
Friday, March 13, 2020

Sunday Post #341


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
I mentioned Tales From the Loop last week but I have a funny story. My mom came over and it was sitting on the table (it's a coffee table book) and she was looking it over- she made some faces as she paged through it, and wanted to know if it was real. It was the realism of the pictures that got her- she was surprised they were paintings, she though they looked more like photos. I mean, I don't think she thought it was real, but the photorealism I guess threw her? 

Anyway, in apocalypse news- Michigan (my state) has canceled all school through April. How is your apocalypse shaping up?  

Tales from the Loop

riverdale ok GIF by Madelaine Petsch

Songs from the DeepThe Andromeda Evolution (Andromeda #2)To Be Taught, If Fortunate

Song of the week


Kozy Books K150 1962


Good Girls Lie



  1. My apocalypse is basically cancelling all school for the rest of the term, but nothing else. Stores are still open, and of course people are panic buying. (Myself included, admittedly) I see everyone else doing it and I immediately get scared that I’ll have no resources. Hope you stay safe over there, Greg!

  2. Yep, school's out for two weeks here. I already work from home so unfortunately no break for me, and now I will have my kids bouncing off the walls and stressing me out too, yay! :P It's funny about the older generation and science fiction thing...maybe because sci-fi as a genre was so different back then, and the ideas (and the art) has evolved so much since? I guess sci-fi used to be much more about wonder and imagination, and now with the advent of all kinds of amazing technology, realism has started to play a much bigger role in the genre. And I had to chuckle at your pulp cover of the week - that lady must be taping her dress to her boobs, how does the fabric both hang and hug that way? XD

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  3. Yep, school is out here for at least 2 weeks, all colleges have converted to online classes for the duration of the term, gatherings of more than 250 people have been banned in the state, so all concerts, festivals, etc. have been canceled or postponed. My work is considering switching us all to work from home for a couple of weeks. And of course the store shelves are emptying. The libraries have closed {but they have increased the digital checkout limit}, as have most recreational venues. I mean even the theme parks have closed! The people I interact with are pretty much split 50/50 over thinking things are serious and thinking things have been blown way out of proportion. I just know everything is crazy.

  4. Except from the paranoid stupidity of the general population (i.e bulk buying toilet paper and tinned tomatoes) the UK government is in a "Keep Calm and Carry On" footing with warnings to wash your hands more often and stay home for 7 days if you develop a cough or a fever.
    No school closures etc. The football league is postponed because teams are falling ill but that's about it. It's all very strange but I understand what they're trying to do... They're trying to make sure we slowly build a herd immunity and slow the spread to stop the hospitals becoming overwhelmed so we dont lose lives that could be saved if only we had hospital beds. The biologist part of me understands but it's not going down too well with the general hyperventilating population!

  5. Our schools are closed, and both my kids' colleges are closed for the rest of the school year. Talk about extreme! No one is happy about it and were all trying to figure things out day by day. I wish I had a two week time frame to work with but I don't. Plus I can't but groceries because people are assholes and hoarding everything😭

  6. Funny that your mom was so thrown by Tales from the Loop. :)
    Our apocalypse is similar. Schools closed, libraries shut down, all concerts and events cancelled/postponed. And people hoarding tp like this is a stomach bug and not a respiratory virus. *rolls eyes*

  7. We're lucky to be in our mobile home on a pretty much deserted French campsite at the moment so about the best place to self isolate. My OH is is a very high risk group if he does catch this virus so we'll be hiding out here as long as possible. I made 3 jars of dandelion petal syrup yesterday as it's high in vitamin C. Tastes almost like honey!

  8. Are they actual paintings or digital art?
    Schools are now closing for two weeks and DisneyWorld also closed for the month but everything else is open, no big events cancelled (and we have tons in the Spring), and Spring Break is a week away. It's already tourist season here so everything is crowded. I'm seeing a lot of hoax talk locally so I'm self-isolating. Better safe than sorry.
    Have a safe, virus-free week!

