
Monday, November 22, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday #276 Top Ten Covers

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Character Updates. I'm going rogue (surprising) and going with some more of my favorite Euro comic covers. A lot of these are from the Aldebaran series I'm often going on about ha but there are some other favorites represented also. 


  1. With the exception of the last two examples all the other covers seem so clean and unbusy.

  2. These covers are stunning! I especially love Le Monde Perdu. Those dinosaurs in the mist... Who doesn't love Jurassic Park?

  3. I love all the blue tones, especially on the first couple!

  4. OOoh nice! These are all new to me titles but the covers are amazing!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I went rogue this week too lol! I still love the Le Monde Perdu cover! Mermaid Project looks really cool too. I'm gonna have to check these Euro Comics out at some point!

  6. The Le Monde Perdu one is my favorite. The colors are so vibrant on all of these. My TTT isn't posted yet because I'm migrating blog hosts right now and it's not done yet. Hopefully later today.

  7. I almost went rogue, too. I had a different post started, but in the end, I found 10 that I was legit curious about…so the post I had started instead got back-burnered.

    These covers are lovely. I wish there were an easy way to buy book cover prints. There are so many that I’d hang up on my walls!

    Happy TTT, friend. Hope you have a great one.

    Oh, my list is here—

  8. All those crazy creatures. Yikes!

    Happy TTT!

  9. I love these covers. In La Planete, that creature is so strange looking and it looks like he climbed out of that huge canyon!

  10. The second one is so pretty and artsy.

  11. Those Aldebaran series do indeed have some super nice covers! I also like the one for Le Monde Perdu.

  12. I love the dinosaur one! Dinosaurs would be awesome to see in real life, even though I'd be terrified about getting eaten.

  13. I also went rogue this week. Happy Tuesday and have a great Thanksgiving. Here is my link:

  14. I like the cover of Betelgeuse. I hope that panda-looking creature is a friendly one.

  15. I'm not much into comics but I fully support you going rogue with the topic! Happy reading. My TTT

  16. These look so fun, especially Golden City. I used to read a lot of comics in my younger years.

  17. I must be tired because I first I read that you were sharing a lot of covers from the Alderaan series. LOL!!

    Great covers!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  18. All those covers are amazing, I've never heard of those comics before I love the art.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  19. I think I'm going to have to look into some of these!

  20. These are so wonderfully precise, and thankfully not busy! They really grab your eyes straightaway

  21. Love all of these, the art is exquisite

  22. I REALLY need to read these ughhh. I feel like I say that all the time over here 😂 But it is true! I really loved the Leo one that I read, so obviously I need more!

  23. I like the clean design of these covers.

  24. These are great! My favorite is the second one.
