Friday, April 26, 2024



So this week I discovered Raining Sound. I love the ambience of rain but this may be a favorite.  

In other news I have MSU graduation this weekend.     

And... Movies That Suck for the week is... Urban Cowboy      

This week's discussion post is Favorite Imaginative artists    

Here is this week's lyric. 
 Opened my eyes to a new kinda way
All the good times that you saved  
Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

I've been thinking about you for so long
And I dont wanna lose you

   Song of the week




  1. It is always the art house feel when I visit your blog

  2. I agree, the ambience of rain is so relaxing 💖

  3. I love the smell of the soil after it rains. :))

  4. Awesome about the graduation..waiting here to see if a tornado rolls in about 5. It has been an afternoon of tornados around here. Just when I thought..oh, we are in the clear..we are not.

    Yes, I love RAIN SOUNDS too! I hope you have a great weekend.
    Carefully Listening
    The Book Group
    Cherry Blossoms

    1. I have been having trouble this morning trying to publish a comment on a few blogs. There were 63 sightings of Tornadoes in our area yesterday evening. The kids were on lock down and didn't get to leave the school until almost six. Hopefully, today won't be as bad, but we do have some thunderstorms in the forecast..which we need the rain. Hope all is going well there.

    2. I hope all is well. Hopefully, no tornadoes your way. We have been having a good bit of rain which we so needed.

    3. Good to hear from you. Hope you have a great weekend and a fantastic May. All the best to your writing. A beautiful day here..and I got that root canal done. Went to Bomb Taco. Very fresh ingredients..and very expensive too. Margaritas are their forte but I just had a couple at home, instead. Didn't even want to know how expensive they might be. Of course, I had to have enchiladas..hope to go back for some crunchy street tacos one day..but it's close to go to Taco John's.

    4. Things are greening up and of course, I feel I have to go back to the dentist for another crown..always something. Our old house has gone cold, which makes good sleeping weather. Odd how May has started. It has been kind of funny how some of my stories aren't translating well and some are odd comments. I hope I'm not that confusing. And I did post a little more on Cherry Blossoms. All the best to a wonderful May!

    5. It's storming again. Kind of a moody night at the library. Hope you are having a good May and all is in good health.

    6. When are you going to post again? Have we lost you. Hope all things are good. And actually, KC hasn't met Millie yet.

    7. Oh, course, I wonder if you have found a new crowd, perhaps..and the writing is taking off! For me..hmmm..OOh, I've been raked over the coals already with Cherry Blossoms..from my writer's group which I don't attend like I should..but then again, I stayed home during tornado warnings too.
      Hope everyone is staying well. Thanks for your comments..maybe some day I'll hear from you on Ellie too. Of course, I forge on to see what summer brings. And then there is my computer, but it seems recently Blogspot has been a slippery slope at times. Happy Mother's Day Weekend. I hope it goes good.

    8. Good to hear from you. Thanks for reading. Hope your weekend was a good one with the you and the women in your life. At least a car wasn't stolen this year. We made our way to our favorite Mexican place. I was not pleased with my Margarita..especially, in a plastic cup. I don't like their new Taco Salad all that much, either. But we still had fun. I finally (unexpectedly) got the Barbie Mermaid I had been wanting for so long. Amazon lost my first one months ago so when I saw it on Amazon I ordered it and they said it wouldn't be here til Thursday so it was a happy surprise that I got yesterday. It is a certain face mold they don't make many of. Back to Ellie and the rest, yes, I am certain I just enterain myself with their May stories which of course, means graduating into summer...thus new beginnings and endings. All the best to your creativity. Honestly, I don't want to get too bogged down with the Writer Group. I tend not to make it to the meetings.

  5. It rained here this morning. I had the door and windows open so I could hear it.

  6. I love the sound of the rain, too. That's my white noise machine setting for when I go to bed. Is your child graduating? If so, congratulations!

  7. Lindos videos. Te deseo un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

  8. Rain sounds are soothing and even better when it's real rain falling outside.

    That short rain video sounds a bit too rough and too loud, not quite soothing.

    Have a lovely day.

  9. "In other news I have MSU graduation this weekend."
    One of your daughters? or...YOU? 😁

  10. I love the ambience of rain, too! Enjoy the graduation. :D

  11. sound of rain and nature so wonderful.....
    thank you for sharing interesting videos....

  12. I know the sound of rain can be relaxing, but to me, it's just another ordinary day. :D We only have wet and dry seasons here where I live, so when it rains, it RAINS lol and I can easily get sick of it. Happy it's great discovery for you though! :)

  13. I didn't know Charlie Chan was a book series! Now I feel like I want to look that
    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  14. Ok, so I'm going to admit I liked Urban Cowboy. I was a teen when it came out. Watched it a lot. lol.


    2. Sorry I was trying to post my link to SP:

  15. I absolutely love the rain sound, I may have to put it on play permanently, lol. Have a good week, Greg!

  16. The sound of the rain is always soothing Greg!

  17. I really like asmr for when i am reading as my house tends to be on the quiet side but the underlying sounds like the fish tanks, the wind blowing, the freezer dropping ice can get distracting. So i go on youtube and find some asmr tracks to play. I like rain, crackling campire, ambiance of a coffee shop. Have a great week.

  18. I always turn on these types of videos/sounds when I'm at home and not watching TV because if I don't, the dogs bark at every noise they hear! Super annoying.

  19. I love the sound of rain and the darkness it brings for a lazy morning. I remember Urban Cowboy.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  20. Love the rain sound. I have that on my tinnitus app. Hope you enjoy graduation.

  21. I love ambient rain music too. This is a nice one. Have a great week!

  22. I love rain ambience too! Thanks for the recommendation. I hope you have a great week.

  23. I'll probably be waxing more lyrical about the sound of falling rain after the summer - but having had a particularly soggy winter, I'm just thoroughly sick of the sound!! Have a lovely time at the graduation - and thank you for the pulp cover. The red-head is clutching her chest more because her waist is cinched soo tightly, she's struggling to breathe! Have a great week, Greg:).

  24. I saw a video this week where they said most of the rain sounds you hear online are actually chicken frying in a pan. lol

  25. I have been using ambient noise like crazy when reading. I think rain sounds are my favorite. Hope you had fun at graduation and are having a wonderful week!

  26. Hope the graduation goes well! Have a great week.


  27. I love the sound of rain too. I often turn on such sounds on

  28. I loooove the sound of rain. used to leave my window open in FL so it could lull me to sleep. Out here (WA) it mostly rains in the winter so it's too cold to do that.

    Have a great week Greg!

  29. I have that copy of A House without a Key.

  30. Pasaba a desearte un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

  31. Have you ever though that rain sounds like sizzling bacon?
