
Friday, January 18, 2019

Sunday Post #281


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
What a week! Lots of fun on Twitter- the ARC discussions and the Marie Kondo stuff. Plus, ya know, the usual. I'm happy to report my reading rebounded this week with No Exit. Talk about pulse pounding! I think I was on edge the whole time. Great way to start my year of reading.     

Related image
Er, make that The BOOKISH Games

The Bookish Games BYOC (Bring Your Own Character) edition started and I'm not playing this time, but I am participating in the Spectator Chat- which may actually be more fun! I mean it feels like watching The Hunger Games, you know? Setting aside the moral issues of that you can't go wrong with lies, betrayal and lotsa deaths, right??? 

And... switching gears a bit- I've included two short videos below and both are excellent. The first one is actually quite touching, and the second one- well imagine if you could buy an iMom. And then left it to watch the kids. I'll let you do the math. :) 
No ExitTwo Can Keep a Secret

Song of the week 


Sounds like an ad for BBQ sauce.


11 - The Gondwana ShrineThe Survivors Vol. 4Aldebaran Vol. 3: The CreatureGolden City Vol. 1: Wreck RaidersGolden City Vol. 2: Banks vs. Banks



  1. Glad to head you had fun on Twitter. I was reading all the Marie Kondo stuff five minutes ago! :) . Yay for No Exit.! 😊

    1. Mostly watching! And Marie Kondo sure has people talking :)

  2. I missed all the Twitter drama this week. I've been so busy doing art while I was feeling better than usual that I've barely been on Twitter. I saw like one tweet about each of those things and was like, "What happened now?" and then went back to arting lol. Glad you're having fun as a spectator in the bookish games! I saw that coming in the iMom video, but man, that whole thing was creepy. Realistic robots like that would just be creepy.

    1. Oh my quite the drama, even by Twitter standards. :) I think arting is better! And this Spectator is kinda cool- all the drama none of the stress. :)

  3. After the jump edit from the baby to the chicken I stopped watching. 😱

    That ARC stuff was ridiculous. Most of the authors had deleted their tweets before I got there. At least most of them realized they had made a mistake. 😒

    I love the low-fi image of the Death Star. 👍✨

    Have a wonderful new week. 🌞

    1. You too LaLa! And yes for some reason I didn't see it coming, at least not as much as some- maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention, although I did get some bad vibes in the kitchen :)

  4. As usual you have the most unique videos and pictures. I think I need to read No Exit! Fast! Have a great week end! Stay warm!

  5. Yeah twitter has been insane lately I feel like! I was catching up on the whole ARC discussion the morning after and wow.

    No Exit sounds like an interesting read that I will be keeping an eye on. Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Wow this week in particulr! And No Exit was amazing!

  6. I keep seeing the name Marie Kondo this week but have no idea who that is. I should probably Google that. LOL

    1. She's that new Netflix show abot (I think) keeping only stuff that brings you joy. I'm sure there's more to it than that.

  7. I know who Marie Kondo is but have no idea what the ARC thing is about. Oh well, it was a crazy week and I am just glad that I had time to read. Have a great week.

    1. Reading is better. :) My reading actually rebounded last week, thank goodness!

  8. Twitter has been quite interesting this past week! At least it keeps me on my toes because I never know what to expect, ever. Let the Bookish Games begin! :)

    1. Right? And yes let the Games begin- I'll admit to kinda wishing I had played now :)

  9. I missed the whole ARC thing, someone please give me recap! iMom was crazy! I sort of knew where it was going but it still shocked me, lol.

    1. Same here! And yes the ARC thing- I think I missed most of it but the kerfuffle!

  10. Sometimes Twitter is very entertaining and sometimes Twitter is just irritating.
    I love the Star Wars themed pictures.

