
Friday, August 11, 2023

Sunday Post #517

So this week has been all about the World Cup. I watched the US/ Sweden game- what a night the goaltender had for Sweden- and the US lost. I was actually rooting for Sweden honestly. But it went to penalty kicks- a nailbiter. 

The coverage too- they would go to commercial even during penalty kicks. It's terrible. As if the commercials aren't omnipresent anyway. I mean, they spend little time on the host countries or anything. It's wall to wall ads. I hate how American TV covers these- the Olympics are the same. Are the BBC or CBC better? I'd love to hear what my European friends think of the coverage. 

The Netherlands has looked good too. Looking forward to seeing them again- and the Sweden/ Japan game- as I'm writing this. UPDATE: So the Netherlands lost, and Sweden beat Japan. I think I'm team Sweden at this point  

This week's discussion post is Things I've Learned From A Game of Thrones.  

Related image

Here is this week's lyric. 
Have you seen her, so fine and pretty?      
Fooled me with her style and ease     

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

She said her love for me could never die       

   Song of the week


Image result for run if you can pulp


  1. I don't watch it but the World Cup is huge out here. Several of the players are from Portland. And soccer is popular.

    Hope you had a nice week.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  2. I'm sadly out of touch with the World Cup. I haven't seen any of it this year. I did hear the U.S. was out, though. Btw, I saw Sands of Time Ch. 38 listed in Feedly but cannot find it on your site.

  3. My sister loves soccer so she was watching. A friend of mine lives in Sweden now so I'll root for them.

    Lauren @

  4. Hurray for Bryan Adams. He became a staple for me for about 5 years around 2000...

  5. I am glad that Matilda team lost. There is way too much about the sports on TV.

  6. I am not a sports fan, but I appreciate the talent that is out there. It's always sad to lose, but hey, not everyone gets invited.

  7. Te deseo un buen fin de semana. Geniales portadas, me gustaron los videos. Te mando un beso.

  8. Didn't watch the World Cup since I'm not a huge fan of soccer.
    Hope you've a great weekend, Greg!

  9. I didn't watch the Cup this time around. And now... I'm kinda glad I missed it all lol. I hope Sweden continues to slay, for your sake :)

  10. It's always interesting how many K-Drama create such great moments from their wins of the world cup over the decades. Of course, these have been just one time events or so. And it can be found in Chinese dramas as well. But I've never seen anything like this in American TV. Speaking of which, I know how you feel about their coverage of the Olympics too. There was a time it felt they were really reaching out to other countries. When I was a kid I was watching some ice skating couples contest and this one girl actually vomited after she'd skated.
    and they covered it. The commentators were so concerned. These days it would have cut to a commercial.

    Yes, there is a certain unity for those abroad watching the world cup. Here, lets just hangout at DJ's Dugout and chill. While in other countries neighbors are having a party cheering on their country making it an event.

    Well, we have had some rain in unlikely times. More thunder than anything. Hope you are keeping cool. All the best to your writing. Thanks for your comments(✿◕‿◕✿)

    1. RUN TO ME & RUN IF YOU CAN (✿◡‿◡) made me smile. Glad you are keeping up with the world cup. These games run a certain energy that is so foreign in the US. WOW 78! Oh so nice that would be. The humidity is hanging on...but thats what our summers are like. I was watching some videos about tiny apartments in NYC. I noticed most are an upgrade if you can find AC. Yes, it is indeed a climate change that lingers. Thanks for your comment. Hope you are having a swell weekend. Cooking out here! Steaks!

    2. p.s. Grapfruit juice is nice in homemade magaritas, but don't forget the lime🌸💗🌸

  11. My husband used to watch the World Cup all the time. Have a great week!

  12. "they would go to commercial even during penalty kicks"
    😦 🤐

    Ch.38 of The Sands of Time vanished before I could read it...leave us hanging, why won't you 😉.

    Have a nice Sunday!

  13. I knew the World Cup was going on, but I didn't watch any of the games. But I'm not surprised to hear that the commercials were terrible.

  14. I'm not a sports fan, but I do hear about some of the games as some of them are being hosted here. That pulp novel cover is something! Have a great week. :)

  15. Well my husband complained just last week that our TV channel interrupted a sportscompetition at a crucial moment to broadcast ad soooo...

  16. I've somehow completely missed the World Cup this year, as I've been all over the place lately with my entertainment. And I didn't catch the Bryan Adams song, even though I like that song! I'll be jamming to that today! I hope you have a lovely week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  17. My husband has been watching the soccer games faithfully. I got bored after the first few games. Have a good week.

  18. The coverage of the Olympics bothers me too. I haven't watched the World Cup but it sounds like I would be frustrated as well!

  19. Non stop ads is one reason we got rid of cable TV, and yes, sports coverage is the worst when it comes to ads. Hope you week is a good one!

