
Friday, December 16, 2022

Sunday Post #483

Can you believe Christmas is just a week away??? It's gently snowing as I type this and it's been very overcast. I know winter has its own beauty, and generally I don't suffer from seasonal affective disorder or anything like that (that I know of), but my mood has been a bit... low lately. Maybe just all the grey sky? I think it's fascinating to think on the differences between where we live- like, if I lived in a sunny climate (say, Florida) would I miss the winter?  

Anywho- Christmas plans are in flux. Traveling is in the forecast although we may be missing a party due to scheduling. Anyone else have problems with this? It's on a Sunday this year and there just aren't days enough.    


   Song of the week


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  1. Winter blue is real. It will take some adjustment. Festive lights always brighten up the mood

  2. I would not miss winter. One million percent sure of that. It's gross. Though I do enjoy being off from work when it snows, that is about it. And I do not love Christmas on a Sunday, because that means less time off from work. Which apparently is the only thing I care about? 😂

    1. LOL, same here...when I still worked, that is...

  3. I finally got the Christmas and New Year's weekends' schedules completed at work. I try so hard to fill it with volunteers so no one is forced to work the holidays, but it's like pulling teeth sometimes. And this year it was down to the wire. All of my holiday shopping is officially done. I am just waiting for some packages that are on their way. The tree is still not lit or decorated. I just haven't been feeling it this season either. My daughter and I got hit by the flu this week and that's sapped all our energy. I'm not even sure how I managed to work through most of it. Thank goodness I was able to work from home.

    I've never lived in a snowy climate--winder has always been cold but usually sunny or rainy. I think I only ever spent Christmas in a snowy place once when I was a child--Pennsylvania with family. It always sounds magical, but I hate the cold with a passion. I hope everything works out with your travel plans. My in-laws will be driving from Utah to California. Hopefully the mountains will be clear for them.

    I hope you have a good weekend and week, Greg.

  4. Christmas really sneaked up on us this year! I think time went by so fast.

  5. Ya se siente la navidad, ten un buen fin de semana.

  6. Merry Christmas Greg, I hope your mood lifts soon. I lived in England for 4 years and I did suffer from SAD a bit. And that's the reason I live in sunny Arizona now, the sunshine makes a big difference to me. It's still cold and snowy up here in the mountains, but we get a lot of sunshine and that makes the cold and snow more bearable.

  7. I can't believe Christmas is coming soon. I'm not ready for the new year, yet. We don't have snow here but hey, it's the monsoon season so it's kind of like winter to us, ha.

  8. I live in Alabama and it does get colder than Florida but never super cold. We get snow every few years but it never lasts very long but it gets so rainy and dreary this time of year. If it was up to me we'd move even farther south! I think we are almost ready for Christmas but there's still a bit to do! Have a wonderful week!

  9. We have snow! My tires need to be replaced but I'm managing somehow. I just don't know if I can hold out til the holidays without getting sick. Cause I have feeling someone has Covid but he won't get tested. It has hit him harder this time around. And everything tastes awful. This is what modern Neanderthals are like.

    Meanwhile the coconut milk fudge came out great!

    Happy holidays!

    Carefully Listening
    The Book Group
    Cherry Blossoms
    Better Left Unsaid

  10. I think Michigan is beautiful and there are times I miss the seasons from when I lived there. Not all of Florida is sunny for sure! Check out my forecast for Havana 32333 - we will get lows in the teens upcoming and many days are grey. BUT, most of the year it's warm so you gotta pick your poison :-)

    If I don't get a post up again I would like to wish you a very merry christmas!!

  11. I miss Winter terribly. I grew up in Minnesota, and winter is my fave season. Being in Nebraska just is not the same, hardly a real winter at all.

  12. I think I'm over winter. But that might only be because it's snowed every day this week and I'm already tired of shoveling and driving on snowy roads. With the sun out today though I might change my mind. ;D

  13. It is gray and dreary/snowy here too. I don't mind the snow (yet) since we have lived in places for years that barely get any snow. However, the gray days do tend to get us down. I can't believe Christmas is next weekend! Have a great week.

  14. Totally not organised! Scary it is so close huh!

  15. I don't mind it being overcast if it leads to something. Make it rain or snow or something. If there's no precipitation, that's when my mood gets funky. Don't be grey for no reason lol

    I hope you are able to keep from feeling blue and that you have a wonderful holiday! xx

  16. In Yesterday, weather was 17°C here, we really miss the snow and winter. Have a great Sunday and new week. Greetings.

  17. I know I suffer from SAD as winter gets me down so bad, I also just don't like being cold and this weeks temps are going to be horrid! Hope it don't get to bad there!

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  18. The sun/light definitely affects my mood. I need the warmth and the light. I'm thankful to live almost as south as I can get.

  19. I understand your mood taking a nosedive Greg. I don't like winter, not because of the cold but because of the lack of light!

  20. I actually love the dreary weather. I'm weird like that! I like the grey skies and snow potential. Have a great week!

  21. YAY! Merry Christmas! I love snow especially this time of year. But once January hits I will hibernate in my home haha Hope you enjoy lots of Christmas cheer this week!

