
Friday, August 6, 2021

Sunday Post 413

The Olympics have been on this week all the time. Honestly, I love the streaming. It's so much more comprehensive than TV coverage and I can watch the entire events. This past week it's been diving and the kayaking and of course relays. I also watched the BMX racing on someone's recommendation - I think it was Lark? Thank you! It was awesome seeing Switzerland take all three medals in the mountain biking also. I'm going to be bummed when it's all over.  

Highlights for me this week: 

The Polish team winning the mixed 4x400 relay. Their enthusiasm was amazing!!!!  

Britain's Worthington KILLED it in the BMX freestyle.  

Why do I like the crashes? 

More BMX. The moment when Bethany Shriever let the f word go after her victory. Oopss.  

So my Star Trek watch-a-thon has been on serious hold thanks to the Olympics. Reading- what reading? But I'm okay- I love the spectacle. The kayaking races have been fab also.        

This week in walking tours we have a nice Tokyo walk and also a beautiful Seoul tour.            

Song of the week




  1. Te deseo un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso

  2. I missed watching the relays both women and men live. Pity about that. I like the athletics and the marathons. Strange in someone who is an absolute couch potato. Have a good weekend.

  3. I've been watching a lot of the Games as well, so I haven't been reading much either! Let's see, what have I been watching : men's 10m diving, a bit of sport climbing, the decathlon and the heptathlon, and WOMEN'S SOCCER!

  4. There were some intense crashes in BMX. I used to watch the X-Games back in the day. I love seeing all those extreme sports added to the Olympics.

  5. I haven't watched much of the Olympics, but I've really enjoyed watching gymnastics and cycling. :)

  6. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the Olympics so much. Nice change of pace for you. Alas, I'm not a sports gal, or I could have been giddy with excitement for all the medals Italy's been winning.

    Solar Lottery? LOL.

  7. The BMX events were a lot of fun, weren't they? I watched the men's modern pentathlon today and got totally sucked in. I'm really going to miss the Olympics next week...I'll probably go through withdrawal. ;D Good thing I have lots of good books to read. Have a great weekend, Greg!

  8. I would love to travel to Seoul. 😍

    I watched a lot of street skateboarding and some synchronized swimming. I wanted to watch soccer, but I couldn't find any of the games I wanted to watch streaming anywhere for free. Watching soccer after the fact is just weird for me. 😄

    Have a wonderful new week! 🌞

  9. I've been watching a little bit of everything, usually what they're showing in primetime. It's been fun!

  10. Seoul by night is really cool!
    Exceptionally, I have watched a lot of the olympics (Canadian TV on internet - fabulous, with everything available live or on replay for each sport, and for every day). I was mostly curious and impressed by new Olympic sports: yes BMX is crazy. As well as skateboarding and the most insane, I think, sport climbing. Quite impressive. I have watched also more traditional competitions.

  11. I'm glad you've been enjoying the Olympics. I get more into the winter events, they are so fun to watch. I hope you are having a great weekend!

  12. What a coincidence, I haven't been reading much either! ;) I don't even have watching the Olympics as a reason though, just normal life getting in the way. Nice tour walk vids though!

  13. I somehow didn't watch any of the Olympics this year! I kept meaning to but somehow didn't make it happen. Love the walks. I've been really enjoying visiting places with Geoguessr but this way is much more relaxing. Have a wonderful week!

  14. I still haven't really watched any of the games myself, only caught glimpses here or there but I have loved seeing all the support and enthusiasm that is going out to all the athletes! I hope you have a lovely week coming up :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  15. I still haven't watched anything :/

  16. Sounds like I missed out on the BMX events. I didn't see any of those. But I've been watching quite a bit and the TV has been on every night which is so weird for us. Track events, beach volleyball, skateboarding, diving... it's been great.

  17. The Olympics sure is a big hit this year! I don't have a lot of time to watch, just try to follow on my phone as much as possible.

    Oh that last photo made me laugh!

    Hope you are well Greg and that you will have a good week ahead.

    Elza Reads

  18. I'm totally with you on the Olympics Journey, Gorgeous Greg! I was really pumped while watching the US women take the gold home with beach volleyball, hugs and all.(lol) they were phenomenal. then I was all in with the men's 100 and talk about a shocker! Italy really did their thing, then they did it again for 4 x 100! I don't know if you heard, but Carl Lewis gave some scathing comments to the US Men for not making it into the 4 x 100 finals. Then how about Molly Seidel getting the bronze for the Women's Marathon?! I was screaming too when she won, and I totally loved her personality when she did her follow-up interview! So many things to talk about, and very cool about Switzerland too, because you do remember going there is on my bucket list, right?!(lol) Hope all is well, and sending lots of hugs, RO

  19. Ah yes, the olympics. Mr. Bach is under some pressure after the incident with the horse and Mrs. Schleu happened... Curious how they will solve that in 2024. Happy reading!

  20. These walking tours are so nice and relaxing! And glad you're enjoying the Olympics. It's always nice when something different comes along to mix things up a bit!

  21. I have really enjoyed some of the newer obscure sports they have had this year, but my heart will always be with the gymnastics

  22. It's a shame the olympics are over. They always seem to go by so fast! The highlight for me would have to be the Canadian women's soccer team winning gold. That was very exciting in my house.

