
Friday, November 16, 2018

Comic of the Week #45

Comic of the Week has been on a long hiatus but I wanted to bring it back since I've been reading graphic novels and comics again. Every week I'm going to showcase a comic or GN cover- could be old, could be new- and share a few thoughts on why I think it's special. Do you like what I picked out? Let me know in the comments, and as always, if you have a favorite cover or piece of comic art, let me know! 

This week is The Jetsons #5.  


  1. I remember watching the Jetsons as a kid, and I just knew that we would have flying cars like them by the year 2000(lol) I definitely consider them classics! Hugs and Happy Weekend to you. RO

  2. That is definitely not the Rosie the Robot I remember from the Jetsons lol. We have a Christmas ornament of Rosie and it makes all her beeping noises and some of her famous lines. My favorite episode with Rosie was the one where she fell in love with another robot.

  3. This looks so cool. Rosie was always one of my favorite characters from the Jetsons.

  4. My gosh the Jetsons! This takes me back!
