
Friday, October 13, 2023

Sunday Post #526

This is going to be my joining the HoHoHo readathon sign up post. I haven't done this one in a while and I thought- why not? Do you remember when the blogosphere was full of readathons and seasonal stuff? There's still a lot out there but there's a lot less of us now. Anyway, I'll be looking for spooky thrillers.   

On the Run returned this week. Thanks to everyone for the kind comments!     

Last week my analytics told me I hit 75,000 comments. Can you believe that? I am so thankful to everyone who comments.     

This week's discussion post is Do You Search for Books    

Here is this week's lyric. 
Lido missed the boat that day he left the shack       
But that was all he missed and he ain't coming       

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

I was so lonely until I met you 
Told myself I'd get by without love        

   Song of the week



  1. It does feel like there's a lot less of us blogging these days...which makes me a little sad. Glad you're still writing and posting. :D

  2. Big congrats on the 75K comments. That's huge since you don't reply to every comment....

  3. Oh the Babys! Just who I needed to listen to! Wow, that vintage cover..GO YOU! Yes, lot of less of us....🖤🖤🖤PW note..if you see the painter and the old many talking..well, he's the storyteller telling the story and she's just the listener (they never actually show up as characters in the show) The ending was much better than I thougth it would be. Although, there were a few things I was antispating. Meanwhile, I knew I recognized HE (the girl from the otherside who wasn't complete good) So I am back to her drama I had been watching...To Ship Someone which is kind of crazy she ends up getting lost in her fan fiction with the real writer. Still not sure I understand the storyline.🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 Happy Friday! I do work the weekend...ugh..hopefully, it won't get too cold and they turn on the heat. It could be a sweaty time. And last..a REPLY -Thanks! I wrote this some time ago. Perhaps it's an anti-fan fic of Twilight. I always thought it would have been more interesting if Jasper (he was in the vampire clan supposedly with Alice) had gotten to Bella first. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

    Happy Weekend! Oh, went to 5 Guys..they are making shakes now. No, I didn't get one. I noticed they charged me twice for a watch out.

    1. You need to give us your Halloween Favorites! Oh, I have been enjoying Butterflied Lover. The aesthetic is divine and I love how the story develops. Especially the girl he finds in a village who might already be a vampire before he marries her. Now if I could only find The Killer is Romantic.

    2. The Killer is also Romantic..I figured out a side couple in Butterflied Lover are the main characters in The Killer Is also Romantic.. So yeah, it's always interesting to find links in books, movies and TV shows..where ever they maybe.

    3. Oh, love the sound of that in comments! thanks for your comments! It was damp, kind of cold and misty. And the air was cool up front at the counter. It seems we are going digital for leisure passes come Monday. Although, it might take a while for me to catch on about this process. I think it will be easy. Most patrons can do it on their own. Oh, thanks for your comments, too. I guess I was think MASH UP when it comes to song titles..or that I am not always in sync...hahahaha..I did post a flash fiction at Ivy's. Still, I think I should leave that one alone. Maybe I had just watched a bit much of badlands. Meanwhile, well..can Nic handle these two? Thanks so much for reading and of course, love hearing from you to on so many topics!

  4. I am in the middle of reading a science fiction by Japanese authors. Really fun.

  5. I recently listened to The Thin Man, so I may try this one!

  6. Suerte con las lecturas. Ten un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

  7. Nice to see Vietnam at peace, while the rest of the world goes haywire. Congrats on the comments!

  8. Wait, HoHoHo-a-thon is spooky thrillers? Sounds like holiday books. I never really got into read-a-thons, but I love reading challenges. I am always thankful to see my favorites return each year.

  9. I've cut down a lot on readathons and reading challenges, but they were always fun.

  10. Readathons are not for me - I cherish the freedom of reading at my pace (and speaking of this particular one, I don't even read seasonal books). I hope you have fun with it though!

    75,000 comments?!? I've had a tenth of those in the same time LOL. Congrats!

  11. There definitely doesn't seem to be as many seasonal challenges as there used to be! Hope you have fun!

  12. I used to do Dewey's readathon fairly regularly, but it's been a while for me. Have a great week!

  13. Congrats on hitting 75K comments! I don't even track those. Now I'm curious.

    My problem with themed readathons is that I'm usually needing to read something else entirely during them and I can't make what I'm reading fit. And then it seems like I'm doing something else duirng Dewey's. I'd like to participate more. I really would. Good luck with yours.

  14. I never did the readathons (I read so slowly and my reading time is unpredictable) but I do remember there used to be more of them... year round. I wonder if that means there are just fewer readathons - or fewer bloggers? Love that song by The Babys! Such a great throwback.

  15. 75,000 comments wow! That's great. I like the atmospheric background music. I do remember when blog-land had so many reading challenges and read-a-thons, then it started to change over the years.
    Enjoy your week!

  16. It's nice to return to what was always one of my favorite Sunday memes, and I hope I'm boosting the number of bloggers still in the game by doing so. Overall, I've been posting less (and shorter), but I'm still here (11 years!). Good luck with your readathons, Greg, and thanks for posting the Boz Scaggs lyrics--that song will be running through my head all day now, lol.

  17. I miss the old days of everyone blogging books but I also think a lot people still blog just not those we knew. So many new bloggers now but in tiktok and insta, I still enjoy the blogs :) COYER has a great group that still does a lot of different readathons and activities if you are ever in the mood.

