
Monday, June 4, 2018

Top Ten Books I Decided To DNF - But May Reconsider


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader GirlEach week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Books I decided to DNF too quickly? Okay I have some, sure. I don't DNF a LOT, but it happens. And sometimes I'm like- should I go back a second (or third) time? Here are some possibilities.    

  The Wood
It's possible. 

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1)

I need to give this another try. 

Image result for morning glories 2

Morning Glories- a needlessly convoluted comic series that still has a lot of potential. After stalling out around Vol. 5 I kind of want to retry? 

Runaways, Vol. 7: Live Fast

I didn't so much DNF Runaways as stop reading them. Need to restart...

Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1)

I had high hopes for this but never made it through. Still, I'd like to retry? 

The Chess Queen Enigma (Stoker & Holmes, #3)

I would kinda like to finish this series too by Colleen Gleason. 

Allegiant (Divergent, #3)

I would like to finish- I dropped it about midway through. 

Excalibur Epic Collection: The Cross-Time Caper

Excalibur- The Cross Time Caper. 

The Visitor

I didn't really DNF I just haven't started yet- I'm cheating- but whatever. 

Sister Sister

Same here


  1. Too bad about THE WOOD-- that one sounded good!!

    1. I thought so too- I may still go back to it!

  2. Oh man, you've gotta give Hitchhiker's Guide another try. It might not be to your taste, but it's such a classic. I also have trouble keeping up with graphic novel series like Saga and Runaways. I really just need to find ones that are complete before I start reading.

    1. That's what everyone says! And I really should, just to say I've read it. And I agree about GN's- I liked Runaways but it was too much work to keep up with all the volumes. :)

  3. I didn't bother with Morning Glories after the first volume. It just irked me for a lot of reasons. But yeah, I can see how it could've gotten convoluted and how that'd be frustrating. But ok wait, you read 2 and a half books of a trilogy, and that's when you decided to stop? You couldn't just finish?! Lol.

    1. Oh my gosh Morning Glories got SO convoluted- like they went back in time, all these plot threads- he just kept introducing stuff and not resolving any. Supposedly there's a "plan" but I need a little payoff, you know? Still, I like creepiness. And right? How could I stop midway through the third? Well I just sorta... fell away!

  4. To be honest, I think you're fine with skipping out on Allegiant. The ending wasn't great in my opinion and Roth could have done better. Funny coincidence I just bought Allegiant for my book collection yesterday xD

    1. That's what everyone says. That ending is SO controversial.

  5. Ah you should for sure give Hitchhiker's Guide another chance. I like it so much.

  6. You HAVE TO pick Hitchhiker's back up!

  7. hitchikers! forgot about that one -- it's one I've kept meaning to go back to, but never did.

  8. Great list! Looking back I wish I had DNF'd Across the Universe because I found it really boring at the time and I was never interested in finishing the series, but I hope you enjoy it more than I did if you decide to give it another try. One of these days I'm going to have to read The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. My dad's a big fan of the books but I've heard so many good things, and I'm also not the kind of reader who enjoys books that are actively trying to make me laugh, that I'm a little intimidated by it.

    1. Yeah I got bored w/ Across the Universe and went on to something else, and never went back. I still look at it occasionally and think... maybe? And Hitchhiker's bored me too, which sounds like heresy, but I couldn't help it! That one I probably WILL try again though!

  9. Worried about Colleen Gleason's now! I still need to read that one! Though I did enjoy this series even though it's been years since I read it.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Well I didn't NOT like Gleason's stuff, it's just that I never read ALL the books. So ya same here. :) I think I'm on the third one and I do wanna read it

  10. Believe me you are better of without finishing Allegiant, at least in my opinion.
    Great list!

    My TTT:

  11. I only read the first book in the Divergent series and never even picked up the second one. I did read Hitchhiker but I couldn't get into it, I wonder if I'm too old for it.

  12. I'm the reverse of you on Allegiant. I put it on a list of books I wish I had DNF'ed instead of pushing myself to finish, lol.

    1. Ha yeah maybe I should just leave that one alone!

  13. I think you made the right choice to DNF Allegiant!

  14. I DNFed Hitchhiker's Guide too, but I wasn't that far into it, so who knows? I might try it again in the future.


  15. Great list! You should really give Allegiant another go though as the ending makes the whole book worth reading, although the rest of it is a bit of a struggle to get through I agree there.

    Here's my list:

  16. I doubt I'll ever pick up Douglas Adams, I just don't care for silly humor. But I did have The Wood on my TBR so that's a bummer😐

  17. I can't say that I will ever continue the Divergent series. I even received the box set for Christmas and feel a tad badly about not reading all of them but hey, my friend did so she got some good use of it.

  18. I still don't understand the fuss over Hitch hikers Guide....I tried it in print, kindle and audio. Yawn. And I love British humor.

