
Friday, December 8, 2023

Sunday Post #534


This has been a tumultuous week. Some family drama (nothing too serious), and this weekend I already have a holiday party to go to. Does anyone else think the holidays are just too much? I need more holiday music and quiet time and less running around. But I also love this time of year.      

What is your favorite thing about the holiday season?         

This week's discussion post is Does Your Personality Shine Through On Your Blog     

Here is this week's lyric. 
I've been driving all night my hands wet on the wheel 
There's a voice in my head that drives my heel

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

Somewhere in a lonely hotel room there's a guy starting to realize 
That his eternal fate has turn its back on him, it's 2 am

   Song of the week



  1. This is early for a holiday party. I am usually ok with festivities as long as there is only one event per week. I need one day of the weekend to decompress. Sorry about the drama. Hope all is well.

  2. Hope family drama turns out fine in the end. Silly season affects everyone

  3. You aren't kidding about this time of year being too busy. We actually have nothing scheduled tomorrow and I plan on doing nothing but sleeping and writing blog posts :-D

  4. Oh, it just isn't the holidays without a little drama. I hope the party goes well. And you stay well too. I used to love to see the helps to have snow too..but it's gone at the moment. It's kind of a Catch 22 at times. It's great to see old friends. It's nice to get together with co-workers..but it just gets more feels these days. Also MacDonalds let me down..the shake machine is broke and they didn't even offer any holiday shakes. I guess I should have gone to Wendy's. Also everything seems to be KIOS these days too. I did catch that our nearby MacDonalds isn't within the firecode.... hmmmm...funny how I walk in on things like this. Hope you have a festive weekend..I'll be at the library.

    1. Thanks..we have had one fellow who is being kind of odd. But he hasn't done anything. From my understanding he is homeless. But being a burb that we are, we don't really have the shelter that we need. Hopefully, somebody can help him. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Love the vintage covers! I just checked out some cheap caramels..glad I tried them (I couldn't even eat it)..they were only fit for the squirrels. Yes, he was one happy boy!

    2. OH ABOUT WADE. He is Caitlin's archnemesis. Of course, she did have a crush on him in the beginning, but he didn't reciprocate. He was also a friend of Melvin's. So she believes Wade is a really bad guy since she thinks he is the father of the baby of one of her close friends and maybe he had something to do with Melvin's death. But Pan finds out that he's actually a cop. And then there is the connection between Elvis and Wade. Possibly, you might not have picked up on something about Wade in that last post. More to come, as well.

    3. Thanks for your comment! Hope you guys had a good party. Really, it was a calm Saturday at the library..early on we had so much wind and blowing snow, but none sticked around..I'm afraid.

  5. This holiday season is actually relatively quiet for me because I've moved out. So I'm not going to be readily present for the plethora of gatherings that I usually go to!

  6. I totally think the holidays are too much! My favorite Christmases were the ones where my family went away to a warm beach and avoided all the craziness back home.

  7. Espero que todo este bien. Te deseo un buen fin de semana. Me gusta la música navideña. Te mando un beso.

  8. December is always busy to us, since it's school holidays here and plus the festive period. But I do like the festive atmosphere and listening to those Christmas songs always make me happy. :)

  9. I love this time of year (November and especially december months) too. Generally we get heavy snow in these times. But this december is really different. We have got snow last week but not enough. We really need snowy time here. Greetings. Have a wonderful weekend.

  10. I think it probably depends on whether you like the junk you have to go to- if this party were like full of very fun people and food and such, then maybe it would be better? So yeah, it is way too long if you are not wanting to do the stuff. No question. It doesn't feel like Christmas here because we are supposed to get flooding tomorrow, with temperatures in the 60s. Like isn't this Pennsylvania? I have no idea.

