I hope you enjoy Harry Potter. I'm afraid if I picked it up now it wouldn't live up to the hype. Have you seen the movies?
