
Monday, June 25, 2018

Top Ten Book Series I've Given Up On


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Book series I've Given Up On/ Don't Plan To Finish. And there are a few of these, sadly.    

The Immortals (Olympus Bound, #1)

Sad to report that I gave up on this one after book two. I actually liked the first one though, for the most part.  

Runaways, Vol. 7: Live Fast 

Runaways! How could I give up? Well I haven't, I've just taken a loooong break. 

Allegiant (Divergent, #3)

I just can't really get into this, even though I liked the first book (and the second although a little less). 

Origin (Corpus, #1)

I really liked the other books in this series but for whatever reason I have zero motivation to read this. 

River of Teeth (River of Teeth #1)

Not a bad book, just not really my thing, so I skipped book 2.

Killer Characters (A Books by the Bay Mystery, #8)

A fun cozy series, I've read a few but have fallen away lately. 

The Winds of Winter (A Song of Ice and Fire, #6)

Okay kidding, of course I'll read this... if it EVER COMES. 

Here's a few I'd LIKE to finish

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1)

I mean, yeah. 

Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1)

Should I???

Image result for morning glories 2


Guaranteed to Bleed (The Country Club Murders #2)

I need to get back to these- I'm a few books behind.

Menagerie (Menagerie, #1)

I need to read book two. 


  1. I sadly have quite a few that I will probably never finish, either because I've lost interest in them or because I tend to forget about them or put them on the back burner because of ARCs or review requests. I have gotten better at paying attention to my TBR pile more but let's be honest, there are just so many great series out there, it is hard to pick and choose which ones to read.

  2. It's hard to keep going with series. I love Saga, for example, but it's a complex enough world that having to first wait for the next volume to come out, then having to remember to get it, which usually involves waiting for it to come up in my library holds--by then I have only a vague notion of what's going on. I think cozy mysteries are also hard to stay invested in over a series.

  3. I don't think I'll ever read the Divergent series. I've seen all the films, and like the story they tell whereas I don't think I'd like the ultimate conclusion of the books. For me, I feel happy with how everything goes down in the films. :)

  4. We have Across The Universe in common this week, Greg. I don't feel any desire to pick it up again and retry! Great list! My TTT

  5. I haven’t read any of these except Divergent and I did not like it so no loss there. But I can’t say if you should continue with the others or not.

  6. I haven't read the third and final Olympus Bound book either. I still plan on it, but I'm currently in no hurry.

    And LOL...yes, if the next ASoIaF book EVER comes... :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  7. It is okay that you didn't finish Allegiant. It is the weakest book out of the three in my opinion. When I read, I try my hardest to push through the book/series. It feels wrong for me when I don't finish it xD

  8. Yes you need to read Hitchhiker's Guide to completion. :D
    And allegiant isn't really worth it to be honest.

  9. Although I'm not familiar with the books myself, it's so interesting (although probably depressing for the author) to see Allegiant appearing on so many of these lists I've been browsing this morning!

  10. I didn’t really like Divergent and heard horrible things about Allegiant but there’s this weird little completionist living inside of me and it won’t let me delete the books off my tbr list.

  11. Great list! I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the other books in the Across the Universe series. I read the first book but wasn't interested enough to read the sequels. I couldn't get into Divergent either, so you're not alone there!

  12. Shockingly you're the first one to mention Allegiant! Thought I'd see a lot more of that. I'm in the minority on that one because I loved that book! Also enjoyed Menagerie, but can understand why some might not enjoy it as it was a little slow from time to time. At least that was one of my issues with it, but I still come back for more! Lol!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  13. You did better than I did with The Immortals -- I couldn't make it through the first one. On the other end f the spectrum, I've just disocvered Ellery Adams, but not Killer characters, which has a COOL title!

  14. I have a rough time with series, but I can tell you gave these a good shot! Hugs...RO

  15. I DNFed the first book of The Immortals as I just didn't like the MC. I thought Divergent was a decent read but the reviews of the rest of the series stopped me reading on. I've seen a lot of people say book 3 is really bad!

  16. Definitely stay away from Allegiant!! So not worth it!

  17. some I have read some I have not read. I need to finish the across the universe series. I have the last one but will probably have to re-read. I will I am sure someday because I really did like the first two books.

  18. You're really not missing out on anything with Allegiant!
    My TTT:

  19. I didn't mind the Divergent series but it was the best series. I thought about the Game of Thrones series too lol. Come on George!!!!

