
Friday, November 17, 2023

Sunday Post #531

So this week was mostly about being sick. I'm finally feeling better! Thanksgiving is this week and I'm ready for food. Also Bookcover Spotlight returned this week. I haven't posted one of those since summer!   

This week's discussion post is     

Here is this week's lyric. 

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

Talking about stealing the show no one would know              

   Song of the week



  1. Glad you're feeling better! I hope you have a good weekend. :D

  2. I didn't see what the discussion topic was. It was just blank for me. Do I need to click/highlight something?

  3. Oh, I hope you will be ready for turkey and stuffing and all the fixings! I think I am going for pumpkin dumpcake this year. Of course, I am sure I will have to make a pumpkin pie one way or another, but everyone else in the family seems hooked on it. Yes, I am feeling better. I went to bed early and woke up ready for work at 11:30. I looked at the time and promptly went back to sleep.

    You are right about the David Lee Roth lyrics..I guess I was thinking of Cedric because he could Dory..well, as I listen to many and their online relationships I had to put Dory in that category. Of course, those that know him best in his circle seem to think of him as quite arse. Then I had made that collage for some "men's' wear contest" and felt..oh, I should use that for something else. Although, Justin is a good bit like a couple of people I have met in the library. One very old and the authority on everything, but can't seem to do anything with a copier or a computer. I found out that he'd studied all his life to be a machinist but only lasted a day and never was able to keep a job. There was one young handsome fellow that I really got to know about all the history books he liked and I was thinking..gosh I should introduce him to my single friend..luckily, I met his uncle and being the library bartender I am I found out that nobody in the family wanted him around and he'd ended up with him. Maybe that's why I have so much fun with my characters..and oh, Roxann...meeting up with young Elvis now..oh, maybe it will be a Thanskgiving if...

    Luckily, one co-worker came back and the one with the husband who has it..well, she has such a horrible cough. I am doing my best to stay in this weekend and clean house..but I'm not really a professional. I did find 2 Barbies in a jeep at Ross'. So now I have 2 vehicles that 2 can race around in at Thanksgiving. After all this time, I have figured out how to make the green bean casserole BTW.

    1. Hope your cough is getting better. I almost left you a long winded comment..but decided I would just post about it, instead..(✿◡‿◡)(✿◕‿◕✿) When I look at this vintage cover..oh..I find it to be a great way to start fan fiction...and sometimes, just reading old Cleary books I find I want to do updated versions of that too. Funny, as you said about how online media has an affect on new storylines too. Stay creative! Keep Writing!

    2. Oh, you are so kind....Well, we have a turkey. Someone in the family was given a frozen 11 pounder so we are getting it tomorrow. I have put away so much that was on one couch..the other still needs some tending to. Of course, suddenly, I find myself making a Barbie Couch out of odds and ends and I didn't even have to watch a tutorial. Even on a phone call I was busy putting it together. Now it's time for a margarita. After all, I would hate for those limes to go to waste. Any special foods you guys have to have for Thanksgiving? The sourdough is something I probably needed years ago. I have my doubts I keep up with it.

  4. Glad you're feeling better :) I'm on the mend as well, except for this irritating dry cough lol.

  5. Me alegra que estés mejor. Te mando un beso y ten un buen fin de semana.

  6. I guess the post went live before you could give it the final touches? 🙂 Anyhow, glad you recovered in time to enjoy your Thanksgiving food! 😉

  7. glad to hear that you are feeling better now.... hope, everything goes well for you....

    Love videos..... Happy weekend

  8. It's nice to know you're okay. Happy Thanksgiving and Happy weekends :)

  9. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Greetings. Have a wonderful weekend to you dear friend.

  10. I am glad you will be feeling better just in time for the holiday. Hope you have a wonderful holiday (if you celebrate)

  11. Greetings from Turkiye, have a lovely weekend...

  12. I hope you are fully recovered. We, my hubby and I, got COVID in late September, were not sick, sick, but just kind of draggy for weeks.

    Happy thanksgiving.

  13. Glad you're feeling better -- being sick for Thanksgiving would suck. (Not that I celebrate in the UK, obviously, but still, it sounds sucky!) Hope you have a good week!

  14. Glad you are feeling better, Greg! I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving!

  15. Glad that you are finally feeling better, whatever that was sounded like a nightmare! Also how is it Thanksgiving already? Wasn't it literally *just* Halloween? What is happening?!

  16. I'm glad you're starting to feel better. Have a great week!

  17. Sorry to hear you've been sick, but happy that you're feeling better! I hope you have a wonderful week, Greg!

  18. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.

  19. Glad you're feeling better. Hope you are fully well by Thanksgiving.

  20. I'm so glad you're feeling better, Greg. It seems youand I are struggling with this darn cough. Have a lovely Sunday 😊

  21. I’m sorry to learn you haven’t been well.
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  22. So glad you're feeling better in time for Thanksgiving food! Hope this is a nice week for you.
    Lisa Loves Literature

  23. Oh no Greg, I am so sorry you were sick! Having had COVID at the beginning of November, I feel you!

  24. I'm sorry you were ill and glad you are on the mend. I hope you get to relax and have great eats for Thanksgiving.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  25. I'm so sorry you have been sick! I'm glad you're starting to feel better. Hopefully you'll be completely recovered by Thanksgiving. Have a restful week and a lovely Thanksgiving!

  26. Glad you're feeling better! Now you can look forward to Thanksgiving dinner!

  27. We've all had colds here. Have a great Thanksgiving. We don't have it here in the UK but I'm always interested in seeing how people celebrate it!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  28. I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. I hope you are better and have a great Thanksgiving!

  29. Glad you're feeling better. Happy Thanksgiving! :-)

  30. Glad you're feeling better! Hope you have a great holiday!

  31. I'm glad you're feeling better! I'm very, very ready for food.

  32. Very happy to hear you are feeling better! Have a wonderful and delicous Thanksgiving

  33. Glad you are feeling better! Enjoy your holiday!

  34. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Have a great Thanksgiving. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  35. Sorry you've been sick - not fun at all and puts a big dent in life. Good you are on the mend - stay that way.

  36. Happy Thanksgiving, Greg! I'm glad you're feeling better, especially for the holiday. Enjoy your feast!

  37. I'm glad you're feeling better. Have a happy thanksgiving.

  38. I am glad you are feeling better, Greg. My husband and I are feeling mostly better, but my daughter is still feeling pretty yucky. We are hoping we will be well enough to have Thanksgiving with my mom, but we'll see. I hope you have a good week and a Happy Thanksgiving!

  39. Oh no! So sorry you've been sick. Something has been going around here that I ended up getting and I'm not a fan! I'm down to the lingering cough part now. Happy Thanksgiving!

  40. Glad to hear you're feeling better! And hope you'll have a great Thanksgiving!

  41. Glad you're feeling better, Greg! Our Thanksgiving is of course in October but hope you have a good one!

  42. Happy Thanksgiving! I hope u can enjoy it

  43. I'm glad you got your illness out of the way before Thanksgiving so that, hopefully, you could enjoy all the foods.