  20. I used to live Bryan Adams and recognized the lyric right away. He was good in concert. Hope you have a great week.

  21. Who goes to a commercial during a penalty kick?? That's crazy. I loved Bryan Adams back in the day.

  22. Love me some Bryan Adams! LOL I didn't even know the World Cup was going on!

  23. The world cup gets minimal coverage over here but I find it awesome that England's Women's team does so much better than the men's team in big events! 😂 (So many "fans" get salty af about that.)

    When the matches are shown on the BBC they're advert free.

  24. I just watch final world cup, if US play.....

    Thank you for sharing video of Bryan Adam.... love it.

  25. I don't watch sports on tv other than the Olympics anymore. I LOVE the Olympics though and will watch every sport. They tend to just show brief clips of US and winners on tv, so a lot of coverage is lost. I also wonder if I'd be better off with another country's coverage.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  26. I didn't watch any of the World Cup. The only sport I watch is baseball. I hope you have a great week!

  27. Hope you enjoy watching the World Cup! That's a bummer they stuff so many ads in and at the worst time! Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend, Greg! :)

  28. Ugh - sports coverage has become so useless. :(

  29. I've watched the World Cup in the past, but not recently. Ads are so annoying. Enjoy your week, Bryan Adams is a good one!

  30. I have to say that the CBC here in Canada does a fantastic job of covering the Olympics in particular. Their coverage usually expands to several channels and has live coverage on each of them. Of course there’s an evening wrap up as well for those that don’t care to watch events live. Have a great week!

  31. I saw the World Cup on several times, but didn't watch it. I rarely watch any sport on tv, only the KC Chiefs games, and even that is only recently I've begun watching them. And even then I pretty much just have it on in the background a lot. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  32. I just don't watch any sports so I have no clue what is going on in the world of

    Hope you have a great week!
    Week in Review

  33. Sorry, I don't watch sports. Not even Olympics, Figure Skating, or the Indy 500 anymore!

  34. I haven't followed the World Cup this year, although I know my brother has and a couple of my friends have stayed up late to watch games. I really dislike the Olympic coverage here in the U.S. and am sad to hear it's the same for the World Cup games. I hope you have a good week, Greg!

  35. Ah Sam loves Sweden too! Glad they are doing well. Honestly I am just thrilled to see people excited for women's sports! Crappy about the coverage though, and sad. Okay that woman's situation on your pulp cover... like idk, maybe it is better if she swims than runs? Though how'd she end up nude in a swamp(?) alone at night? So many questions, I can see why this sells books heh.

  36. I'm on the Sweden bandwagon too. Happy to see women's sports getting attention this summer!

  37. I haven't watched the World Cup this year. If I had, I think I would also be a little annoyed about the commercials. As for the music, I like Run to You and the lofi mix is nice as well. Have a great week!

  38. I haven't had much time to watch the telly. I get it that they make money by airing commercials, but really.

  39. I watched the World Cup up until the U.S. lost, but I agree that Sweden was impressive.

  40. The Matilda’s have generated a lot of attention here given they have made the semi final. I’m not interested in Soccer but I do hope they win :)

    Wishing you a great reading week

  41. Soccer isn't for me, but I get what you're saying about the ads. Way too many. Think Bryan Adams has been on tour lately. Always loved his music. Hope you have a great week.

  42. I watched some of the World Cup. Mr Wonderful watched a lot more than I. He was soooo disappointed in the US team...and I agree. They had the opportunity to win and muffed it.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  43. I really enjoy soccer but didn't watch any of the World Cup. I definitely understand what you mean about coverage. The main reason I don't watch the Olympics very often is because it's so frustrating and it feels like I have to wait forever to see just a few minutes of what I actually want to see. Have a great week!

  44. I don't watch the World Cup, but I agree about the Olympics coverage. I didn't watch a single bit of the last Olympic games because I had found the previous time so annoying.

  45. I haven't watched any of the games, but I was rooting for the US! That last game sounded like a tense one. Good question about how other countries cover this sort of big event - I'm interested to hear that, too.

    Hope you enjoy your books, TV, and music this week!

    Book By Book

  46. I have so many questions about that pulp cover . . . . I hope you enjoyed the World Cup, even though your teams didn't win.

  47. I'm glad that you enjoyed the soccer game. It always surprises me how big soccer is in other parts of the world and how little attention it receives here in the US.

  48. You do not go to commercial during a penalty! Omg the blasphemy by them

  49. I hate when penalty kicks end a game. It is so stressful. I didn't get to watch that game, but I've seen them in real life with my daughter. They usually win when it comes to them, but they have lost a few and it always is no fun. Especially if they have dominated a game.

  50. Consider watching World Cup on Telemundo instead. Yes, the commentary is all in Spanish, and even though I don't understand it, it's so much better. Lol.

  51. That does sound like terrible coverage. I don't think I even bothered with the Olympics TV coverage, instead looked for the better online stuff. What is it with all this terrible coverage?

  52. CBC is horrendous during the Olympics. They will rarely show big games and will cut to commercial at pivotal times. The app is better but the actual cable channel is not it.

  53. I didn't end up watching any soccer. 😕
