
Monday, August 23, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Books I Wish I Could Read Again For The First Time.     


  1. I confess that I haven't read a word of the George R.R. Martin series. Perhaps I should give them a try. My list of books I wish I could read again for the first time

  2. hello, thanks for stopping by and gor sharing those books. now, i'm preparing a challenge (pumpkin autumn challenge)have a nice day and nice reading!

  3. A Closed and Common Orbit was such an experience. <3

  4. The girls in the garden is STILL ON MY TBR LIST. For years. Gosh, I need to read it!!

    I don't recognize any of the others though...

    Elza Reads

  5. Someday I should read Planet of Exile!

  6. Did it make you feel nostalgic doing this one? It sounds like it would be -- and I adore these old covers!

  7. OOh nice picks! Some new to me ones! I still need to read The Extinction Trials!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. A Dance with Dragons, yes! But after I reread the rest of the series first so I can pick up on more of the details.

  9. Great list!

    When you get the chance, I hope you stop over at my blog and take a read:

  10. I still really need to read Becky Chamber's book 🙈 Sometimes I feel like I'll never get around to it but I'm determined to make it happen! LOL the Extinction Trials and Eight Hundred Grapes are also on my TBR and they sound great, too. Awesome list!

  11. Thanks for reminding me about Becky Chamber's series, I still need to read it!

  12. I haven't read any of these, so I can still experience all of these for the first time. Lucky me!

    Happy TTT!

  13. I haven't read any of these, so I guess I should try them now.
    I didn't participate, because I thought I would have had a hard time finding 10. But one that comes to mind right away is Blindness by Saramago. Wow, that moment at the green light!!

  14. I haven't read any of these yet, but I definitely want to continue the Becky Chambers books as I loved The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet!

  15. I can't believe I still haven't read The Girls in the Garden. As much as I love Jewell, there are still a couple I haven't got to yet.

  16. I have read none of these, though The Shark Club is on my TBR.

  17. I haven't read any of these but I might check out Emilie and the hollow world - looks like an adventure book.

    One of these days, I'll probably read a Becky Chambers book, I really like to read more science fiction in space.

    Have a lovely day.

  18. OMG! When I met my future husband in high school, I'd only ever read one fantasy novel - The Hobbit. He gave me his copy of The Sword of Shannara and I fell in love. He's gone but I still have that battered hardback of his. <3

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  19. I read a Dance with Dragons... It's been so long I think it would be like reading it for the first time! Haha!

  20. Oooh, I loved Eight Hundred Grapes, too! I also loved her newest release, The Last Thing He Told Me. But it was so different.

  21. The Shark Club seems interesting. "One summer day on the beach in Florida, two extraordinary things happen to Maeve Donnelly. First, she is kissed by Daniel, the boy of her dreams. Then, she is bitten by a blacktip shark." Whoa!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list.

  22. Oh, I wish I could read The Sword of Shannara again for the first time. That book blew me away. I loved all the characters...and all the cool places they traveled to on their journey! Good memories. :D

  23. The Extinction Trials sounds like a heck of a thriller/action book!

    I thought about adding A Storm of Swords to my list. That's probably my favorite of the GoT books so far. Do you think we'll ever get an ending? I've just about given up hope, especially after the crappy last season or two of the show.

    Great list!

  24. A couple of these look fantastic. Becky Chambers has been on my list for awhile now.

    I'd have to add Jane Eyre to my list and Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier and the Harry Potter series. I know there's more but those are at the top of my head.

  25. I agree with the Shannara books, especially those early ones.

    Check out my TTT

  26. Aww first times, yes there are books I'd love to read again for the first time

  27. Shannara! Yes indeed. In recent years, I have started to feel them totally immature -- or maybe, it's because of the TV versions I watched? :O

  28. I have just read a book by Ursula K. LeGuin (The Left Hand of Darkness) and know J.R.R. Tolkien and George R.R. Martin, of course, but all the other authors are unknown to me.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  29. What a great list! I haven't read any of those.

  30. I see a bunch of books that I need to put on my TBR!

  31. The Extinction Trials! 🥰 I readnthe trilogy on your reccomendation and adored it. I'd like to read them all again one day too.

  32. I have Eight Hundred Grapes on audible so I'm glad to see you have it on this list! The Girls in the Garden is another book I'd like to read. I really enjoy Lisa Jewell's books.

  33. Great list! I jsut read A Closed and Common Orbit this year and I can't wait to get back into the series.

  34. Did you like A Closed and Common Orbit better than Long Way? Long Way is still my favorite. 🤗

  35. Oooh I have a lot of books that I would love to read for the first time!!

    There's nothing like that surprising feeling of being pulled into a book.

    P.S. Finished Panic and that was a wild ending lol The TIGER. Did no one care there was a Tiger running around loose? Is he still running around loose?? lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  36. I haven't read any of those but that cover on Girls In The Garden is calling to me.

  37. Re-reading anything Tolkien for the first time would be great!

  38. Wouldn't it be cool to reread things for the first time? Maybe one day I will try that Becky Chambers series.

  39. Aw my dad has a copy of Terry Brook's The Sword of Shannara with that cover! 😁
