
Friday, September 17, 2021

Sunday Post #419

This week flew. I did get some reading done however, and I finished Into the Night. Is anyone watching that on Netflix? Oh my gosh that show. My Star Trek watch a thon is still on.           

This week in walking tours I have a great South Korea walk as well as the usual goodness from Virtual.  

Song of the week


And here's some more Carla vamping for Ka-Zar- oh, and Stan Lee himself wrote this. :) 


  1. Me encanta los videos te mando un beso

  2. hey Greg hope you have a good weekend. Those tweets were priceless!

  3. LOL this is awesome.... as always I enjoy your video's. Have a great week ahead!!

  4. Those maps of California are great! Happy to say I live in the orange/yellow part😁

  5. I didn't know about ivermectin. I had to look it up and...what, people think an anti-parasite medication can cure/prevent Covid? What next? Oh, right, we've had bleach already...And that other tweet from the UFO people - do they think they'll sound more scientifically accurate if they use first letter uppercase? 😂

  6. That cover of You're Lonely When You're Dead is awesome. Hope you have a great weekend, Greg!

  7. Gosh the fact that people think an injection can implant a chip into us is NUTS. Lol. Have a great week. <3

  8. Which Star Trek series are you watching?

  9. Oh wow that pulp cover is intense xD I've been listening to a podcast about QAnon and various other theories floating around about the vaccine and it is just mind-boggling. It's like half of the world is living in a different reality! Love the music you shared though. Have a lovely weekend and week :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  10. Oh dear, those tweets remind me why I have never been near Twitter and have stopped watching the news, as things aren't much better here in the UK! 😏 However glad you've had your Star Trek watch-a-thon and another pulp novel to escape into! I haven't watched Into the Night, instead my current Netflix watch is The Serpent. 🐍 Take care and happy reading. 😃

  11. I don't know why but the title 'You're lonely when you're dead' makes me laugh.

    Have a lovely day.

  12. Have a great week and happy reading!

    Week in Review

  13. What an interesting Sunday Post *lol* Gosh, why can´t people just get vaccinated instead of talking such bullshit. Have a great new week, Greg.

  14. It is amazing how so many people can believe such strange things!

    Great visuals.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  15. It's disheartening to me to see people I know (or thought I knew) spouting off wild theories about COVID and the vaccines.

  16. I had no idea what ivermectin was and had to look it up! But honestly if you have questions about your health or covid or...don't go to social media but to your doctor.

  17. OMG.. I can't believe the kind of stuff people are telling and believing at the moment. Pfff.. It blows my mind!
    Have a great week Greg, and happy reading.

  18. We had a fun meme going around here in SA saying that people shouldn't worry about it too much. Within a week it will be out of service and dysfunctional. That's funny, but very true!!

    Into the night - is that the one on the airplane? We've watched one or two episodes.

    Loved the picture in the snow of the boy holding the kitty.

    Have a good week Greg!

    Elza Reads

  19. I am so tempted to do a star trek watch a thon, I just love that show so much. I do think we are headed toward a civil war unless things shift soon. We are too divided right now. It just breaks my heart to see how drastically it has happened in recent years.

  20. Oh wow, I live in the yellow portion of that California map. I'm not surprised by proportional Covid rates. And nurses killing patients for the insurance money?!! Completely insane. I work at a hospital and I can tell you that's one of the stupidest things I've read. Unfortunately, I had to write "one of" because there are so many...

  21. I've not yet watched Into The Night but I want to!

  22. Into the Night looks good, I saw the preview on Netflix. It's beyond belief what some people believe and then they just run with it. Bizarre!
    Happy reading this week :)

  23. YASSSS! I loved Into The Night and need another season ASAP.

  24. Into The Night has been so much fun. I am enjoying that.

  25. I haven't heard of Into the Night. I'll have to look it up. I was so glad my county didn't go all the way in favor of the recall. Given the posts on my neighborhood facebook group and all the signs in the neighborhood, I would have thought it might. I guess it goes to show that the loudest voices aren't always the majority.

    I hope you have a great week, Greg.

  26. Like if it wasn't so sad, it would be funny, all these foolish, foolish people willing to risk their lives on this absurdity. Sigh. At least the Martian vaccine lady gave me a good chuckle. And I am still laughing at the comment about the $17 Olive Garden gift card 😂 (Also, FWIW, I don't think you're far off on the Civil War thing- I don't think there is any way this ends peacefully, it's too divided, and frankly, I know I can't just pretend these people are normal, and not hateful and also incredibly dumb, and live side by side. So. Yeah.)

    I am almost done with Into the NIght and I do not want it to end! I REALLLY hope it is renewed. Also, I want to go to Seoul.

  27. I watched Into the Night and loved it. Great show. I hope we get another season. Have a great week!

  28. That Rudy Giuliani speech was really...something. Just when you think he can't go any lower...

    One of the surreal things about the 20th anniversary of 9/11 was seeing Rudy Giuliani then and knowing what he is now!

    -Melinda @ A Web of Stories

  29. Your book has a fun cover and so promise of having been a good read. Those tweets - so funny.

  30. I’ve got Into the Night on my watch list, I take it from your comment that it’s definitely something I should check out. And those walking tours! The Seoul one was so relaxing to watch and did help me feel better about the fact I can’t go on holiday anywhere.

  31. Into the Night sounds like it could be interesting!

    Unfortunately I have some people close to me who are buying into some of these crazy theories.

  32. It's truly amazing what you can find on Twitter for sure! Into the Night is on my list, but I'm a little behind because of movie watching and reading these days. Now that the new season has started on television, I fear I won't get anything done, Gorgeous Greg!(lol) Hugs and hope you're feeling well. RO

  33. Glad to hear you got some reading done this week. :) Hope you have a great week!

  34. Into the night? Must check it out :D

  35. That's an amazing pulp cover! We rotate our streaming services so we have HBOMax right now but when we go back to Netflix I want to try Into the Night. Have a great week!

  36. Thanks to your post, I went and checked out the blurb for Into the Night, it sounds brilliant! Adding it to my watchlist. And there are so many tweets here, can't even pick which one's my "favorite" but I guess the map one really stands out...

  37. The culture war in America is insane right now. But if these people want to eat horse dewormer and get sick from that or covid, be my guest. I'm done with the idiocy.

  38. It blows my mind what people can believe, when it is so contrary to both fact and reason. SMH.

    Love the Nimue and Excalibur picture!

  39. I hadn't heard of Into the Night - is it scary?