    Stacy Renee @ LazyDayLit.

  9. I've been reading the comments and it sounds like Italy is (almost) the only place where extreme measures against coronavirus have been taken. Only necessary activities and shops are allowed/open here (and there's been some hoarding, I assume mostly because, if you fall ill, you have to stay home for two weeks), school's out, we are encouraged to only go out if we can't help it. The deadline so far is April 4th, then the central government will decide what to do next. I hope you and your family are safe!

    Inn of Heroes is fun!

  10. The virus is dominating things here and I feel like a character in one of my apocalypse books as I get ready for a lockdown coming. How can I know if I have enough when I don't know how long a lockdown might last???!!! When do I decide to stay home with my dad? Arrgghh!

    I'm not sure that a banana is what you want in your hand when facing a megalodon...

  11. In our apocalyptic state of Utah, they've closed all public schools for two weeks. Even worse? They've closed all the public libraries! And of course, good luck finding toilet paper or Clorox wipes in any of the stores. This is so crazy!

  12. Who knew the apocalypse would be so frustrating? You can’t hoard food when you’re broke, and you can’t buy stuff when you run out because everybody is hoarding food. I did manage to find a giant bag of the one type of dog food my dog won’t barf on the rug, so I guess I’m pretty happy? I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  13. Schools are closed here for 2 1/2 weeks which doesn't really affect us because we home school. We are doing grocery shopping very carefully and picking up the building block kind of ingredients that I can make multiple things with. I'm staying home. I'm not terribly upset about that part! That's too funny about the book. That kind of art does unsettle me a bit but that is funny. Have a great week and good luck with your apocalypse!

  14. I think it is great they have cancelled school so long. My district just came off spring break and we are cancelled all next week. They are taking it week by week, but major major events here have been cancelled already. The College World Series, which Omaha has hosted forever, has even been cancelled and that is not until June. Mutual of Omaha closed yesterday when an employee tested positive for COVID-19, and basically Omaha is going to take a huge economic hit but I don't even care because we have to protect our most vulnerable. So many organizations and private citizens just here are stepping up to fill the need of providing breakfast and lunch for kiddos who otherwise would not have anything, with school being cancelled. I hope that these measures are enough, and that we will stop the spread. Eleanor and I plan to read, read, read! Plus play UNO, paint rocks, do science experiments, build a volcano, grow some rock crystals, and watch Frozen II at least fifty times.

  15. They closed our schools starting Monday until April 11th. I am glad we buy paper products in bulk to save money because by the time we realized people were stockpiling it would have been to late. Ha ha. There aren't any reported cases in our county, the one who shows up is a student at a college in Albany and he's still in Albany. Are there any cases reported near you? 😷

    Have a happy, and healthy, new week. 🌞

  16. Now I am really curious about your coffee table book. It sounds fascinating.

    And yes, I can't believe the sweeping changes due to the virus...schools and other events are closing down; the place where I live has a lockdown going, too, with no visitors allowed. We can go out, but they discourage it.

    Let's all stay safe and hope for a quick response/cure, but it isn't looking hopeful, is it?

  17. Schools, colleges, cinema, malls are all shut. The rest is same old, as it could get. Nice haul!
    The pictures from the Scandinavian Folklore are so good though!!!
    Here's my STS

  18. Wonderful artwork as always Greg and I understand how your mum was confused by that book - the artwork is so realistic! Also is that a stargate in the Flight of the Fenri picture?

    Have a great week and happy reading! :-)

  19. I totally understand the previous generation's reaction to speculative fiction. It is the same in my family too when I was living with them.

    And it is definitely an apocalypse down here too.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  20. Most districts in NJ are closed, but NYC is staying open. Oddly enough, they have some of the highest number of infections. Seem irresponsible, but it's de Blasio. *eye roll*

  21. My apocalypse just consist of Walmart being invaded by the ARMY! Our national Guards had like 5 or 6 overflowing shopping carts full of foods and water. I was like well no wonder I can't find no canned tuna!!!

    If schools are closed I don't know anything about it as I don't have kids.

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  22. Yeah, the apocalypse is pretty crazy where I am! We have 6 jugs of Orange Juice. stacks of books and video games, and are planning for some series social distancing/not leaving our house kind of situation.
    Hannah @ Back Shelf Books

  23. The schools in my town are closed for the next two weeks, and I'll guess they'll re-evaluate at that point. We do have one confirmed case here in the town.

  24. Here in Germany same picture. Most of the people I talk with are in panic, have turned their brains off and act as if there is no tomorrow. It is crazy.

  25. You Swamp Nymph is very underdressed and naughty Greg! LOL Our side of the coronavirus is like yours: schools cancelled, restaurants and pubs closed, shops closed on the weekend except food store and chemists!

  26. I thought the cover for Tales From the Loop was a photograph as well!

    It's crazy out here, too. Our schools are canceled from the rest of the month and our stores are cleaned out! It's insane! They've restricted the times open and Costco is restricting how much people can buy of things like water and toilet paper. That's a good thing I think.

  27. I have to say that looking at it quickly I thought it was a photo, too:)). Love the pics, too. Here in the UK, the Government is trying to delay the cascade of infection, so have kept schools and colleges open for the time being - a much better strategy, I think. Most businesses and shops are remaining open for the time being. Though you can't get hold of toilet paper or pasta in the shops.

  28. Wow. School has been canceled through April? We are on spring break this week. They are still monitoring to see if the kids can go back the following week or not.

  29. Schools closed in Illinois. Many churches as well.
    Stay safe, maybe next week we'll need some cheerful post-apocalyptic pictures, if there's such a thing? I'm sure YOU can come up with something original.
    My post

  30. My daughter's travel aboard plans were cancelled and her college is moving to online classes but the dorms will remain open. She is home for now.

    I love that the art was so realistic that it fooled two of your visitors. Have a wonderful week, Greg!

  31. I believe the school are closed in my town too. To get into the nursing home to visit my grandmother, I had to sign a paper and have my temperature taken. I'm not for sure about anything else - except for the fact that all of the stores around here are out of toilet paper.

  32. That 12 hours of oceans will be my playlist as a teach from home. All schools here in OH closed until April 3rd.

  33. Ooh, I remember Natural Wonders! I used to love that place!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  34. Yes, us old people (I just turned 50 an I feel old) don't understand all the things you young'uns are into these days.

  35. Our apocalypse sounds about the same. No school for at least the next two weeks and many people are starting to telework. We also have no toilet paper, no frozen pizzas, and no bread, so that's fun, lol.

  36. Our apocalypse is a little behind yours but strong measures are going into place now. Just heard a presenter on TV say - act as if you have the virus and are acting to keep others safe. Most likely good idea. Stay safe and well and love your Mom!

  37. I am expecting an instruction to work from home soon. In the meantime preparations for the apocalypse continue unabated, or at least it looks that way if you go to the supermarket.

  38. I think the leap between what was once sci-fi and what is now real is a lot wider for older people and so they are perhaps less sure about the line between impossible and possible. Does that make sense?
    Its not quite apocalyptic here but I don’t think it’s far off.

    Wishing you a great reading week and good health

  39. That so funny that the where both thrown by Tales from the Loop.
    We've been on lockdown here too. Since yesterday afternoon the schools are also closing and people are going crazy at the supermarkets.
    I hope you're doing well.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  40. They will be closing schools here in Minnesota but only for eight days - right now. I think it will likely be more. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  41. I switched over to Chrome so I can comment on certain Blogger blogs! HI!!! I love that Tales from the Loop book. I need to look into that as I love when scifi elements are dropped into every day imagery. And Harvest Season (in the Valley of Bones) really caught my eye. We're also closed up too here, but we'll make it through.

  42. Shit is getting biblical.

    It is scary to see how vulnerable we are, and how much we love toilet paper ;)

  43. We've been ordered to shelter in place for the foreseeable future. My weekly update
