
Friday, June 17, 2022

Sunday Post #457


This week felt back to normal. As many of you know I usually post daily through the week and then over the weekend just once. This week actually felt like I'm back on schedule. Tuesday Tagline is weekly again and Elza asked if anyone could join. Yes! Would love to see anyone jump in. I'm also considering posting some writing on either Wattpad or Tapas? Does anyone have any experience with those?         

In other news, Movies That Suck may return.           

   Song of the week



  1. I'd love to see more of your Movies That Suck posts! :)

  2. Me gusto la canción de la semana y esa película la vi de niña. Te mando un beso.

  3. Is movies that suck like Rifftrax?

  4. Maybe I will finally be able to choose a schedule :)

  5. So glad things are back to normal. Hope you have a great weekend. Love that pulp fiction bookcover! Unfortunately, Covid is still around. Somebody is sick at work, but of course, we haven't closed the library or anything. Although, the summer reading program along with Salvation Army's Crusing Kid's foodtruck keeps us hopping through most of the week. But the college world baseball series has started. Along with some stormy weather and humidity.

    Thanks for the great post! Happy Father's Day!

    Carefully Listening
    The Book Group
    Cherry Blossoms
    Better Off Unsaid

  6. The crab movie was bound to be sucky :-)

  7. Not a writer, so I have no input for you about where to do that, but good luck! Hope your muse is good to you

  8. I hope you do bring back your Movies that Suck posts. They always make me laugh. Have a great weekend! :)

  9. Never seen that film! Looks eh like a classic ;-)

  10. Movies that suck sounds great!

  11. I'm glad you're getting back on your schedule. I love forward to more of your posts again.

  12. If you need inspiration for Movies that Suck, I can name a few recent ones (some of which were very popular).

  13. It always feels good to start making progress on getting back to a schedule. I see no way the crab movie could not suck but hopefully it's so bad it's entertaining. There's nothing worse than a movie that is just bad. Have a wonderful week!

  14. Back to blogging and maybe also writing, that's awesome! The forest sounds are kinda nice, but also I am very easily irritated by loud bugs lol.

  15. Glad to hear you're back to normal - Now I need to join you: my blogging has been almost none existent! Take care and happy reading. 🙂

  16. I am glad you are getting back to routine and yes to Movies That Suck coming back. Those were fun posts.

    I hope you have a great week ahead.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  17. It feels good to return to a schedule. I would love more Movies That Suck posts. I always enjoy those. :)

  18. Yay for back to normal!

    Have a great weekend and week ahead!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  19. It's nice to get back into the groove! Happy Father's Day!

  20. Glad things are getting back to normal for you. I'm trying to get back into the normal swing of things myself.

  21. I will definitely check in to read "Movies that Suck." It could save me some time.

  22. Happy Father's Day! Movies that Suck sounds like fun. Have a great week!

  23. Ah, yes, there is definitely a place on a blog for Movies That Suck! Enjoy finding shouldn't be hard. LOL

    Have a great week!

  24. Yay for being back on schedule. Movies That Suck is a fun post I look forward to. I have one cheesy one for you: Don't Be Afraid of the Dark. It was out in the 70s or 80s and scared the living hell out of me as a kid, but I watched it again when I was older and it was so cheesy. It still scared me though! :)

  25. It's good to be back on track. I'm on a 5 day cycle with 5 days in the oven where I stay inside and then 5 days of 80s which are really nice and I try to do EVERYTHING. Today is the second of 5 days with low humidity north wind 80s. Heavenly. More yard work on tap. Movies that Suck. *snickers*

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  26. Hi there Greg! Good so see you found your muse again and are back to blogging on a regular basis. I think I might get back to it within the next week or so!

    Yea for Tuesday Tagline, still need to figure out what to do, but I'll make a plan....!!!

    Hope you will have a good week ahead and happy blogging.

  27. Yes, Movies that Suck! They are so Do you do horror movies or mostly sci-fi? Have you ever seen Ticks from Giant Ticks! So gross, so stupid it made you laugh. :)

  28. I tried Wattpad for a short time, but I wasn't great about updating as regularly as I should have. I love Movies that Suck, so much fun! Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  29. 'Movies that suck' has me waiting for more!

  30. I've read a few books on Wattpad and have never heard of the other site. I hope you find one of them useful.

  31. Rainy enchanted forest at night sounds sooo relaxing! I fall asleep to clips like those every night.

  32. Hey Greg - thanks for the visit....Cartographers is a mixed bag so far; not quite what I expected; I thought there'd be more magical realism. Hope you have a great week!

  33. I loved Mysterious Island. Still do. LOL

  34. Mmmm, that giant crab. Imagine feasting on such a thing. Have a good week.

  35. Yay for getting back to normal! Havce a great week!

  36. Glad to see you're feeling like you're getting back to normal Greg -- and YAY for movies that suck !

  37. My son uses Wattpad for publishing his Dr Who fan fiction but I don’t know a lot about it.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  38. I'm glad you are feeling like you are getting back to normal, Greg!

  39. Movies That Suck sounds great. I will have to go back and look at some of your posts.

    I've heard of Wattpad, but not the other. I would like to try Wattpad because some authors have become published from it. I can't say I've heard that about Tapas.

    Hope you have a great week.

  40. I'd love to see Movies that Suck come back! Hope you have a good week😁

  41. Yay for normal! Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  42. I watched Tentacles over the weekend (well, a little of it - it was too bad even for me lol) and I was dying. The guy was on a boat talking to the water - really to an orca that he had trained at a marine park that was set free - asking if he could hear him and return and take out the octopus. Then it was showing flashbacks of their time together at the park. LOLOLOLOL

    Also, Kevin won't watch Obi-Wan until this week so we can watch 2 episodes together. but we are watching Vigil now.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  43. Isn't it fun to watch Movies That Suck sometimes, when you're in the mood? They're so hilarious! I added some Elvis movie to our Prime watch list and my husband looked at me like I was crazy. I was like, "They're so campy, they're good! We'll watch it and you won't regret it!" He didn't look convinced and we haven't watched it yet, so his jury is still out.

    I'm not quite back to a normal schedule myself, but I'm trying to build a buffer of posts for the future so I don't get so behind when things come up. I'm glad you're feeling like you're back in your routine!

    Enjoy your week!

  44. My comment has disappeared. I was telling you about WattPad. 😛
