
Friday, November 24, 2023

Sunday Post #532

So this week was Thanksgiving. Hope everyone had a good feast who celebrates. We had a full crew and watched Catching Fire. I'm back on track now with Bookcover Spot light back on my weekly rotation. Song of the Week has returned on Monday.    

I'm continuing On the Run. I wrote it in 2017 but have returned- episode 9 is next week- but the first 15 or so chapters are under the Writing tab. Along with a Christmas story and various other things. I'm writing new chapters of On the Run, so it will be ongoing.       

This week's discussion post is Do You Review Right Away    

Here is this week's lyric. 
Move yourself 
You always live your life

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

   Song of the week



  1. First off - I recognised your song of the week this time! Yay me! (It was huge here in Italy at the time, and I have it on a compilation, so there's that 😂).

    Glad you recovered in time to have a nice Thanksgiving!

    I must look at the Writing tab more often 😉.

  2. We went with Chinese food for Thanksgiving this year just for fun. :D

  3. I review when I feel like it. I mean, I do review every book I read, but that can vary from the day after I finish it to 4 weeks later. When I'm scheduling things out weeks in advance it tends to be longer. Right now, as I'm trying to tighten up my schedule, it tends to be no more than a week after I've read the book. Have to admit, I like the longer time frame. Once January hits, I'm going to be swinging back up to that 4 week time frame. Way less pressure once it's in place...

  4. Glad a good Thanksgiving was had by all. I don't remember the last time I saw Catching Fire. Were you getting ready to see the prequel?

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. The book cover is my favorite.

  6. So wonderful to hear of all your writing projects going on! & I'm glad you survived Thanksgiving. many leftovers here..but it's good to have them with the winter weather that's coming.
    Wow! to this installer playlist! & vintage bookcovers too! I finally got around to posting about Thanksgiving, etc. ❤️❤️🦃🦃🖤🖤Thanks so much for your comments..oh the tables maybe turned now for Phil and Lexi. The Latter Days Saints did make their mark here in Nebraska ..also I had found out recently that someone in the family was married by a pastor of that church. And talk about hard casting..finding someone to be Phil's dad...I always have enjoyed this actor's villains. Although, he's not one in this story. Oh, and trying to get to everybody in a story can be so hard..hopefully, not confusing... Thanks for your comments. Hope you have a great weekend.

    Ivy's Closet

    1. Before I forget...a friend went to see the Hunger Games prequel and really loved it. Are you going to see it?

    2. Hope you had a good Saturday. Snowing a little here. More of a nuisance snow, but some big flakes came and went too. Left the rest of the dump cakes in the breakroom. I think they were waiting for them..maybe...Thanks for your comments. Oh, we did have a good time with those Barbie stories. They got in a wreck...with the Barbie vehicles. It was almost tragic. Later I was told I needed to build a room so the little ones could go to school. I did get to stay home today and got a little writing done. I am sure I have done more than I should have. Hope you guys are relaxing this weekend. Thanks for the comments!

    3. It's a chilly morning. We even had the snow plows out. It might thaw a little today, but drops back to 19 tonight, but much milder tomorrow. Hope everyone got home safely.

  7. We had a nice Thanksgiving, I'm glad you did too.

  8. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Greg!

  9. I don't always review right away, but I do jot notes as I read so I don't forget whatever was important to me in the moment. Have an amazing week!! XO

  10. Sigue escribiendo . Adoro tu novela. Ten un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

  11. Gah, I want to go to Vietnam now too- all of these videos incite a terrible wanderlust. Also, now I want to rewatch all the THG movies (though the first is my least favorite so I have trouble working up to watch it). Or reread the books but honestly Idk if I have the time. I haven't done a reread in ages. I also have to really get back to reading On the Run, because apparently, leaving it open in a tab isn't somehow magically injecting it into my brain as well as I'd hoped, who knew?

  12. Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Greg!

  13. I just made my way back through the Hunger Games movies, too :)

  14. So glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  15. Yes, I usually review right away, but my reviews are for ME so I don't put a lot of thought or effort into them. Basically just whatever pops into my head or jumps out of my notes.

    I was sad when I finished off the Thanksgiving leftovers yesterday.

  16. Glad you had such a good Thanksgiving, Greg. And I love that cover - I've enjoyed Poul Anderson's writing over the years... Have a great week and all the best with your writing:)).

  17. The cover you shared at first I thought he was wearing a boy scout shirt, lol. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. I try to keep up on my reviews, but then I also have the short reviews I do and those are just quick basic reviews about what I liked or didn't like. I love that you're getting inspired and writing again! Every time I think about how I want to get back to my writing or have an idea about something, I just don't feel like actually sitting down and taking the time to write. Oh well! Hope you have a good week coming up!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  18. I am glad you had a good Thanksgiving! And I should watch Catching Fire too!

  19. Happy to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving! It is a lot of work! I didn't get hit with a lot of left overs because we had it at my sister's house and we left everything over there. Except for pies. I have one more. I made too many. Have a wonderful week, Greg!

  20. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving, we did too! Have a wonderful week.

  21. Glad you had a good thanksgiving! I haven't watched Catching Fire in awhile! Might be time for a rewatch.

  22. Nice to hear you had a good group for Thanksgiving. It was just me and my daughter here. We have had a relaxing weekend. It felt good for me to catchup on things.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  23. I'm glad you had the family together for the holiday. I know the song!

  24. Glad to hear you had a great Thanksgiving! Mine wasn't bad. Hope your staying warm!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  25. Cool pulp cover.
    Have a great week.

  26. I’m glad you had a great Thanksgiving Greg. Have a great week ahead.

  27. Sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving, Greg. Love the music and book cover this week. Keep up the great writing.

  28. I’m glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

  29. Planet of No Return has a great cover! Have a good week!

  30. I've read a lot of Poul Anderson but this one doesn't ring a bell. I usually review within a day or two but not immediately after finishing a book. I want to think about it a little before writing. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  31. Sounds like you are back in the swing of things, all the best for all the endeavours.

  32. I don't celebrate thanksgiving but at least I got a day off from work.

    I can never guess any of the songs but always interesting lyrics.

    Have a lovely day.

  33. Catching Fire is my favourite of The Hunger Games movies for sure!

  34. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I have seen The Hunger Games but never read the books.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  35. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are just finishing up with all the leftovers. I love the Vietnam tour. It's so beautiful. I hope you're having a wonderful week!
