
Friday, September 28, 2018

Sunday Post #265

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
I'm just back from a football game as I write this- the atmosphere was pretty festive as we were playing our arch rivals. We won. :) The marching band/ color guard were performing and they have a cool show this year- it's about mining and they actually built three mining tunnels with track and mine carts, and the tunnels have these cool lights that look like torches. Pretty impressive. I'll try and get some pics up. It was an awesome evening, especially since it felt like fall- the moon kept hiding behind clouds and it was super windy.   

This week I read a bit and posted a review for Obscura, which was very good. And I discovered - which you really must check out. Seriously, go ahead- I'll wait- and thanks to Kristin for pointing it out in her Sunday Post last week.   

Movies That Suck will be back- I ran a poll on Twitter and Total Recall won, so that will be my next one. And with October I need to watch something scary, right? I was thinking Gremlins.    
Record of a Spaceborn Few (Wayfarers, #3)An Unwanted GuestObscuraEchoes 

Song of the week 


Dividend on Death, by Brett Halliday  Dell D293, 1959  Cover art by Robert McGinnis


Strange New World (Brave New Girl, #2)


Typhoid Mary was the best thing about Iron Fist season 2. Her, Ward & Turk- I need more.


  1. Yeah to winning the game and the show sounds awesome. Loving the menus. I'm curious what you thought of Total Recall. I really liked the original movie. And Gremlins is perfect! Have a wonderful weekend, Greg.

    1. I love those menus! And Total Recall I love- it will be fun to revisit. :) Gremlins too!

  2. Dude, the werewolf forest one made me so randomly emotional. I don't want that poor weary traveler to get eaten!

    1. I know, I had the same reaction. He looks so outmatched- I want him to make it!

  3. I've never seen Gremlins but there are a lot of movies that suck I haven't watched lol Ahh, football and fall. Congrats on winning your game. I like football but don't know much about it.
    That's a cool menu. I love Tom Bombadil! lol

    1. Oh Gremlins is a trip! And thanks! I don't go to too many games but this one was fun, especially with the performance.

  4. A football game, fun! And a show with mining carts and tunnels? That does sound cool, I want to see pictures! Ok I just wasted like five whole minutes playing bongos, thanks a lot lol.

    I didn't even see the dino until you mentioned it! I really like the one with the minotaur shadow.

    1. I haven't been to one of the games in ages! And the show was WAY cool. I mean they're like tunnels actually with these flickering light thingies- super cool. And haha you're welcome-I may have spent some time with Bongo as well...

      I do too, it's freaky!

    2. I love how it gives you that foreboding, terror feel without actually showing the monster. Also I just think the whole minotaur/labyrinth thing is interesting.

  5. I loved the original Total Recall film but then I loved Arnie's big Hollywood action films! I'm not so keen to watch the remake especially with the new cast.

    1. Yeah I had no interest in the remake. Arnie's version, now... :)

  6. Awesome paintings as always but then you always find good ones.

    ugh Total recall. Good luck

  7. Look forward to hearing what you think of Record of a Spaceborn Few. Is Gremlins scary? I guess I can see that (its been ages and ages since I've seen it) :)

    1. Record of a Spaceborn Few was great- not my favorite of that series, but still a compelling, awesomeness read and Gremlins isn't too bad- more like a horror comedy?

  8. You always have such unique thought provoking photos.

  9. Marching bands never fail to impress me with their inventiveness. That halftime show sounds pretty epic.

    1. I know! It's a great show- and they took first place at their first invitational too

  10. Bilbo's sounds fun. I want to eat there now! Have a great weekend. - Katie

  11. I think it's time for you to get into watching anime movies, Greg. The Reflections music sounds very much like an anime film siundtrack, and The Meteor image and the last image remind me of anime animation. Have you watched Spirited Away? 🎏

    Total Recall, another movie I loved. I wonder if I watched some of these movies now if I would still love them? 🎥

    Have a wonderful new week! 🌞

    1. I'm thinking that too. I was just looking at Ghibli stuff- I see it on blogs and ALL OVER Pinterest. Seriously it comes up all the time when I'm looking for art. Funny you mention Spirited Away- I was just looking at something on that this past week, again after seeing ghibli stuff! Oh and Reflections is some older New Age stuff by Bruce Mitchell- I hate the term but I guess that's they used to call?

