
Friday, November 13, 2020

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date

So as everyone knows it's been a week of chaos. We can't even have an election go right I guess. Are other countries experiencing a problem with half the population utilizing a complete different set of facts? 

Anyway I'm having a heck of a time formatting this. I'm about ready to give up on Blogger. If anyone has trouble let me know- I guess last week people had a problem seeing my posts. It's Friday though and that means pizza night. Hope everyone has a great weekend and a great week ahead! 

Song of the week



More walking tours. 

 Are those supposed to be ninja turtles at 1:25? I love all the elevated walkways. And a nice view at 3:52. 

This I've been listening to to celebrate the election. :):) 


  1. I'm still getting used to Blogger too, and it's tricky for sure. I was watching the news nonstop, but for the past three days I've gone almost all Christmas movie or comedy watching, Gorgeous Greg.(lol) I think I'm going to spend the next day or so preparing Christmas cards for mailing. Be well and have a great weekend! Hugs, RO

    1. I am having all kinds of trouble! At first I was alright but it's a mess now. Anyway- some Christmas cheer sounds pretty good. And thanks Ravishing Ro!!!

  2. I'm glad we had a slow week at work during the election drama, because I really couldn't concentrate on anything else; we had the news on practically 24 hours a day! Blogger has been frustrating for sure; I still feel like everything takes me way longer than it used to.

    1. It is hard to concentrate during all the madness! And right? Blogger is killing me!

  3. It took me 45 minutes to get three images in a row for my Friday Reading Roundup post. I was tearing my hair out. Everything takes double or triple the time it used to. The only way Blogger would give a damn is if we all stopped using it and moved elsewhere. But there isn't anywhere else to go and they know it.

    1. Yes! Everything takes twice as long or longer. And you're right- they have us. Images, tho... they're moving them around, my captions end up all over!

  4. I think your blog looks fine, but I sympathize with what everyone with Blogger is going through. Oh and I need to rewatch Escape from New York!

  5. "Are other countries experiencing a problem with half the population utilizing a complete different set of facts?"

    I haven't had any problem seeing your posts, unless I missed the one of them that didn't look right...Blogger is frustrating, but where else would we go? I heard free WP is giving people headaches as well, and Tumblr is more like a private club.

    "Lost" is awesome but terrifying.

  6. This post seemed to post okay this week. Stupid Blogger. I try not to do anything too complicated on my blog and haven't had too many glitches or problems with it yet. Of course, now I've just jinxed myself! ;D Have a good weekend.

  7. I am seeing your post just fine. I guess I am not having issues with formatting because all my posts are done with HTML templates I made and saved. I just pop pics and text in. Hope the pizza was great.

  8. Ugh, sorry about Blogger. I am so glad I switched honestly! But like the others, your posts look fine to me! AMEN to "Are other countries experiencing a problem with half the population utilizing a complete different set of facts?" I have wondered this as well- is half of EVERY population batshit, or just this one? I am so glad that the election is over and went our way, but obviously it's not even almost over, as COVID surges out of control, and I mean, are murder hornets still around? Then you've gone Four Seasons Total Landscaping, Patti LaBelle's son, honestly you couldn't write something this absurd! Also the walking tours are so nice but they make me miss travel and like, being in public so much!

  9. I use blogger to format posts for tours..and it has some kinks. As for your problems here! Hope you have a fantastic week!

  10. I haven't had too much trouble with Blogger lately ? (fingers crossed !). Oh wow, Escape from New York ! I went to see it at the cinema when it was released, I'm so old. That jpicture from Corporatist research is amazing, it looks real. Enjoy your sunday and good luck with your after elections time :/

  11. Right? Why do we never see news about other countries having election fiascos? What is it about the U.S. that makes for certain populations unable/unwilling to accept basic facts (and basic science)? Gah!

    Friday night was pizza night for me, too. Meatball pizza, to be specific.

    I guess I'm slowly getting used to the new Blogger. And I haven't had any issues viewing your posts.

  12. Your Sunday Post looks great, Greg. But I know when I was getting used to WP, it had me biting the keyboard and howling at the ceiling... So I really feel your pain! Have a great week, Greg - and hopefully the situation around your election will calm down...

  13. Pizza night sounds good, Greg! I'm glad you get to continue that even now!
    Stay safe and healthy, my friend, have a wonderful week ahead.

  14. I think your post looks fine, sorry you are having trouble with it.

    Week in Review

  15. I've been hearing from multiple people they've been having trouble with the new blogger. I only use it to format media kits for my tours, I had to change a new bits of code, like not using spaces after links and using div tags for alignment were two things I had to change. That seemed to fix most of the things I ran into, but not sure if that will help you. I usually code in the html section as I find that more reliable. I hope your next week is a good one!

  16. We have pizza night on Thursdays since its a late night with my daughters cheer. It's my favorite night!
    I can't for the life of me understand by Blogger and Wordpress thought it was a good idea to change the format of something for people that just want to blog and not have to know HTML. I know it but I hate working in it if I don't have too.

    I hope you have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  17. I love the 8 bit Millenium falcon!! I had pizza last night for dinner. Yum!

  18. Oh you should come and visit us here in SA when it's selection time. There is like 60 parties to choose from and most of the population just goes for the prettiest picture. Lots of fun and games! Voting boxes get dumped and then miraculously re-appear with a few extra ballots.

    I still don't struggle with my blogger. What exactly do you struggle with Greg? Maybe get a new template... My template does everything for me, kind of.

    Please don't leave us!!!

    Hope you will have a wonderful week ahead.