    Lisa @

  19. I highly recommend The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy! However, you have to have a high tolerance for ridiculousness to finish it. I happen to be an epic dork, so it was right up my alley!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  20. Trust me, Allegiant is not worth it!
    My TTT:

  21. GASP! The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was one of my favorite books as a teenager. 😁

  22. I DNF'd The Hitchhiker's Guide years ago but I want to try it again too.

    i wish I didn't read Allegient lol & Across the Universe was okay.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  23. Across the Universe was one I really wanted to love... but didn’t. I did make it through the first book but never continued with the trilogy.
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  24. Good luck if you do decide to try Across The Universe. It didn't work for me! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  25. I pushed myself to finish Allegiant and I actually regret that now, haha :)

  26. I've only heard of Hitchhikers and haven't read it yet! It sounds like I might like it, but the idea of getting sucked into another series just has me holding off on it for now.

  27. Across the Universe! That takes me back. One of my best friends in high school was a mega Beth Revis fan and she lent me a copy -- I remember quite enjoying it. I need to give Hitch-Hiker's Guide another try, too!

  28. Abandon Across the Universe! I may be bias as it is one of the books I truly hate, haha.

  29. Definitely give Hitchhiker's another try! Douglas Adams' sense of humor is my favorite thing. Just keep in mind the book is kind of shallow. There isn't much character development or backstory - it's very what you see is what you get.

  30. I didn't really like Across the Universe and Allegiant so I kind of wish I had DNFed them too! :)

  31. I really like the Colleen Gleason series and one of the few I know that did not hate the ending to the Divergent series. THought it went with the character

  32. I'm almost always second-guessing my DNF's also. Hitchhiker's Guide is one that I had a harder time getting through than expected, though it's hard to explain exactly why. The Chess Queen Enigma is one that I've wanted to pick up. I remember when Across the Universe was super popular and I saw it everywhere, but never got around to it myself!

  33. I am bad at DNFing, I always end up coming back to them, I prefer it putting books on "hold" XD I have DNfed a book recently so I guess I'll count it

  34. I read Hitchhiker's Guide when I was kid. I remember liking it. I did finish Allegiant, because I had read waaaay too many pages to not see it through to the end of the series, but I was really frustrated with how Roth ended that series.

  35. I have seen Across the Universe and a Veronica Roth book on alot of lists,so I probably will not read these.
    I loved The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, I read that one years ago!Love the humor!!

  36. I torture myself and read every book through to the end then often wonder why I bothered. Allegient is on my shelf, not sure if I’ll ever read it though.

  37. The Across the Universe series is one of my favorites - that should have been adapted into a movie instead of Passengers...

  38. I could not do this topic because... well, I have only ever not finished 5 books. And I definitely don't ever plan on finishing those 5 haha. I liked The Wood but I mean, you will still be able to walk through life if you don't finish it? (That said, it's a fairly quick read should you want to!) Allegiant... I am torn between telling you to stay the hell away and trying to lure you into the dark side so you can share your thoughts about it! Some people actually (gasp) like it, so who knows, you could be one of them! Bummer about Across the Universe though- especially with that cover! And I always approve of TTT cheating, so well done :D

  39. The Divergent trilogy was a series I wish I never started. I practically had to force myself through Allegiant. Granted, I did like it better than the second book. So it might be worth completing. If nothing else, it's the last book so once you're done, you'll be really done :P

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  40. I started The Wood and eneded up putting it aside as well. Maybe we missed something lol

  41. I love hitchhiker's guide, but at the same time I totally get why you dnfed it. I don't think it's for everyone. But omg cut your losses on Allegiant, that was one of my biggest disappointments.

  42. Allegiant was a struggle to get through. The first book was my favorite in the series, and I don't really care for Allegiant.

  43. I wouldn’t worry about not finishing Allegiant. I tried. It was such a struggle, I decided better things waiting for me to read. As for Hitchhiker’s guide, Just couldn’t get into it and I love British humor. ♥️

  44. Great list. I'm not sure of a few of these, as I've never read them, but there's quite a few titles on here that I agree with you on. Like Across the Universe. I am still so surprised that I managed to power through the Divergent trilogy because realistically I only liked the first book in the series.

  45. I stopped by Suzanne's blog and she had just said she wished she DNFed Allegiant!!! Ha ha. I finished the series and hated the ending!!!!!!!!! :D

  46. I actually enjoyed the first book of Colleen Gleason's Stoker and Holmes series. I need to finish it but want to re-read the first. I would totally give it another go! :)
    I never read the Divergent Trilogy, a friend ruined the end and now I don't feel like I want to read it. Great Post!

  47. Oh you're nicer than me even contemplating trying again. lol I'm very much a 'nope, done with you!' girl. lol

  48. I read Across the Universe before I got into YA and I thought it was okay. The title and cover is just so interesting to me. But yeah, the overall trilogy is not as good. I liked the last book best!

  49. HG never appealed to me...I also DNFed Across The Universe as I found it too slow.