  22. This year has gone way too fast!

    I love the seasons and would definitely miss them. As someone from the UK the weather is always high on the conversation agenda 😂

    We had snow for one night about 5 days ago and it just hasn't disappeared.

    Have a great week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  23. "Gently snowing" sounds nice! We're having an unusually warm autumn in my neck of the woods this year. Then again, snow here would be the exception...

    Happy travels!

  24. Welcome to the club *sigh* I am having my problems too with the winter weather, dark skies and all the grey. I walk every day for about an hour to get rid of that mood...

  25. I love snow, so I would definitely miss winter if I lived in Florida. Here in Maryland we often just get an icy mess, as is predicted for later this week. Although I'm not a fan of summer heat and humidity, I do like having four distinct seasons. Gray skies don't usually bother me. I actually enjoy the so-called gloomy skies, as long as there isn't a long string of them. I hope your spirits are lifted soon and you enjoy a great week! :-)

  26. It doesn't usually snow here until January or February only one year in December. But we could get snow late this week. It only lasts 1-2 days here, for about 2-4 days per year. That's the perfect amount of winter. I lived in Minnesota for 30+ years with at least 6 months of snow. I still have my Minnesota clothes so I'm all set here. I really like having 4 seasons I just like that "winter" and "summer" are shorter here with more time in the fall / spring temperature ranges. Safe travels and peace and joy to you, Greg!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  27. There's not enough days left ! Are you planning on traveling far? I like the Peanuts Christmas ... those songs make me happy. Merry Christmas.

  28. Living in Seattle, I'm very used to gray skies. We've actually had maybe one day a week with some sun, which is unusual in the winter. I'm not a fan of snow - except at a distance, then it's beautiful. It seems there are NEVER enough days in December for all there is to do! :) Have a great week and Happy Holiday.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  29. The sun is shining here but I've been feeling the holiday blues.

  30. Yeah, we are having some scheduling issues with my mom's sisters and my cousins because everyone is starting to become their own little families and it just doesn't always work out. I think the Sunday is an issue too. Of course my aunt who works from home is complaining about going out on a week night for a party, so we're doing a Friday night party unless the weather gets bad here. Hope you have a good week and the gloomy feeling goes away in time for the holidays!
    Lisa Love Literature

  31. Oh dear! I hope you feel more cheerful soon. It's tough feeling low. Good luck on your Christmas plans!

  32. We have the seasons here in Northern California so even though we do get snow it won't be for that long. It's been sunny and cold here, but we just got back from down south. It's sunny and a little warmer. I'm happy to be home, even though it's cold. Hope you enjoy Christmas, whatever your plans end up being! :)

  33. I know, it really feels like time is flying really fast! I haven't had any snow yet, so I hope I get a little by the time Christmas gets here. Happy holidays, Greg!!

  34. It's crazy that Christmas is so soon. A bit odd to have it on the weekend though. lol I can definitely get down when there isn't much sunlight and you're kind of stuck indoors a lot.

    Lauren @

  35. We've been getting a lot of rain lately, so the days are dark and gloomy, and I'm definitely feeling a little down, too!

  36. I feel much more Christmassy since moving to WA instead of FL. We put up a tree now. But we might be getting an ice storm over the weekend and it's sooooo cold. I'm not used to that yet lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  37. It doesn't matter what winter is like. Where I live its rainy and muggy. Sometimes it snows, sometimes it doesn't. Next weekend looks like there might be a mixed of snow and rain for Christmas.
    Have a great week.

  38. As soon as the gray skies arrived this week, my mood dipped.

    Merry Christmas!

  39. I cannot believe that we are just days away from Christmas. I think that it is harder to fit everything in with it falling on a Sunday this week. Have a great week!

  40. The unpredictability of the weather is causing us problems. We are hoping to have Christmas Lunch on the beach

    Wishing you a great reading week and wonderful Christmas!

  41. I can't believe it's almost Christmas either. I feel like it snuck up on me this year and I'm behind on my shopping and have made no plans for seeing family. Winter weather, and especially Christmas Day weather, is often strange here in the mid Atlantic. Sometimes it's cold and snowy but we've also had several Christmases where it was in the 70s and we were all wearing shorts.

  42. I don't mind the cold so much as the early, dark nights. Merry Christmas!

  43. The weather can have a powerful effect on mood even if you don't really notice it day to day, I don't have SAD but whenever the sky is grey and the fact that it gets dark so early does make me feel grumpy sometimes lol. And we're not traveling this year, just staying at home which is looking like a good idea now with bad weather heading into the weekend and Christmas, yikes!

  44. We tend to have pretty quiet Christmases, so travel woes are not something we normally deal with. However, we are expecting a winter storm tonight (which might mean snow, maybe ice, maybe a plague of locusts?) so I know a lot of people who are worried about their travel plans. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! - Melinda @ A Web of Stories

  45. Here in NE Florida, we're going to have the first truly cold Christmas in years. Temps are going to plummet overnight Friday and the weekend will be COLD. Well, cold for Florida. lol You'd probably laugh. :) Saturday high is 39 and Sunday is the 40's. Bitterly cold for us!

  46. One of the main reasons why my family moved away from Michigan is because it has the longest stretches of cloudy days in the US. The gray days can really bring you down. Hugs.
