
Friday, November 3, 2023

Sunday Post #529

We had a few trick or treaters for Halloween, although it felt more like December. I've mostly been watching Pluto TV Godzilla.   

Funny thing. I usually don't care about the human stories in those movies- it's like yeah yeah bring the monsters please. I've noticed though lately that I actually DO care about the human stories. Maybe it's a comfort thing- just having them on in the background and seeing that slice of Japanese life, even if it's a fictional one lol. The fishing company folks in Godzilla Raids Again come to mind.  

This week's discussion post is Immersive Worlds- Which Would You Pick    

Here is this week's lyric. 
No matter what the truth is hold on to what is yours

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

It ain't the way you move
It ain't the way that you move me 

   Song of the week


Image result for the baby doll murders


  1. in the desert looks so good! Well, it's good to find the feels from time to time. Awesome bookcover! Oh, are you doing the Nanowrio this year? I don't think I'll get very far..but I did load up a project I have been working on..who knows..maybe I'll make it..too..hmmm...doubtful. But you need the word post what you got in google drive and you can see your word count from your "on the Run"..just a suggestion...(✿◡‿◡)

    Ivy's Closet

    1. I feel like you do about a writer's group. Maybe I'm too old for change. I have taken a liking to Wuxia genre..with so many Chinese dramas I have watched. Although, they are more about the common man enlightening themselves to have special powers through martial arts. I do want to get back to Cherry Blossoms. Still though, I miss more of a gritty story like Holly & Stevie which is a take off from something that did happen in high school. A carwreck happened on the bridge. And it changed my friends lives. A part of me feels I have to write it for Steve who was a pothead, but a really good friend. I have really enjoyed Engstrom's Guys name Bob..which is actually about her bad luck with guys named Bob that came into her life. Even her father. Funny, the best Steve I ever knew was the Steve from high school. I didn't have much luck with any other Steve. Of course, the worst boyfriend I ever had was Terrance and I always think of the line from an e.e. cummings poem... Terrance this is stupid stuff!

      I hope you can have a good weekend. I gotta confess..I woke up last night in my own bed, wondering where I was..oh, it's been a trip man. I know they would love for me to be there every step of the way..and she would love to tell me stuff, even if she looked asleep. I know, I am just tooo set in my ways. And of course, you always have someone in your circle..I TOLD YOU SO. But really, when it comes to grandparents..well, we let them do what they want. All the best to your writing. I hope something will inspire you soon. I know you have caught some attention..and you can do it. I know you can.

  2. I love horror and terror movies too. I want the backstories for the creepy not the humans.

  3. Lindas portadas y godzilla siempre es una gran opción de película. Te mando un beso.

  4. NY Halloween. Can you imagine the costumes?! Have an amazing weekend!!

  5. Coffee in the desert sounds fine. Make that iced coffee.

  6. I am surprised at how many places kept those Covid dining structures once capacity limits were lifted. They are a pain when it's crowded and you are trying to get around in the city.

  7. I've never actually seen a Godzilla movie. A mix of human story and big monster smashing sounds good though lol.

  8. It was our first Halloween here and we didn't get many trick or treaters either. It's weird to think thank Thanksgiving is here in a few weeks!

  9. It snowed here on Halloween so that put a damper on trick-or-treating for the grandkids. Have a nice week, Greg!

  10. I was fortunate to miss the 9 inches of snow we got here in GH, glad it warmed up a bit before I returned home! Have a great week.

  11. We don't get trick or treaters where I live so I never have to worry and so I did It was nice.

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  12. Well to my surprise we had zero trick or treater this year!

  13. That's getting older for you - when you start to care more for humans and less for monsters 😂.

  14. Well this is the season for monsters. I'm hoping for a couple quiet weeks (of reading) before the next holiday seasons take off.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  15. We only got like 3 trick-or-treaters at our house. And they were all really little kids.

  16. I saw a couple trick or treaters on my street when it was still light out, but I never get candy anymore since I don't seem to get any at my house I've been at for 4 years now. Loved the coffee in the desert and aliens are real! Hope you have a good week!

  17. We didn't have a ton of trick or treaters this year, but Henry had fun seeing them all at the door!

  18. Just first glance at coffee in the desert reminded me of an episode of Criminal Minds (where Jason meets with the serial killer in a diner in like Albuquerque or someplace similar)

  19. It was freezing on Halloween in Tahoe! They had a cold front come in. It was cold at my house too, with lows in the 30s.

    I'm usually more invested in the human stories when watching movies like Godzilla. I like the survival aspect!

    Have a wonderful week, Greg! :)

  20. No trick-or-treaters here. I wanted to watch some horror/thriller type movies but it never happened. I hope you have a great week!

  21. We didn't pass out candy this year. It was really cold and I was exhausted so we just caught up on some rest. I don't think that I have ever watched a godzilla movie from beginning to end.

  22. Halloween was quite cold here as well, but now we're back to more spring-like weather during the day. I wish it would stay fall-like. I don't want to complain too much, though. At least it doesn't feel like summer anymore. :)

  23. I agree with your comment about monster movies. The creatures are great, but I enjoy getting to see what's happening with the other characters as well. Have a great week!

  24. I think the last of our warm weather is going away after today. I'll miss it until spring. But we don't get the cold weather like you will have. Or had for Halloween.

  25. We used to geek out on the old monster movies at science fiction conventions, way back in the late 70s and early 80s.

  26. Nice to hear you are enjoying your shows.

  27. We had under 20 trick or treaters and most of them were older kids. We have super steep stairs to our door and very few kids so I just left a decorated table with candy down at the bottom lol

    It's my favorite holiday but I was bleh about decorating outside this year.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  28. Although my daughter and her friends went out trick-or-treating, I didn't give out candy at our house. We rarely get anyone down our street. But the next street over gets a ton. A couple of people in the neighborhood got 300 kids this year. Fewer houses were giving out candy though from what it sounded like. I thought maybe we would see some snow in Utah this past weekend while visiting my in-laws, but it's late in coming this season evidently. I hope you have a good week, Greg.

  29. Oh yes I heard you guys got some cold weather last Tuesday! No snow for us, but I did make sure the kids were bundled up when they went out trick or treating!

  30. I like that lyric: No matter what the truth is hold on to what is yours.
    Speaking of Halloween, I always love seeing the various costumes but am too conscious of wearing one, lol.

  31. My family had not one trick or treater despite having the lights on and the house decorated. So disappointing!

  32. I've always liked Godzilla. We didn't get any trick or treaters.

  33. I didn't realize Pluto had Godzilla movies. I'll have to tell my son! He's obsessed. Have a great week!

  34. We didn't get a ton of trick or treaters either. There were a few groups of small kids and then we got some teenagers later on. They lucked out because I gave them a lot of candy because I didn't need it hanging around my house.

  35. I'm running late on my reading/commenting this week. Hope you had a good one!


  36. I think as we age our perspectives change and we seek out the human condition narratives more in both books and movies. That's why I like to re-read and re-watch my favorites. 🤗

    I added Aliens are Real, and one of that YT channel's Halloween tracks to my Halloween list. I like to pipe music out onto the front porch Halloween night. 🎃