  12. Yay for the football win! Love that menu and the cartoon. Have a great week!!

  13. yoy for you winning! I hope you'll have a lovely week!

  14. Sounds like you had fun at the football game. That performance from the marching band sounds interesting. That menu is nicely done with all the middle earth references.

    I like that meteor picture and the last one is nice too. Have a great week!

  15. Ah yes, fall is here!!! The marching band show does sound cool.

    Neat about the restaurant's themed menu.

    The minotaur shadow does look ominous and please don't turn me to stone Medusa of the red eyes.

    Have a great week!

  16. Love the look of that Bilbo's menu. Interesting items that look delicious.

    Great images, too. The Gratefulness cartoon made me smile.

    Thanks for sharing, and enjoy your week; thanks for visiting my blog.

  17. Congratulations on your team's win! That marching band/color guard show sounds awesome. I do hope you will share pictures! I am glad you liked Obscura. I read another review of it earlier today and that person liked it as well. Maybe that's a sigh I should read it. :-) Total Recall! Are you doing the original or the remake? I look forward to that post either way. I hope you have a great week, Greg!

  18. I honestly don't remember the last time I went to a football game. Before Joe Paterno died, so that's awhile. Glad it was good though, the show sounds amazing! Have you read Echoes yet? I feel like no? But I could be wrong. I need Obscura too of course. And one of these days, TDR will make it's way from whatever the hell continent it's coming from 😂 Also looking forward to more movies that I'll never have to watch since you're taking one for the team 😁

  19. Loved the Greatfulness comic! I watched Total Recall about a million years ago. Arnold has the same acting in about every movie he does but I still love him. True Lies had to be the most fun Arnold movie for me. :)

  20. OMG if you do Gremlins that would be amazing! That movie used to freak me out as a kid, as in it made me afraid to go to sleep after watching it. But now I love it! Gremlins 2 was even cheesier and more "awesome", lol! Such nostalgia.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  21. Congrats on the win Greg. It sure does sound like a great evening.
    That menu looks amazing. I love it when restaurants/diners are original like that.
    Have a great week!

  22. Congrats on your team win this week. I do enjoy watching marching bands/color guards. I love the Gremlins movie and enjoy watching it every now and then.

  23. Sounds like a great game, glad you had fun. Ooooh Total Recall. Ooooh Gremlins. Both good ones. Enjoy your week and happy reading. Cool Middle-earth menu!

  24. Gremlins for 'Movies that Suck'? Um, first of all, how dare you. Hahaha I really love that film and would love to see you go through it.

    Am a little obsessed with that underwater city life pic.

    1. Also Bongo cat! Now I can't do anything else. Thanks for that!

    2. Ha ha you're welcome. :) I may have spent a little?? time with BongoCat as well... and never fear, I LOVE gremlins. It has such a cozy feel, even if it's full of homicidal Mogwai gone bad. And that underwater pic- I LOVED it!

  25. Oh I love when marching bands do cool shows! I was in the band (I played the piccolo) and then in the winter I did Winter Guard (I started baton when I was 6!). Gremlins would be a perfect October movie that sucks. I liked it, but I never understood why people LOVED it. It really is a bit of a train wreck!

  26. My Day job is making menus and that one would have been so fun to make lol
    I passed the over to my kids so they can play. It's too bad you can't find Killer Clowns from Outer Space. That would be a great October move to talk about.
    I was in the color guard, so I always love the band more than the football game. :)

    Hope you have a wonderful week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  27. Glad your team one, their halftime show sounds pretty cool. I like the older Total Recall more than the remake, are you watching the older one? Gremlins was one of the first movies I remember seeing in the theater as a child....yesss I am that old. :)

    Love all the art pics!!!
    Week in Review

  28. OMG, I love the menu! How cool is that. I wish there was someplace like that around me. I agree with Michelle - Killer Clowns from Outer Space is HORRIBLE - so is SpaceBalls. LOL.


  29. O_O
    My children are never allowed to find out, but I may have found a new hobby!

    Glad to see Movies That Suck coming back :)

    That Bilbo's restaurant sounds amazing!

    Have a great week!