  20. I totally forgot about Menagerie. Of course I want to finish that one. Especially since I've fallen in love with the cover to #3 already!

  21. I definitely found Divergent to be disappointing, so you're not missing out on finishing it. I think a lot of people feel the same way. Great list!

    My TTT:

  22. Yeah, I felt the same way about Allegiant.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  23. You're not missing anything with the Divergent series, but yes, finish off Across the Universe! I really enjoyed that one all the way to the end.

  24. Laughing at all of the comments about Allegiant, because I was about to say the exact same thing as everyone else - "skip it".

  25. HITCHHIKER'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I'm fine.


  26. I haven't read any of these, but I DO want to check out Menagerie someday. I'm so bad with series - but I'm trying to read more of them lately; the ones I need to finish AND those I just never found time to start. haha


  27. I really, kind of, want to read 'the hitchhiker's guide...' because of the movie, I'm sure I would like the humor but I still undecided.

    have a lovely day.

  28. You are a hero for waiting patiently ( or even not so patiently lol) for the next GOT book. I've only watched the HBO series, and never picked up the books, but that must be so frustrating for you guys that this book is just looming out in the future!

  29. I can relate to some of these. Allegiant is definitely the weaker of the Divergent books. I liked Origin but enjoyed Vitro and Kalahari more-I think Jessica Khoury's writing has developed a lot. Definitely finish Hitchiker's Guide, it's great. Also for what it's worth, I thought the Across the Universe series got better and better, it went in a direction I was not expecting and it gets a lot more exciting.

  30. I did like Divergent but I didn't like chapter 50 of Allegiant. Such a disappointing ending.

    Who knows if Winds of Winter and the last book will have to be finished by a ghost writer. It's not like George RR Martin is in his 20s or anything.

  31. I've given up on quite a few series, and sadly most of them are ones that I own physical copies of. *sigh* I think the biggest culprit is the Jane Yellowrock UF series, which I loved until it started to become super repetitive. I may go back to it on audio at some point so I can listen while I do other stuff, but I'm not in any hurry.

  32. I wish I had given up on the Divergent books. Still mad about that one!

  33. Allegiant wasn't a great book. My favorite in the series was Divergent and the novellas were really good. I don't see myself ever rereading the last two books, they just weren't that good in my opinion. Thanks for sharing this post.

  34. You've hit the nail on the head with some of my reasons for dropping out on series. Sometimes the series isn't bad, but I just lose interest and move on or sometimes its just not a good match for my mood so I have to wait. But yes, sometimes, its just not my thing. :)

    Hopefully, you'll get to the ones you want to finish. :)

  35. I don't blame you for skipping Allegiant. There is nothing to be gained from that book. It was a let down for me, and I thought the first two books were pretty fantastic.

  36. I never read Allegiant... I really enjoyed the first book and the unique dystopian perspective, but the second book wasn't as engaging so... here were are. I actually really liked Across the Universe, but it's another series I never continued. There's a scene at the beginning that I still have nightmares about.

    I've had an arc of Origin for years, but I've never felt compelled to read it. I like the idea and the cover, but it's never been the book I've gone and grabbed.

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

  37. I don't blame you on Allegiant and I'm happy to tell you that you're not missing out. 😂😂😂

    I completely forgot about Across the Universe though... 🤔

  38. Isn't Origin the first book in that series? Even though I know they're more like companions, from what I heard. Skipping Allegiant is a good life choice frankly. Unless you just are too curious, which is understandable. I will probably read the second hippo book because I *think* it might just be a duology? I liked it okay, but it did need like, 100% more hippos.

    And I mean... you may not have given up on GoT, but maybe George has? Kidding-ish, but seriously, dude isn't getting any younger.

  39. The Immortals cover is so pretty, though, ha ha. 😉

    Aww... you have to finish Allegiant it wasn't that bad. 👍

  40. Taking a break is totally valid. Even if the break is like, six years.

  41. The Mulhern series is still holding strong which is really good. I don't think you'll be disappointed when you get back to them. There are sooo many series I've taken a long break from it hurts my brain to even think about them!

  42. Definitely need to read more of the Menagerie series. I know how you feel about the Divergent series, I feel the same about the Hunger Games, just one more book and I'd be finished but cannot bring myself to do it.

  43. Aw Allegiant was just, hmmmm, not the way I'd want a series to finish. So I get not wanting to finish the series. Maybe it'd be better if you just make up a HEA all on your own. ♥
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog
