
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Someone We Know

Someone We Know

Someone We Know starts off with a murder- a pretty horrific one- and from there we segue to a teen named Raleigh who has been breaking into people's houses for fun and hacking their computers. What is he seeing on those computers? Well, apparently all kinds of things. The story from there becomes a bubbling ferment of lies, rumors and secrets, playing out against the backdrop of a ritzy neighborhood. No one here is necessarily likable- well, I take that back, there are a few who aren't too bad- but by and large everyone here has something to hide, or at least has the usual human foibles. I mean, how well do you really know your neighbors? Or for that matter, your spouse? Your kids? 

That's the truly fascinating premise at the heart of this story. Growing older, watching marriages change and kids grow up, things not always happening like you thought they would- lots of people can relate to that. What happens when a murder rocks this neighborhood however? It turns out that a woman living in one of the houses Raleigh broke into is murdered, and pretty soon there are lots of suspects, and everything comes out into the open. Lots of secrets, affairs, and misdirection in this one. 

I wasn't sure I was going to like this book at first. The perspective shifts rapidly, often multiple times per chapter, but the chapters are short and punchy. And the story flows. I just thought that I wasn't getting to really know any of these characters, other than at a surface level. We get their thoughts as events spiral out of control, but with the constant POV shifts we don't really get a deep dive into anyone. It's more like just reading a narrative of event after event. Over time, however, I changed my mind and by the midway point I was hooked. And to be fair we do learn a lot about these characters- but there are so many twists and zigzags I can see why the author structured it this way. 

I had no idea who the murderer would be- some of the suspects seem obvious, you know? And even though I felt a little bit like the eventual revelation was a little out of left field, it's a great twist. You can relate and sympathize with a lot of these people, even if you occasionally hate what they do, but they're all (mostly) trying to do the right things. I changed my mind about several of them several times! Raleigh, for example. Seems like a nice kid, feels bad that he's putting his parents through a hard time, but just when I thought maybe he wasn't so bad he does something dumb. You never can tell what people will do, and the author reflects that in this story. 

So I came away impressed with this book. I've read one other book by Shari Lapena and liked it a lot, but I think this one was more gripping. And that end- wow.   


  1. I agree, if the other book you're talking about is An Unwanted Guest, I thought this one was better and more suspenseful! Glad you reviewed this, I was very curious to see what you thought :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  2. I'm glad to read you liked this book Greg. It sounds interesting. And that cover is very pretty!

  3. Sounds awful . . . The murder, I mean! lol The book actually sounds interesting and I love that it kept you guessing, it seems like it has the right dose of suspense and we can just love that ;) I'm really glad you enjoyed it so much, and you sure piqued my curiosity especially about the twist at the end!

  4. The frequent perspective changes seem like they could be a bit jarring but it still sounds like a solid read. I've never read anything from Lapena but I see raves for her books.

  5. I need to try this author, and this book really sounds good. There's something irresistible about neighborhood secrets😁

  6. I'm glad you ended up liking it. It sounds very interesting.

  7. I hear so many good things about this author I should really give her a try.

  8. This sounds really good, I will definitely add this to my wishlist.
    Lynn :D

  9. Sounds like a very fun book. Gripping is a good word to describe it.

  10. I loved the one Shari Lapena book I read, and I need to get to this one!

  11. I love the feeling when you're reading a thriller/mystery book and you THINK you know who did it but then you're also "or could be?" then you're either right or wrong in the end. I have plans on reading a bunch of thriller and/or mystery books this year so this one's landing on my tower-like TBR for the said genre.

  12. I hadn't heard of this book before, but it certainly does sound fascinating. I love secrets and lies in books. What you told me here makes me want to know more about what they were!

  13. Sudden pov shifts can be confusing but it sounds like the pacing works so it's not as botehrsome.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  14. These how well do you know those close to you plots give me the creeps because it could apply to anyone! Despite some of the POV shift confusion this sounds like a good one!

  15. I do really like a "do you really know your neighbors" plot point! 👍✨

  16. I love the sound of the author's plots so I really do need to try one soon. I have three paperbacks and one on the e-reader waiting for me!

  17. Well this sounds quite good! I always get a little freaked out by the "how well can we know ANYONE" books because it is true and scary. But it sounds quite engaging, and twisty, so I will need to read it!

  18. I like the central premise of wondering how well we know those closest to us.

  19. I have been a little bit nervous to try this one because she seems to be publishing one book after another. So happy to hear that this one doesn't disappoint! I am excited to read it soon. :)

  20. This sounds like a gripping story! I struggle with rapidly shifting viewpoints too, but am glad that yo8u adapted, and were happy with the story. I love that the author kept you guessing, and delivered an epic twist!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  21. Oooh, yay. I think I have this one hold at the library.

  22. This book had me hooked as well. From the synopsis I thought it would be more about what the kid discovered breaking into houses, but really it was about the murder. Nice review!
