
Friday, November 9, 2018

Comic of the Week #44

Comic of the Week has been on a long hiatus but I wanted to bring it back since I've been reading graphic novels and comics again. Every week I'm going to showcase a comic or GN cover- could be old, could be new- and share a few thoughts on why I think it's special. Do you like what I picked out? Let me know in the comments, and as always, if you have a favorite cover or piece of comic art, let me know!  

This week is Red Sonja #8. And for a bonus I included #7 below as well.  



  1. Brilliant artwork. That first shot with the red hair in the water, which at first glance almost appears like trails of blood, is brilliant.
    Lynn :D

  2. The first one is simple but looks really cool! And badass. Also swimming with crocs :-O (Or maybe gators? I still don't know how to tell them apart lol.)
