
Friday, January 11, 2019

Sunday Post #280

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
So the holidays are over and it's time to settle into a northern winter. Although winter has its own beauty and at least the days are lengthening. I haven't been reading much and the books I had I just wasn't feeling so I decided to reprioritize a bit. The Gone World and the new Lisa Jewell book I guess are gonna take a backseat to a couple other new releases I'm excited for. I'll still get to them. Sometimes you just have to... 

1980s, 80s, and 80s movies image
6 hou
In other news I shared Things I Learned from Game of Thrones this past week. That was fun. I also reviewed a Nancy Drew comic and got my Twelve Days of Christmas tag out too. A few weeks late but hey who's counting? This week will be a new Cosmic Covers and I'll review Nancy Drew #2- and maybe I'll liveblog a movie too. We'll see. 

So what's happening in y'all's world?        
No ExitTwo Can Keep a Secret

Song of the week 


Related image


11 - The Gondwana ShrineTintin and the Picaros (Tintin, #23)



  1. That last tiger pic - gorgeous! And we're settling in for the winter too, supposed to get snow this weekend. I braved the grocery lines and stocked up today!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  2. WHat kind f pics do you have for us today :)
    Ohhhhh I love the Red and wolf one!

  3. Sometimes you just have to switch up the reading. I just got Two Can keep a Secret and excited for it. Have a great week!

  4. I haven't read anything so far this year... I just can't settle on anything. I read a bit, stop, move onto something else and repeat.
    Hopefully the slump is temporary and passes as the year improves because so far it kinda sucks.

    You're right about Winter having it's own kind of beauty but I'm now longing for summer. Winter/spring are not my seasons.

  5. That first full week back is tough, but like you said, at least the days are getting longer. I set aside three audiobooks in a row. So, I guess we were both having trouble settling in this week.

  6. I'm doing nicely with reading, deleting books and getting books in bags for the charity shops! Feeling pretty happy with my reading this year and hope I can keep it up!

  7. Very nice!! Love that Scooby picture and the Red Riding Hood one!

    Hope you enjoy your newest additions to the TBR pile!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I am reading three books at once! But it will be fine. Have a great week.

  9. I wish Brazil was starting to settle into winter. I still have a few more months of supernova heat levels to live through before things go down a few degrees and still feel like the world is going down in fire. The Velma picture is SO cool!

  10. I love the Scooby Doo riff on Little Miss Sunshine! Hysterical😁

  11. I've been a reading machine so far this month I read 18 books. But I have family coming into town so that's gonna cut down on my reading time. lol

  12. I will have to change my TBR as well as I doubt I even will have the time to read one book this month. Things just changed so drastically and suddenly this week that I just don't know what to do with myself.

    I hope you'll enjoy the new releases!

    Have a wonderful week Greg!

  13. I hope you're having a good weekend!

  14. I'm currently reading No Exit and I am LOVING it! Have a great weekend!

  15. Scooby Doo! I was recently talking about Velma on Facebook because we were doing the My Top Five Favorite Detectives post. She was one of mine. 👍✨

    That short film was great. I loved the sound bed. 🚀

    Have a wonderful upcoming week. 🌞

  16. Love the artwork and the visuals in the Wanderers was really great.

  17. My reading so far this year has been all over the place. I love the Vampironica pic and that Red and the Wolf one is GORGEOUS. I'd love that have a print of that one. Hope you find some books to enjoy this week and I need to reserve No Exit from my library soon!

  18. I love that it's not completely dark out when I leave work at 5pm these days, spring will be here eventually! Although, winter is a good excuse to stay inside and read!

  19. I've been keeping track of the daylight hours and loving how quickly the days are getting longer. I have to keep reminding myself that winter has two months to go here though. LOL Enjoy those new reads and have a great week, Greg!

    My Sunday Post

  20. Love the space makes me think of the Murderbot Diaries. I am listening more because of illness, but got caught up in a Kelley Armstrong book today and it felt good. Keep warm!

  21. Good for you Greg! Sometimes you definitely need to prioritize to keep things fun.
    Love that Wanderers vid.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  22. Gotta go with your reading moods! Ooh lots of cool space-y art this week.

  23. Yeah, once Christmas and New Year is out the way my brain likes to think it should be spring already... instead the nights are long and I go through my days being cold and experiencing very little daylight. It's a good excuse to stay in and read though. And you go with the mood reading, sometimes the best laid plans with reading are wrong and the best thing you can do is follow your reading mood and get rewarded with some awesome reads.

  24. Fingers crossed... so far our winter has been very gentle and now the shortest day is behind us, it's lovely to see the days begin to lengthen - although I'm aware the coldest time is still ahead! I only EVER read what I particularly want to at this time of year, Greg! Many, many thanks for sharing that wonderful film - brought tears to my eyes and I've posted it on FB:)) Have a great week.

  25. I almost can see a retelling story with the Red Riding Hood, I darker one then most people do.
    I tend to make drastic genre changes when I get in a reading mood. I am currently very much into Fantasy since I haven't read it in a while!

