
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Top Ten Best Character Names


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Artsy Reader GirlEach week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Best Character Names. This one's different, and required some serious thinking. I mean, just ten?? I feel like one could get really rolling on this topic if they let themself! So anyway here are the ten I decided on... can't wait to see what everyone came up with.    

The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)

Aragorn- son of Arathorn, also known as Elessar and Strider

"I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, and am called Elessar, the Elfstone, Dunadan, the heir of Isildur Elendil's son of Gondor." 

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)

Melisandre. I just like it.  

Warcross (Warcross, #1)

Asher Wing. One of Emika's teammates- it just rolls off the tongue. 

The Cats of Tanglewood Forest

This one's a tossup between the Father of Cats and T.H. Lawrence the fox (T.H. standing for truthful and Handsome- modest he isn't)

Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi  (Star Wars: Novelizations #6)

Max Rebo. You can see him at the 12 second mark... 

The Princess Bride


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide, #1)


A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)

Alys Karstark. Just has a ring to it, like her brother Harrion Karstark. 

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)

Hot Pie!!

The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)



  1. I think fantasy books will win this week. They tend to have some out there names, which are unusual and intriguing. Seriously, there's a character named "Hot Pie"? Fantastic!

    1. I know, fantasy is uniquely suited for this topic. :)

  2. Great list! Galadriel is a lovely name but, I have to admit, I think I might like Buttercup even more. It's a flower that doesn't seem to get much love in the realm of names but it really works here - it doesn't hurt that my favourite colour is yellow, either!

    1. Buttercup is a great name! And Galadriel too!!

  3. Ooh nice picks! I was always blown away that Buttercup was her name! Lol! Loved that movie/book!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I'm partial to Aragorn and Melisandre -- I know how to pronounce the first, but not the second, but I still like it!

  5. It's so cool that writers have these awesome minds that come up with such creative names for characters. I think my two faves are Aragorn(I know and already loved) and Melisandre(new to me). I feel like I want to write a story just to use that name.(lol) Hugs...RO

    1. I kinda like that name, and now when I see it in real life (which I have a couple times, or maybe just other books) I'm like cool!

  6. buttercup is the best name ever! love that book and that movie.

  7. So many strong names on this one!! I love it! Aragorn is my favorite from your list <3

  8. Oh nice list! It is really nice to see so many fantasy lists this week. And I love the fact that you have included so many Game of Thrones character names. Those names are definitely unique. Well, I would add Daenyrs name too (though I am sure I wrote the spelling wrong).

    My TTT:

    1. Fantasy seems well suited for this topic. And yes I went a little crazy on the GoT names, but I couldn't resist!

  9. Princess Buttercup!!! Good one. Love that book/movie. Love all the GoT characters and LOTR characters too.

  10. Fun names! I do love really unique book character names. :)


    1. I do too as long as they're not TOO out there :):::):)

  11. I do really like the name Melisandre. It just seems to roll. So many unique names on this list. Fantasy is really made for this topic huh?

    1. It is! And I like that one a lot too, it DOEs roll off the tongue!

  12. I think Aragorn made a lot of lists this week! :)

  13. Hot Pie!! You just made me laugh out loud! Love it!

  14. Love those names. Buttercup is the perfect cat name...or pony name!

    1. Buttercup would be perfect for a cat- or a pony!

  15. Trillion and Buttercup are truly winners. I am always frustrated by fantasy names that I can't pronounce. Ha! My TTT Dickens Names

    1. Yeah me also- I don't like the names to be TOO out there! And Trillian I just really liked...

  16. TRILLIAN! And Ford Prefect because it cracked me up the first time I read HHGTTG.

    And Buttercup! I had a dog with this name once. She didn't have an ex-pirate for a boyfriend though. :)

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

    1. Ford Prefect is great too. Seriously you could do the whole list from those books, but I just really like Trillian!

      Ha ha Buttercup is an awesome one!

    2. I agree - Douglas Adams was amazing and his character names didn't disappoint.

  17. These names are awesome! Trillian, Buttercup, and Aragorn are definitely some fantastic names. I always thought Melisandre and Galadriel sounded really cool as well. Nice choices!

    1. I agree- Melisandre and Galadriel just have a ring to them. And Trillian- I just like that!

  18. Hot Pie is definitely the winner in all of this xD ASOIAF have the most creative names!

  19. Hahahaha Buttercup is amazing, I love it. And Melisandre and Galadriel are beautiful names.

    1. I think so too- I love all three of those.

  20. Melisandre & Buttercup. I'm going to name my next female pup either one of these. Love them :)

  21. Awww Buttercup. I like that one. Of course, that's what my father used to call me. He'd say - What's up buttercup? lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Aw that's cute. And it is a cool name :)

  22. some great ones I agree with you

  23. I think Galadriel is my favorite from this list.

  24. I always loved when Aragorn was introduced. His name is just so over-dramatic compared to Strider.

    1. Right? He may have one of the more dramatic name/ titles in fantasy!

  25. Fantasy books always have amazing character names. :-)

  26. Those are some great names, and some of them are really great characters as well. Have a wonderful week. - Katie

  27. Lots of good ones on here! I thought about including a Tolkien character on my list but couldn't decide on one.

  28. Galadriel and Aragorn are my favorites. Great picks!

  29. I do love all the Lord of the Rings name. They get the atmosphere just right! Buttercup is a classic and really I adore any of the names from Hitchhiker's Guide. It's such a fun book!

  30. Ahh Aragorn <3 such a good name!

  31. Love those Lord of the Rings names so much. Great list!

  32. Good choices. I don't think I can even think of any that I particularly. Although, I do love the names that JK Rowling chose for her characters because of their meanings. They usually have something to do with the characters' personality or something about them.

  33. There's that Cats of Tanglewood Forest book again! 😸

    Baz started the second Song of Ice and Fire book. He loves them. 📚

  34. Yes, Aragorn! A couple others would be on my list too. And I agree, only ten? LOL

  35. Yay, you win the internet this week for the shout out to the Max Rebo band! :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  36. I haven't read any of these books! I have had the Game of Thrones series on my kindle for years. I really need to get busy reading it!

  37. These are some great names! I love all the GoT ones. And Asher Wing just sounds so good indeed :)

  38. These are great names! I always love fantasy names even the ones I'm not sure I'm pronouncing right!

  39. Ohh these are fun! Melisandre is quite pretty, flows well. Are Buttercup and Hot Pie actual human characters? Because if so, that's pretty fabulous and I very much approve.

  40. Geez, could Aragorn have any more aliases? LOL I like the name Melisandra- just not the character. (Disclaimer: I’m basing that on the TV show not the books.) I’ve always liked that scene from Return of the Jedi. The singer and the band are so cool.

  41. I liked Aragorn when he was Strider...I so much enjoyed that first book with all the fellowship!

  42. I really like the name Asher too! Don't remember the character real well in Warcross, but I have seen/heard it elsewhere. I also like the name Emika, though I don't think I'd ever use the name, but it sounds good for the book and genre. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Greg.

  43. I love the names in JRR Tolkien's books! Aragorn is one of my favorites, too!