  30. Gorgeous Greg, you know how much I adore Lord of the Rings, and need to get this for my collection. This just looks so creative and amazing! I used to go to high school football games as a kid, no college games, and a few NFL games, so I can just imagine all the fun you guys experienced! Yay to Iron Fist Season 2 which I really enjoyed. That cartoon had me laughing out loud. Happy Sunday! RO

  31. Great artwork this week😀 I actually love Total Recall so I'm looking forward to your play by play!

  32. Hey Greg congrats on your win! I would love going to such a game when in the US as it seems a big thing! Great art again I love What am I! I am always amazed at what all these artists and illustrators can do. Happy Sunday! Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. Thanks! And is that cool or what- I had to put it towards top since I enjoyed it so much!

  33. That restaurant looks so awesome!!!

    Congrats on the game win - football is so fall! I always think I should go to a game. I have never been to one! Lol.

    Echoes looks really good too. :)

    1. It was an awesome place in E. Lansing. Long gone although Kalamazoo had one til recently...

  34. Oooh! I love when restaurants or bars are literature themed! Bilbo's looks so fun!

    1. That place was the best. Although, um, the service sucked. But college you know no ne cared, and when the food arrived...

  35. A Fellowship of Cheeses 😂 Sounds very entertaining. Would love to go to that restaurant!

    Oh Strange New World... Have to read it!

  36. omgoodness i watched the Gremlins so many times when I was growing up! I think the first Gremlins movie was good but the sequels were so dumb. Glad you had fun at the football game. Can't wait to see the pics of the band.

  37. Oh wow, I haven't been to a football game in ages. That sounds like a lot of fun. That Bilbo's menu is cracking me up too. I think I'd go there just to have an excuse to order something called A Fellowship of Cheeses, lol.

  38. I also enjoyed Obscura. It wasn't exactly what I expected but it was good. You always have the best graphics. Have a great reading week! Anne - Books of My Heart

  39. Haha, that gratefulness thing is so true. If anyone wants to spend money on me, I’m happy. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  40. Glad you team won! Looking forward to An Unwanted Guest. The sandwiches look delicious. Have a great week.

  41. So glad you enjoyed the game and your team won! I always love seeing what graphics you'll share. These are all fabulous! Thanks for stopping by!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  42. The marching band show sounds amazing! Aw..I miss my marching band days lol. Wow, I love that cover for Two Dark Reigns. And wow, a Middle Earth theme restaurant sounds so cool!

  43. We stayed home and watched our team lose BY ONE POINT on Saturday, but fall is definitely in the air. Love that menu! I'm torn about my favorite graphic, but maybe the werewolf one???? Bongo cat is too fun

  44. The dude with the bow doesn't stand a chance. I love that Underwater City print. How cool is that! I always liked the Gremlin movies and thought Gizmo was so cool. I always wanted a real Gizmo.

  45. Ha, that cartoon (childhood vs after college) is depressingly accurate. Also, I love that Ocean Life underwater city drawing!

  46. That sounds like a really cool restaurant. I like the cartoon too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  47. Wow... Total Recall. I don't think I've seen that since it originally came out! That cafe sounds cool, too. We have a Harry Potter-themed coffee shop here called Bad Owl Coffee and it's pretty cool. Happy reading!

    My roundup!

  48. I love watching the marching band! My son is on his second year of it and loves it! Have a great week!

  49. I adore all the artwork you featured! The "Gratefulness" comic is to accurate LOL

  50. Football game sounds great with lots of hoop la and of course the best part - your team won. Can't get better than that!

  51. Congratulations on the victory! Also, I would love to see those pics of tunnels!

    As always, what a great selection of art. I best like the 'Warewolf' one. I feel that somehow wolves are scarier than most other animals 😂

    ERK from

  52. Now that my kids are out of school I miss seeing the half time shows! We don't have any NFL team near us and the college team we root for is a few hours away so we haven't been in ages. That menu is amazing! I love themed menus. Right after Pokémon Go started a few years ago a restaurant at the big park here had Pokémon themed cocktails. I think I ordered at least 3 and I'm not even a big Pokémon fan! Have a great week!

  53. For your horror moving watching, I recommend Housebound. It's cheesy good. My weekly update

  54. Yay for Total Recall! I can't wait to reminisce about that movie. That menu is awesome too! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  55. Yay for your team winning the game you went to see live. That's always the best atmsophere. :)