    I hope you have a wonderful week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  26. I started off slow this month with my reading too but then I read one book this weekend so I'm getting caught up a little now.
    Love the gif, gotta love 1980's Tom Cruise.

    I'm watching the Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix lately and the Vampironica pic reminds me of it a little bit.

    Happy weekend and happy reading!

  27. It's good to change things up a bit now and then, keeps things interesting and fresh. I love the art, especially Red Riding Hood!
    Have a great week!

  28. Great covers and images. I especially like Little Mystery Machine.

    Enjoy your books, movies, and everything else you do this week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  29. Sometimes we just have to change things up, there's nothing bad about it.
    Enjoy your new books, and now I'm off to read your GoT post. :D

  30. I get the reading problems, I have been having some myself. Sometimes you need to just read those ones your excited for and then go back to the other ones at a different time.

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  31. I understand your "not reading" problems. I haven't been reading very much as of lately, mostly due to my lack of time.

    My Sunday Post

  32. Love all the beautiful photos, Greg! Happy week ahead and may you find books you want to read!

    Jennifer Tar Heel Reader

  33. that Red Riding Hood picture! <3

  34. Winter has really arrived here-we got our first significant snow fall this weekend. Love all the images you find! They are always so interesting.

  35. Winter is boring without the holidays. We got a ton of snow last week, so being outside isn’t fun. I like the artwork this week, especially the Space Tiger and Red Riding Hood.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  36. We have no snow over here - it is so weird! We haven't had any all winter. :(

    Sometimes you have to switch books up if you are not in the mood. I can't stick with a book I am not enjoying or feeling. :)

    I love the Scooby Doo art!

  37. Ah, winter. It came this week and the entire season went pouring straight into Missouri, LOL. I'm the same way with books - if I don't feel like reading it, I usually reprioritize them, unless they have a deadline soon.

  38. Putting down books is a good plan. I started my year off with a DNF, and I'm OK with it. It's not always the right time or the right book.

  39. When you don't feel it you don't feel it Greg so reprioritizing is probably a smart move! I hope the new releases you are expecting will be great! Happy Sunday! Sophie @bewareofthereader

  40. I want to read Two Can Keep a Secret since I loved One of Us is Lying. Scoobie Doo!! Used to love watching them!

  41. Yep, we're full into winter now with the snow and the cold coming on strong. It's good to reprioritize when our reading is not up to what we want. Man, Tom Cruise was young in that clip. Enjoy your reading week!

  42. My hand is finally showing some real improvement and I feel like reading again so here's hoping I can get back to some type of routine this coming week.

    We're having a weird winter. It's either 80 or 40 lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  43. Yup, new releases can be so distracting. I'm quite behind these days too when it comes to the tbr pile. Have a good reading week.

  44. And now I want to go watch Scooby Doo thanks to that picture lol

  45. I love this artwork, especially the pulp one.

  46. This week's it's a tie between Skagos and the tiger. I had to laugh at Scooby! I'm struggling a bit with reading too, and I'm not sure why.

  47. I found an old series by a new favorite author that has me doing nothing else but reading. I hope you find something you love. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  48. I love how you featured arts, music and video in this post, Greg! I might try it too in my next week post!

  49. Sometimes you do have to change the books around if not feeling them... or dnf them in some circumstances!

  50. We are settling into a week of rain — our winter. My weekly update.

  51. I just got No Exit from my BOTM club. I am excited to read it. I am excited to read your new Movies That Sucks post. I hope you have that one in the works. =)
    Have a wonderful week.


  52. It is definitely winter here and I must say that I am not a fan. Sorry you are in a bit of a slump. I have had to set books aside to read something else before going back before so hopefully it picks up for you. Have a great week!

  53. Vampire Veronica=awesomeness.

    Hope you have a great week!

  54. I feel so nostalgic now because of all the Scooby Doo images!

    Live blogging sounds like a lot of fun, but even when I am live tweeting during a film I forget about twitter in the middle of the film X_X. So good luck with that!

  55. You and I are opposites this week! I have a book that I'm really enjoying and finding time to read it has been difficult.

  56. Oh the cover of Peril is fun. Hope you have a great rest of the week!

  57. I'm with you on settling into the Northern winter. It's coming too. lol. Hope you have a great week and stay warm.

  58. It's been such a rude awakening with this weather, I swear.

    I really enjoyed Two Can Keep a Secret.

  59. I am in the same boat as you! I started a few books and right now I'm not feeling them so I put them to the side and I'll pick them up eventually. I love the song of the week and the pictures you featured!

    I hope you had a wonderful week!

  60. I'm reading and listening a lot. But I felt a little behind and now I feel more like caught up. It's too many romances with Valentine's Day coming up but I try to switch up my genres. The reading is romances but my listening is thrillers, historical mystery, and scifi. Maybe some slight genre changing will work for you. Have a great week and I hope you find the most amazing reads. Anne - Books of My Heart

  61. I seriously need to get on Two Can Keep a Secret. Sometimes when I start books too early, I end up putting them aside and then not getting back to them before the due's weird. Hope you are staying warm, and totally agree to just reading what you want, when you want!