  11. Killers Are My Meat - Ha! I must check that out ;-)

    1. Right? I saw that and even by pulp standards I was like- seriously??

  12. I missed the ARC drama but the Marie Condo thing made me laugh because to me fair she helped me get rid of over 160 books lol

    1. Ooh that's awesome. Yes I've heard some people who watch the show swear by i!

  13. Marie Kondo is taking over the world again - but I have no idea what the drama is about! Have a great week!

  14. Hooray for getting back on the Reading Train - and Marie Kondo is a total nitwit - no more than 30 books?! Bitch please, I have 30 books crammed onto ONE SHELF - 10 times!!!

  15. Happy to hear your reading has rebounded and that you had a fun Twitter week. I saw bits and pieces of the Kondo stuff, but I spend very little time daily on social media, and always feel like I'm missing everything.

  16. I don't visit Twitter for one day explodes! LOL What can you do:) Glad your reading got off to a great start, Greg.

  17. That is an amazing art piece of Boba Fett coming out of the Sarlacc! Exactly how I imagined it after reading that story about his escape in Tales from Jabba's Palace.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  18. Great videos and images. I have the Marie Kondo film in my Netflix queue, and despite not wanting to know how someone could live with only 30 books, I am tempted to watch it.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a great week.

  19. I'm super interested in No Exit! Marie Kondo is quite the new thing, right?

  20. I started watching the iMom thing but then chickened out :D I love the stuff you shared though! Happy Sunday :)

  21. Hey Greg, I'm glad that you were able to find a successful read, I've been the biggest ever mood reader lately, so my books have just been so and so for me. And what a great haul! I hope you have a great week :)

  22. I caught a lot of the arc drama and just skipped on ahead... I dont think I've ever got a physical arc! The Marie Kondo thing is so funny. We watched a little of the show this week and it was quite therapeutic, lol.

  23. No Exit sounds interesting. It always feels like a good omen when you enjoy the first book of the year. I sometimes watch twitter drama, but I never get involved. Lol. Happy reading!

  24. I'm glad to hear No Exit was such a fantastic read for you. I've added that one to my TBR as well. I caught a few bits and pieces of the ARC drama but then just logged off twitter since I don't like drama, lol.

  25. Twitter did seem extra dramatic this week. I didn’t spend much time on it because it’s exhausting. I’m glad you read some good books. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  26. The Twitter drama was seriously on fire this week, haha. I'm really glad to see No Exit was so good! I always love the videos you find. And I have to say I'm pretty in love with that Blue Lantern artwork. Have a great week!

  27. The Drama on twitter was eye rolling. Didn't we do this already at some point. Sometimes it's fun to watch but this time I was just over it before it started.
    The video is going to give me nightmares and I realized when the mom said goodbye chicken to the baby that I stopped watching. Thanks for that ;) lol

    Yay for your book MoJo returning and the bookish games really do sounds like fun, maybe I should watch them. :)

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading! :)

  28. Yay I am happy to know that your reading mojo is back and that you had a great reading time this week. Now your Bookish Games seem a lot of fun and attending as a spectator allows you to be less stressed . Oh and thanks for the Red Sonja graphics LOL Happy Sunday Greg! Sophie @bewareofthereader

  29. Twitter has has a whole heap of drama cracking off the past week. It's been stressful to read but I also can't look away. I hope you enjoy being a spectator in the Bookish Games, it's always interesting to watch the chaos instead.

  30. Glad to hear that No Exit helped your reading. I'll have to check it out. Sounds exciting. Hope you have a great week!

    My Sunday post is here.

  31. I only caught bits and pieces of all the drama on Twitter. I honestly made a personal twitter account again and I spend a little more time on there. I just feel like book twitter can sometimes be draining.

    Blue Lantern Tiger is so gorgeous! I'm glad that No Exit helped your heading. I'm hoping something helps me out of this reading slump.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  32. Maria Kondo and her 30 books crap is just nuts. Love all the star wars images! They are stunning!