    The Sunday Post #18

  19. We have a few QAnon crazies, more than I’d like!
    Your landscape jpg’s run off the page border on the right side but it’s not a big deal. Can you adjust images pixel width? I’m guessing you just need to adjust it down by about 30-50 pixels.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  20. Greg, I am sorry to hear things are still chaotic for you! I really hope the election will be finalised soon and that you will get your ahead around the new Blogger! 🙏 I also hope that your pizza cheered you up... we had pizza on Thursday... it had been a hard week in our house! 😉

  21. Yes, the formatting gives me fits as well. This week it seemed to go okay. Fingers crossed, it posts like I see it. Hope everything is nailed down with all this wind today! Crazy, any left over leaves are flying all around!

  22. Oh, yes, why do the blog providers have to make major changes just when we need a little certainty in our lives? LOL. WP has a new Block Editor that has me shouting at my laptop as I try to work my way through. After a few weeks, it is getting a little better.

    But as for the divided country in which we live: I am worried that we are stuck with that darkness for a while, and I'm pointing my fingers at you-know-who as the cause of it!

    Have a great week.

  23. Oh yeah, unfortunately everywhere it seems that half a country's population is using a different set of facts, EVEN THOUGH there is enough evidence to point out the opposite. So...yeah. I agree with you about blogger. My suggestion is to join us on the other side, aka wordpress. I swear, best decision I ever made. I was terrified for nothing. Well.. I still have to reformat posts, but I'm just pretending that's not a thing I have to do lol
    Have a great week!!

  24. Well, corona related we have a once well respected vegan cook who is now telling the world that corona is a hoax and the government wants to poison us all with the new vaccine. I hear you with Blogger. Before Google switched of the Legacy I needed only a few minutes to create a post or review. Now, it takes me up to two hours and placing a foto in my posts has become a nightmare. Annoying! Stay safe and well.

  25. I'm still having problems with Blogger's formatting too. I can't believe how two sets of people see things in two different way about the election. It's so crazy. I hope you have a great week!

  26. Well Greg my country took more than sixteen months before having a government so who am I to judge?

  27. The formatting all looks good - but I feel you, wordpress recently changed their platform and it's just a nightmare getting used to different ways of doing things all over again, so a post that should just take minutes takes hours! That election was crazy. The first night I stayed up thinking there would be results! I'm not used to US elections - what did I know. Lol. Have a good week.
    Lynn :D

  28. Formatting in Blogger is no fun. I get weird, unequal spaces between my paragraphs that make me angry. I’m trying not to stress about them too much. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  29. I find that blogger has always been complicated when it came to posting pics so I can understand your frustration. But your post looks fine.

  30. You post looks right, Greg. I've been using the updated Blogger for a while now, however I did put it off and kept clicking on the old version every time I could. It no longer became an option so I was forced to use the new version. I haven't had many issues, but I don't post anything complicated. I haven't tried a video for instance. I do get irritated with having to click from "Paragraph" to "Normal" when I copy my Word Document into my post. I think there should be a way to default the post to "Normal" instead of having it revert to "Paragraph" so you don't get all those spaces added in! So annoying.

    Yeah, it seems there are so many out there buying into conspiracy theories about the election. How is it he gets these people to believe such utter nonsense just boggles my mind. It's almost like he's some cult leader and they're ready to believe whatever he tweets. I think they need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid!

  31. So sorry Blogger is giving you indigestion. Yes your political week was up in the air, but I believe truth will set you all free in January! Crazy eh! We actually have a deputy chief of staff at the White House. He has lasted the four years! I don't know how anyone could work for Mr Trump really. All the best.

  32. Ugh. Sorry to hear you are still having problems with Blogger. What a pain. And as for the election, when the lame-duck president is still tweeting he won, when he didn't, we have a major problem. Double ugh.

  33. I'm am really tired of the election drama but not at all surprised at what is going on now. Trump can't accept failure in any field and has brainwashed too many Americans to his point of view. I'm concentrating on reading and ignoring the whole thing. I switch channels whenever Trump's face appears. I think I've finally reconciled myself to the new Blogger. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  34. I just want one week of quiet. Is that too much to ask?? I know Biden will be low drama but I also know you know who won't stop tweeting and the media won't stop breathlessly covering it.

    I haven't had any problems with the new blogger. But, of course, I'm barely blogging lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  35. I’m getting used to blogger, I use Canva for my formatting when I have more than one image in a row so that makes a difference otherwise I’d be tearing my hair out. My only problem at the moment is my preview not working. I’m just not getting stressed anymore!

    Was there an election? I hadn’t heard anything about it😉 You guys better not send Trump over to Scotland when he gets turfed out!

  36. Sorry blogger is being such a pain!

    I honestly can't wait until January 21!

  37. I always enjoy your posts. So many nice pictures and inspiring videos :)

  38. A couple of my coworkers I am friends with on FB have bought into the voter fraud conspiracy, and it's more than a bit disconcerting. I kind of knew they were Trump supporters, but they rarely posted anything political before the election. Suddenly though . . . It's disappointing to say the least.

    Blogger is annoying me as well. It's really frustrating sometimes.

    I hope you have a great week, Greg. Enjoy your reading!

  39. Sorry to hear about your blogger problems, the only time I have formatting issues is with premade templates from certain book tours. And yes half the population can't accept facts or learn from history. It's why I don't talk politics with anyone but my hubby. Hope you enjoyed your pizza and are having a great week.

  40. You find the best retro covers!

    I glanced at the Zombie Bites illustration and thought "Uh-oh. She's climbing up on a gigantic snake and doesn't know it!" I don't really think she is but I'm terrified of snakes so that's what jumped out at me. I completely missed her bite until I took a second look!

    Enjoy your week!

  41. It's pretty incredible that so many people believe all the election conspiracy theories. How does half the country live in their own version of reality no matter what the experts and the courts say?

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