  11. This time of year can be overwhelming. My favorite thing about it is staying home and watching Christmas movies. I also enjoy reading and listening to Christmas cozies in books. I'm all for a slower, quieter pace. Funny, I mentioned this in my comment on of the movies I watched last week. :)

  12. I hope you have a quieter week. There's nothing like the Christmas season to bring out a bit of stress.

  13. The holiday period is honestly a lot and it's like everyone knows this but we don't wanna acknowledge it xD everyone is running around getting gifts, going to parties, baking, cooking, planning, wrapping, and trying to have fun all at the same time, while still working and everything else. I'm very pleased to have planned a very chill Christmas, but I'm still running around like mad baking. Also loved the cat cafe mix! I hope you have a lovely week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  14. I'm also waiting for the holidays to stop and rest. This pre-Christmas rush is crazy.

  15. Sorry about the drama! I don't have many friends or family members, so the holidays are manageable for me. I don't know how people with big families can stand it all. The constant parties would make me crazy.

  16. We also had a tumultuous week! I am glad that things seem to be better for you now.

  17. I'm pretty sure I know the song lyric, I'm tempted to google it, lol. I'm with you, I don't enjoy the lead up to Christmas, it's so hectic. I hope this week is better for you!

  18. I am a bit of a grinch so best part of the holidays is when it's over.

  19. I hope the family drama will quiet down! And my favorite thing about the holiday is reading the whole day LOL

  20. I'm mixed on the holidays - the hustle and bustle can be nice, but also overwhelming, and the gift situation is just out of control.

  21. I never did like the holidays except getting a day off from work. I don't always know what people are supposed to be celebrating.

    Have a lovely day.

  22. Ive been listening to Christmas all week. Its been awesome!

  23. My first holiday party is this coming Friday. My favorite part is getting to see family I don't really see the rest of the year, and of course as a school librarian, time off from work! Hope you have a good week and the drama is done for you.
    Lisa Loves Literature

  24. Thanks for sharing all the goodies. My favorite thing about the holidays is all the lights and food.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  25. This time of year can get to be too much, especially since I have fiscal year end on top of everything else. I love the decorations. In fact, I need to go finish up mine for the year.

  26. It is a great family time of the year and lots of fun, but yes I am with you quiet time is to be valued!

  27. I've got two holiday parties this week. It does seem like December is always so crazy. Every year I think it will be different, but real estate doesn't follow my train of thought. I love having everyone here, though. That Golden Earring song is a great one. Hope you have a nice week, Greg.

  28. I am enjoying a quiet season, with outings that focus on family and friends. Enjoy yours!

  29. I'm really enjoying the lofi mixes. I'm definitely adding them to my playlist!

  30. Agree, the holidays can just be too much. It's a crazy time of year for sure.

  31. Good luck with the family drama stuff! I love giving people presents, and honestly I love getting them too when people know me and have chosen just the right things... but it for sure is a lot.

  32. I vote for a boring week instead of tumultuous! And just no to family drama! The holidays are too much for me. This is early for a Christmas party, IMO, but hopefully it's a fun one for you. Hope you get some rest and are able to enjoy some down time! Have a great week, Greg!

  33. I agree with you completely---more quiet time and less running around!

  34. "more holiday music and quiet time and less running around" - yes, that would indeed be the perfect holiday period!

  35. This weekend I had two parties to go to, so I feel ya! Luckily this time only comes once a year though, and despite being so busy, I cherish the memories.

  36. I love the Christmas lofi! Festive and calming all at once. Good luck with the family drama. We have our share and it always shows up around this time of year! I hope you're having a wonderful week.

  37. The holidays would be too much if we participated in more of it. But we are pretty relaxed and enjoy the parts we do.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  38. Last year was my first Christmas alone and, other than my stress over not being able to get out, due to the snow, to visit my poor mom in the rehab facility, it was soooooooooo perfect for the introvert that I am. I just hung out in my jammies eating Christmas goodies, reading, etc. COULDN'T go anywhere or do anything, no family drama, no timeline...absolute bliss. I'm looking forward to spending my second Christmas alone, with my cat, VERY much. If I was an extrovert that would probably be depressing. lol

    I hope the rest of your holiday plans go smoothly and are more fun / enjoyable and less stressful.