  23. Same here. We got Peacock and YouTube TV just to stream Olympics all day long.

  24. I am not a fan of watching sports, but the streaming does sound like it would be better.

    Glad you had a good week. Enjoy the upcoming one, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  25. I've never really watched the BMX events in the Olympics but now I feel like I should catch them the next time around! The Tokyo walking tour also looks really cool, I would love to visit in real life some day

  26. Didn't know BMX was in it. Now I must head over to see some of that action :-)

  27. Great to hear you've been enjoying the streaming coverage of the Olympics, even if it means your Trek-A-Thon and reading have taken a dip because of it all! I'm afraid I missed a lot of it, because I was away on holiday, in a place without TVs! 😁

  28. Sounds like you've had a wonderful time watching the Olympics. I wish I had been able to watch more but we had cancelled our cable so I could only find highlights here and there to watch.

  29. I missed the Polish team (my grandparents were from Poland). We watch far too much baseball this week. Hope the coming week is a good one for you.

  30. I didn't watch any Olympics. I never really do but I tend to catch the more obscure events that paly during the day but didn't this year.

    We watched the new Suicide Squad movie last night and it was wild, weird but fun.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  31. Oh, I think the kayaking and BMX would be fun to watch! Enjoy your week, Greg!

  32. Glad I'm not the only one who likes the crashes. Not that I want anyone to get injured or lose because of a crash, of course. I really wish I'd seen the woman from San Diego who crashed during cycling, got up and made her way back up to the front to win a gold medal! I only saw the last two laps. Guess I can look for it online.

    So where have you been streaming the entire events? I've only been watching prime time coverage on NBC. I have my Mom set up to watch NBCSN during the day. I tried finding streaming stuff via Roku but couldn't figure out where anything was and gave up. I want to be better prepared for the winter Olympics which are only 5 months away!

  33. I haven't watched any of the Olympics but I'm glad you're having such a good time with them.

  34. I am ashamed to say that I didn't watch the Olympics once Greg!!!!

  35. I haven't watched any of the Olympics. I'm glad you are enjoying them, though. I love the walking tours. Have a great week!

  36. I haven't watched the Olympics at all this year. I just couldn't quite muster any enthusiasm for it, although I would have enjoyed the gymnastics. I'll probably watch at least some of the Winter Olympics, assuming they aren't cancelled. I always love the figure skating, and I enjoy some of the skiing, snowboard, and bobsled events, too.

  37. We've been watching the Olympics every evening. We like to stream the primetime show so we just get the highlights of everything. I don't have patience to watch entire volleyball matches or any of the team sports. It's worked okay for us. Sometimes we had to wait for the "live" broadcast to end before we could stream so that was a pain. We tried streaming some of the events but I don't like all the commentary while we're just waiting on the actual event to start. I guess I'm just a highlights person! We're kind of excited that it ends tonight so we can get back to our normal routing but we're also sad to see it end.

    Did you see that young Chinese platform diver? She was as close to perfection as we'll ever see, I think.

    Enjoy your week!

  38. I caught some of the Olympics but not as much as I normally do. What a dramatic year!

  39. I didn't watch much of the Olympics but kept up with it via the news. Our kayakers did well - especially one of them and as a whole NZ won 20 medals so they were rather pleased with the results.

  40. Only 6 months until the winter olympics start!!

    Have a great week!

  41. Some intense moments in the games! Loved the diving competition too!

  42. I prefer watching the events after they’ve been edited rather than live.
    I plan to watch some of the Paralympics too

    Wishing you a great reading week

  43. The Olympics were fun to watch. I'm sad to see that it's over. I guess it's onward to the Winter Olympics next year!

  44. I've been watching some of the Olympics. I feel like I used to watch more, but my schedule has been weird the last couple of weeks. I did get to watch a bit of Gymnastics which I love.


  45. I watched a little more of the swimming, diving and gymnastics. Have a great week!

  46. I've missed all of the Olympics. I used to catch bits and pieces when we had tv, but nothing now.

  47. I saw a bit of the white water kayaking and that was fabulous. Honestly, I would love to tube down that course! It was the first time I had seen that competition in a non-natural setting, which was interesting. - Melinda @ A Web of Stories.

  48. I'm so glad we had streaming this year for the Olympics. Recording on our old DVR was such a pain. We have YouTube TV and I told it to record EVERYTHING. And now I have like months of Olympics I can watch. :) Hoping to watch some synchronized swimming today, even though the Olympics are over.

  49. I was so bad about watching the Olympics this year. I think I was just afraid of becoming obsessive, like I usually do. Glad you enjoyed them though!

  50. Streaming is great. They do cut so much out of TV coverage, and you get to watch on your own time. Glad you've been enjoying so much of it and so many different sports!

  51. I don't recall the last time I watched the Olympics. I catch the special videos on FB, but they are enough for me. What nice tours you shared. Love the cover on Down the Vents.

    Hope you have a great week. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  52. Again, I went to watch a video and forgot to come back. 😛

    I watched mostly skateboarding and some equestrian events. BMX sounds exciting! 😊