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  18. wow on the comments, I wonder how quickly you will get to 100K. Great song last week, great song this week. "One for the ro-o- -o adddddd

  19. As Michelle says, COYER has all the readathons and stuff. It's a great group of folks too. I'm not doing HoHoHoRAT for the first time in awhile (and I have all those holiday freebies! ) but I just feel behind and like I want to read what I feel like. So not this year. I am so thankful for all the people who read and comment on my blog.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  20. Participant is way done for readathons, I will probably retire Fraterfest, but love the HoHoHoRAT. Thanks for joining in the fun!

  21. I am trying to do more readathons and challenges too. They can be a lot of fun. My October ones seem to be going ok. Yay! I guessed last weeks lyrics right and I know this week's too❤

  22. I'm always tempted to join a readathon, but then I never have a chance for one reason or another. Enjoy yours. Have a great week!

  23. Great number of comments for you! I have been less diligent about blogging and commenting lately, but hope that changes soon!

  24. 75.000 comments is amazing Greg! And you are right, there are fewer of us!

  25. congrats on hitting 75,000 comments! That's awesome!

  26. I usually sign up for the HoHoHo readathon, but I am trying to finish challenges and not add anything else. Congrats on 75,000 comments, have a great week!

  27. Congrats on the 75,000 comments! That's a milestone to celebrate! I participated in a couple of read-a-thons, but I found them to be overwhelming. I ended up going off, doing my own thing, and not following directions. Lol. Maybe I will give it another try soon. Have a great week! :)

  28. Congratulations on 75,000 comments—that's awesome!

    I think a lot of people have abandoned traditional blogs in favor of Instagram and TikTok. (Though some of us are doing one or more of the social media sites in addition to blogging, for what it's worth.) Fortunately, a lot of my favorite bloggers are still going strong. :-)

    I signed up for #Fraterfest and I'm going to fail it, so I think I'll hold off on the #HoHoHoRAT this year. (And anyway, I'm doing NaNoWriMo, and I probably won't have time.)

  29. It does feel like there are fewer of us around these days. I still see readathons but I see them on Instagram more than anywhere else. Congrats on the milestone!

  30. I try starting a readaton where people can read short stories and write their own but, no one seen to care.
    Have a great week.

  31. I’m guessing the lyric as Boz Scaggs Lido Shuffle? I’m hosting a Christmas challenge this year and challenges are more for me. I can’t read for long periods of time as it gives me vertigo but good luck to those participating in readathons.

  32. It does seem like less bloggers participate in events like the readathons. Some have moved to different social media platforms. I hope you read lots of great books for the HoHoHo Readathon! Have a great week, Greg.

  33. I'm so bad about joining read-a-thons, apart from Anne @Books of My Heart's read-along, but I should join Kimberly's at some point. There aren't many read-alongs/read-athons out there anymore. Maybe there's not many book blogs out there anymore, but I still favor a book blog over any other social media for connecting with the book community. I like Instagram next, but it's not the same as book blogs. Not as personal or in depth, IMO. Not as much interaction. I get more motivation to read a book from blogs.

    I love spooky stories! I've been reading *listening to* The Only One Left by Riley Sager and I'm enjoying it, and it reminds me of The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James, (another excellent ghost story author!) but I have to say I haven't been scared by a book very often. Just given creepy/spooky vibes for the most part.

    Congrats on all those comments, Greg!

  34. I'm not a fan of Dashiell Hammet but I do love that cover! Congrats on the comments! I've stopped doing read-a-thons or challenges because I'm terrible about doing them and ever worse about remembering to link up but I always love hearing about them. Can't wait to see how you do and what you read! Have a great week!

  35. That's a sizeable amount of comments. Enjoy the readathon, yes haven't done anything like that for years now.

  36. I hope you have fun with the readathon! Have a great week!

  37. Good luck with the readathon! When I first started blogging, I felt like I was constantly doing readathons. They do seem a lot rarer nowadays. Or maybe I just don't know where to look for them.

  38. That's a huge number of comments! Congrats! I remember readathons but never took part in any. I find that I'm blogging more for myself these days to make a record of my thoughts about books I read. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  39. I'm doing the Ho Ho Ho RAT too. I didn't used to do those because I just was never good about it, but going to try it this year!

  40. These days I am less about readathons and more about themed month long events because I feel they are a better fit for my busy schedule, but I still love seasonal blogging events!

  41. I love to do bookish blogging events, especially during the holiday seasons. I think I need to look into some for November and December!

  42. I've been blogging about books for over a decade, and I do miss the big community that used to do Bloggiestas and other weekend-long or month-long special events. I even saw the other day that Dewey is taking a hiatus! I feel as though I've been finding a new community this year, though. I also feel I can't legitimately complain as I'm so irregular in my own blogging!
    Not sure if we're supposed to answer the discussion question here, or comment on the original post, but I love poking through used bookstores for books that I want to own, but I'm not a collector and I'm very unorganized about it, and sometimes end up buying a book I've already bought that way.

  43. I still do some of the readathons on Litsy but you're right there aren't as many.


  44. There used to be a lot more seasonal stuff. that's true but I think there are more Christmas reads starting next month than people read Horror for Halloween.

  45. I do miss the hayday of blogging. I get that there are other ways now, but, not the same

  46. I'm on a catch-up and commenting run! I'll go through and hit all the features and then I'll start the stories from where I left off. 🤗

    I love NYC! I used to visit several times a year, but I haven't been back in 20 years. I wish we had passenger train service like we used to. 😔

  47. 75k comments is a huge milestone! Congrats!
