
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Top Ten Tues 308

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. 

Here is part two of my post sharing favorite covers.   


  1. I like the old covers for these series. It's wholesome and fun and nostalgic :-D

  2. I think I have read "the house on the Cliff."....
    interesting to read others...

  3. These covers are true art collections!

  4. I love all of these, but Mystery at the Ski Jump has me curious and I love the cover.

  5. It's great to see these know, sometimes, I would like to know what these guys are up to now. I guess they would be really old too. It is good that I have seen a Nancy Drew graphic novels..yet the first generation of these books were the crux of what made many want to read mysteries. And boy are they stacking up on mysteries at the library (Patrons that is) It's like they know..Winter is Coming! Although, a very windy 70 today.

    I hope you find some relief for what ever you have. I am hoping our Children's librarian stays well. She has surgery soon, but won't be off until tomorrow. We have had a few patrons come in to ask for tests. I guess I should get a box myself. There are six (I almost said sex) test in the box. The ones I had left over from before I made Barbie furniture out those boxes.

  6. So fun! I love the Jungle Pyramid cover; and The Hidden Staircase was a favorite of mine growing up. :D

  7. The Nancy Drew book covers were some of my faves growing up! I only ever read a small handful but I remember liking them at least! Lol.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Loved Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys! I think my favorite on your list is The House on the Cliff. Great list, Greg!

  9. These make me think of when I was kid, checking out Nancy Drew books from the school library

  10. I had a few of those old Nancy Drews from book sales (like Sam said, at the library!) because I wanted to be like Claudia Kishi from the Babysitters Club. Not sure what it says about me that I used fictional characters to be more like a fictional character, but here we are. These are fun, thanks for sharinG!

  11. Me gustan los libros de los Hardy boys. Te mando un beso.

  12. Nancy Drew ones are so good. I really should not start collecting them, even though I want to!

  13. Oooh, I really like the Fire Dragon one and THE HIDDEN STAIRCASE cover is just so classic and iconic. Very nostalgic for me.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  14. A very beautiful collection of photographs, made the images in the old style, very effective and wonderful in the own moment.

  15. All of these covers look great! I especially love The Mystery of the Fire Dragon.

  16. I really like The Hidden Staircase. Excellent-ly spooky.

  17. Great Memory Lane of book covers. ❤️

  18. Love the cover of The Mystery of the Fire Dragon!

  19. The Mystery of the Fire Dragon has always been one of my favorite covers. I don't really remember the story but I remember that cover!
