
Monday, April 3, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday#302

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. 

Ellie Ellie suggested this topic for me. We were talking about Pretty in Pink and Clue (multiple endings) and she suggested I do a post about songs that should be in a teen movie or an SF movie. So here we are. Rogue topic!  

 You could make a story out of this 

This one I got an idea about a camper bigger on the inside than on the out- an extradimensional place, maybe, where scientists are working on- who knows  

 Inner earth? Yes! Maybe some dinos prowling around like in the Pellucidar books


  1. Don't Look Back is an awesome song. I played it at my retirement party. And I haven't looked back.

  2. Such a fun topic!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  3. Ooh fun topic! I seriously struggle with these kind of themes as I don't think many of the songs I enjoy would fit into the books I read. I mean, I guess some could, but I feel like it would just be nonsense and not really fitting the mood! Lol. This kind of topic challenges me to the point of tears!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Wow! This is so cool! I am so glad you did this. Such a cool playlist. Great that you included Dorothy too🖤 I wasn't expecting this. We do need more inner earth movies..don't you think? Thanks so much for the shoutout too! Just what I needed..yesterday, I spent most of the day with men in the basement. Looks like the sewage line is no more than paper where we yeah..that means money and no showers for the next couple of days.

    Carefully Listening
    The Book Group
    Cherry Blossoms
    Better Left Unsaid

    1. Hope you have a great Easter Weekend. On the cool side here. Still. Which I'm good with. Don't want it too hot yet. Thanks for your comments this week. I will say it feels like it has been a long one, but hopefully all will go well for the holiday. I hope you find the perfect steak! Gonna make banana pudding here. Somethng easy. I was asked to make a jalapeno cheeseball too.

      Happy Easter🌈🌷🐰🌸🌷🌈

  5. Godzilla is a favourite of mine! I have that vinyl somewhere. Epic start to the song and prefer it to their more famous hit ;-)

  6. Gah!! Love this topic, Greg! And the fact that you included Thunder Island... I've always thought that song belonged in a movie.

  7. This was a great topic for you! You included fun songs!

  8. OMG!! Thunder Island! Horrible Fashion Warning!! LOL Great post

  9. "This one I got an idea about a camper bigger on the inside than on the out"
    A camper-shaped TARDIS? 😂

  10. This is such a fun topic. Here is my post-

  11. Good stuff! What's the video before Don't Look Back, the video is unavailable to me. You also reminded me that I have yet to see the Clue movie. It's been on my watchlist for yeaaars.

  12. Nice rogue topic today! I wish my camper was much larger on the inside than it appears on the outside! Rainy camping days would be a lot more fun.

  13. Such a fun topic idea! These are some great choices, I do love Dorothy.

  14. Fun theme for this week's Top Ten Tuesday!

  15. What a fun rogue topic! Ah, Thunder Island. That's a good one.

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday!

  16. I totally get stories in my head during songs! And Clue is a brilliant movie 😊

  17. Interesting. I am not sure I would be able to score a film. It's so hard

  18. Interesting topic! Have a great rest of your week!

  19. Fun prompt! I've never heard of any of these before.

    Happy TTT!

  20. Geniales videos. Te mando un beso.

  21. Vídeos geniales. Te mando un beso.

  22. Hi!!! How are you??? I’ve missed talking to everyone. I’ve recently discovered the lofi beats on YouTube and I love them. I’ve saved way too many to use in my classroom. 😅 Definitely adding the last one to my playlist.

  23. Love this! You chose some awesome songs. :D

  24. I love what you did with the topic! It has been a long time since I listened to that Boston song.

  25. Great post about this topic Greg! I love listening to music from my youth!

  26. What a very creative and fun topic! I love the idea of the camper. :)

  27. Thanks for sharing, I love listening to music!