  33. I need to watch Marie Kondo. I read her tidying up book, and she's such a funny little lady. :)

  34. The Twitter drama has completely by-passed me, but glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for the iMom film - Stepford Wives with a twist, I think... Have a great week, Greg:)

  35. I am excited to hear No Exit was awesome and that you were on the end of your seat! YAY!! You know I have that one from my BOTM club. I had to bump that one up on my list! Have a great week. iMom is scary.


  36. I'm glad your reading has gone well with enjoying No Exit. There is always Twitter drama but 30 books - she is out of her mind! I have that many from publishers, and another 30 from the library most times. Here's to another week with you finding a really good read. Anne - Books of My Heart

  37. Glad to hear No Exit was a hit. My library is getting it so I'm off to reserve it now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE those tigers. I've always been a big cat fan. I've been hearing about the 30 books thing and man, that girl is nuts. However, I am all for decluttering - just not my books (or my dogs but who would ever do that???)

  38. I've been meaning to read One of Us Is Lying since it came out, so I'm excited it's my book club pick for next month. Hope you enjoy Two Can Keep a Secret!


  39. I seem to miss a lot of Twitter drama. I just can't keep up with everything. The Bookish Games sound like fun. Love the art! Have a great week!

  40. Is there a reason why Red Sonja doesn't wear pants? I loved Illusive, Day Set, and Best View though.

    No Exit sounds a hell of a lot more exciting than the Sartre play.

    The short films were excellent. Thank you for finding such interesting things for us all to look at/view/read!

  41. Glad the reading has shifted! No Exit sounds like a good read. Hope you are staying warm in this single digit weather. We didn't get much snow.

  42. Good luck with The Bookish Games, and this time from the sidelines. ;) It sounds fun.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  43. Marie Kondo seems to be being watched by everyone on Netflix, I haven't so far but have laughed at a few cartoons on FB of readers and books and quotes from Marie Kondo - that have been taken with a grain of salt.

  44. I really enjoyed One of Us is Lying, so I'm excited to read Two can Keep a Secret! I love small town mysteries.

  45. As always your post is beautiful. Loved the videos! Thanks for sharing. No Exit seems like and interesting read, I'll add it to my TBR. I'm also waiting to Two Can Keep a Secret. One of Us is Lying was a fun read and I'm hoping this one might be fun too.
    Have a great week!

    Marti @Bookish Treats

  46. You've sparked my curiousity about No Exit. And the iMOM, Yikes! I did see the end coming and was on the edge of my seat hoping I was wrong!

  47. Three Pistons Lodge and the Red Sojna covers are very cool. Yay for getting your reading back -- I'll have to add No Exit to my list.

  48. I watched Marie Kondo and have a few thoughts on that whole uproar. Once my hand heals up a bit more I might post something about it. lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  49. Glad you enjoyed No Exit and are enjoying the Bookish Games too. That song of the week mix is calming. Enjoy your week and happy reading!

  50. I am not great at the Twitters. Lol. I always mean to use it more and interact but I'm more of an Instagram gal I guess. And Marie Kondo - I did actually get rid of a bunch of my books, but I still have more than

  51. I missed the ARC drama I guess, I don't get on twitter I need to check out No Exit as it sounds like it could be a good one. :)

    Have a great week!

  52. Marie Kondo has an interesting viewpoint. However, readers collect books and need to keep more than 30. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  53. Well, considering that my Sunday Post this week is about how I'm organizing my house, inspired by Marie Kondo, I guess you can see where I fall on that scale. Of course, I'm not planning on getting rid of all that many books and I'm not following her exactly, but I find her general style and attitude inspirational.

    As far as the ARC thing, I only caught the tail end of it where lots of bloggers were complaining about it. This seems to happen from time to time, and I've learned to mostly ignore it. Too much drama.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  54. Yay for a reading rebound! That's always nice when it happens. Ahhhh twitter. lol

  55. So glad you had a great time with the ARC discussion. That's awesome. And sounds like a good week reading too. :) Here's to this week being amazing too.

  56. I'm late this week to the meme. You have great videos and pictures.
