
Monday, April 10, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. 

This week is Books with animals in the title or on the cover.  


  1. I am laughing because in my post I said I like animals in books because they bring warmth and joy to a book but... not too sure about dinosaurs!! I bet they bring excitement and tension though.

  2. I would never have thought about dinosaurs!

  3. The cover for The Extinction Trials makes me feel like that eye is following me.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  4. OOh nice ones! I have got to try to read The Extinction Trials this year!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Great picks! I love that Jurassic Park cover.

  6. I have two books with dinosaurs on the cover too, maybe we should do a complete top ten with dinos?

  7. I had no idea Tarzan was a book!
    My TTT:

  8. Most people are going to be doing cute and funny animals and you pull out the scary ones. lol. I love it!

  9. I love the way the shadows ate the animals on The Pack. Makes me want to know more!

  10. Great post this week. Here is my post-

  11. Oh Jurassic Park solo classy!!

  12. Great picks, Greg! That Jurassic Park cover is a classic and I love the retro Tarzans 😍

  13. I want to read Jurassic Park!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  14. I love that first cover! I've never seen it before. mentioned you might want to re-read Radio Silence with me. I have company this week but was thinking of starting it next week if you're interested.

  15. I love that you have dinosaurs as an animal!!

  16. Great covers! I've been wanting to try The Extinction Trials, I do love those covers.

  17. Great selection. I read the Jurassic Park book but none of the others.

  18. I've seen all of these on your blog before, except for The Pact. And what an intriguing cover that is!

    Happy TTT Greg!

  19. Great cover art on the Tarzan books. I haven't read Jurassic Park yet.

  20. This is like the opposite of my cozies. LOL. These covers are cool. I really have to look closely to see the animals on some of them. :)

  21. LOL, totally not surprised by the covers you chose to portray! Have a great week!

  22. You found some good ones! I love that you included Jurassic Park on your list. :D

  23. I'm interested in THE PACK. Some really great titles! I just don't think I read that many books with animals in them. This was a very good theme. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ It is warming up there awful fast. I gotta say I don't mind it bein 40 as long as it wants to be but I know many can't handle that. I just hate the humidity that comes with the heat here. Although, this week with the south winds their is a lot of smoke coming up from Kansas and even some grass fires out west so the air quality isn't that great this week. Some are really have to hunker down..and spring fever seems to be on the rise too. Just last night the fellow who drank all afternoon at the computer lab fell asleep at the computer. We weren't sure we'd ever get him out of there. He was back this morning before we opened. We are afraid he might be homeless and I thought he was tipsy when he got there. It seems he cares a lot of those little bottles of booze you can pick up near the checkout at Bakers (He might have stolen them) But he smelled of alcohol when he got there. Went straight to the computers. That only last a couple of hours. He went off to the bathroom and got in a fight with someone. ALARMING.

    Come to find out his dad found him (I suspect this drunk guy has to be in his 40's) Finally, we asked him to leave and called the cops. He hung out in the parking lot. Don't know where the dad went. But he told the cops he was the victim. His dad tossed him out of the house.
    Yes, spring is definitely in the air.

    Anyway, the landscape of Americana is ever changing.

    Carefully Listening
    The Book Group
    Cherry Blossoms
    Better Left Unsaid

  24. I knew you'd have the most interesting selections! Lisa @

  25. I think you deserve double points for The Pack - name and cover. Nice.

  26. I still love the Tarzan covers. They're so fun and have a real vibe about that just feels really 'cool,' haha.

  27. Love all of your cover choices this week, especially the Tarzan ones.

  28. Those Tarzan covers are so cool!! Great list :)

  29. Someday I'll read Jurassic Park. I call myself a horror fan, but I've never read it.

  30. Jurrasic Park is a very good read, maybe it's time for a reread. Happy reading! My TTT

  31. These were so fun! I immediately thought cozies when I saw this topic so it was fun to see a different direction. I love Tarzan vs the dinosaur!

  32. Those Tarzan books look so cool.
