
Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Top Ten Tues 307

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This week I'm going rogue with a post I meant to put up in October. Alas, that didn't happen so this week is the first part of a post sharing favorite covers.   


  1. These are great covers! I feel like I've read most (or all) of these books, but that was when I was young and not tracking books read. I always loved how atmospheric the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys covers were, though!

    My TTT for this week

  2. These are some great covers! I really love the one for The Mystery of the 99 Steps, the eye is really drawn up from bottom to top there :)

  3. Oh, Nancy and the Hardy Boys! Some great covers. The children's Liberian wanted to throw ours out, but the director wouldn't let her. Thankfully. 🖤💜🍁💜🖤🍁Hope your November is off to a good start. Its such a busy month. We have lots of birthdays this month. Of course, we have off a few days as well during the month which means make up times..and I'm still recovering from the trip..meanwhile..I am trying to balance between stories with Liv and Rox's ordeal... I am glad to finish Engstrom's book. I have another on Kindle too. One of her books was made into a movie in 2016 Candiland with Gary Busy. But her most horror of all books is When Darkness Loves Us. I read the beginning..but I dunno it might be too much horror for me.

    Ivy's Closet

    1. Hope you're taking care of yourself. Yes, you just don't know what's out there. So many of my co-workers went to one in Iowa a couple of weeks back. Nothing was going to stop them. One co-worker couldn't help but spend money and she waited all weekend long for a jacket to come down in price. It never did, but she bought it anyway.

    2. Just found out a co-worker has COVID. We also don't have water at the no shower this morning. Ugh..what a way to start Wednesday. Hope you are feeling better.

  4. You got to admit, there are some wicked amazing covers for young readers back in the day! I read a few Nancy Drew books myself growing up and was always mesmerized with some of their creepiness!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I love all of these classic covers...especially the last two Nancy Drew ones! Fun TTT post. :D

  6. These are so fun! Brings back memories. Who doesn't like some Nancy Drew?!

  7. These covers do make a great art on their own

  8. Nancy Drew!! Blast from the past! Great post. :)

  9. I loved The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew novels. Such fun covers.

  10. Love this style of cover, especially the 99 Steps one!

  11. These are such great vintage covers. They make me want to go back and re-read the Nancy Drew series! I adored it as a kid, but I don't really remember any of the stories now.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  12. These are all really fun. Nancy Drew had some of the best covers back in the day.

  13. I absolutely love those old Nancy Drew covers!

  14. I love the covers of the old Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew books.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  15. Love the old Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys covers! I always think they would make great artwork to hang.

  16. Love love love all these covers! I've been a longtime fan of Nancy Drew covers but I must admit that the Hardy Boys might have a slight edge. They're definitely more dramatic.

  17. I love all these covers. We had a lot of Hardy Boy books in our house, and Bobbsey Twins, but no Nancy Drew... so I've only read a couple of those. I should read The Witch Tree Symbol for Witch Wednesday. 📘
