Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sunday Post #236

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
It's starting to feel like spring a bit around here- I've seen some green shoots popping up and the weather's been nicer. You know, relatively. Then it snowed. Arghh. How was everyone's week? I read a lot but I also spent a lot of time working on upcoming features. I don't think I've mentioned it on the blog yet, but I'm starting a post series called Movies that Suck. It's kind of like live-tweeting without the tweeting. But later this month my first post will go up, featuring- Lake Placid! I hope you can join me for the trainwreck. 

I have the first two done already, and let me tell you- it was fun! I'm thinking of doing a poll too, where you the loyal viewers can decide which horrible movie I watch. Sound fun? In other news, I started Jessica Jones 2 and so far, so good.    

Last week I reviewed The Vault of Dreamers, and this week will be the sequel The Rule of Mirrors. And on Monday I'll be reviewing Logan's Run (the movie), an old favorite and a cult classic.            

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Song of the week 





Lots of Game of Thrones stuff this week. 

Lies and Arbor Gold has a really cool essay on Ashara Dayne. Part 1 and Part 2.

Drunk ASOIAF podcast had a fun Valentine's Day cast about relationships in ASOIAF. Worth a listen.  

Not A Podcast is an excellent podcast about Game of Thrones. Seriously they are re- reading Game of Thrones chapter by chapter and podcasting it. 


  1. We finally got rid of the snow this week and it was nice yesterday. Today we have howling wind and driving rain so it's cold again!

    1. Ooh today we have sun but it's cold still. Boo!!

  2. I love the Melisandre pics. It makes me miss Game of Thrones soooo much! Ugh! Write George write!

  3. I am waiting for spring weather. We had snow and the temps don't look like they are going over mid 40s all week. LOVE the sound of the new feature. Excited for it! Have a great week!

    1. I need spring! So tired of the cold. And thanks- should be fun!

  4. It's been a rough week in central NY too, so I'm glad we're still in Florida. Hopefully spring will come soon. Sunburn looks great. I can't wait to read it!

    1. I hope so! We need spring. Thanks for stopping by JoAnn I hope your weather down there is nice!

  5. I like the sound of Movies That Suck - sounds like it will be fun!

  6. I love Logan's Run! It's kind of cheesy these days but it's one of the first sci fi movies I remember watching as a teen.

  7. It snowed here this week, too, although it didn't stick at all. Now it is just cold and the whole week looks pretty bleak. I keep trying to tell myself it is only early March, but man am I ready for nice weather. I have Sunburn, but haven't picked it up yet. Happy reading!

    1. We got snow too, and some of it melted. But yeah it's been brrr. I'm SO ready for warm. and yes hopefully Sunburn turns out good!

  8. Oooh, can't wait for Movies that Suck! Haha! We got snow this week, too, and I was glad for the day off from work. Just started Jessica Jones this morning!

    1. I'm having fun with it, definitely! How are you liking Jessica so far?

  9. Movies that suck sounds fun. I look forward to it. I haven’t started the second season of Jessica Jones yet. I’m excited but don’t want it to be over too quick.

    1. I'm having fun writing them. :) There's so much to love in, um, bad movies. And same here- I'm three episodes in to Jessica Jones and liking it so far?

  10. We have blossoms on all the trees on my street...but I mostly stayed indoors (allergies) and read only two books, but both were fabulous. One of them was Sunburn.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Ooh I hope Sunburn is good. Sounds like you enjoyed it! And glad you had a great week...

  11. I started Jessica Jones season 2 as well. The spring-like weather really does wonders to my spirit.

    Your new feature sounds intriguing!

  12. I wish I could illustrate like that

  13. OMG I love Lake Placid lol I can't wait to check out Movies that Suck.
    This weather is like trickery, one minute you think ok look it's going to be warm FINALLY and BAM! Snow! It's TRICKERY!!!! :)

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  14. I hope you enjoy season 2 of JJ I did which is how I managed to marathon the whole season on my day off in one sitting and give up sleep lol

  15. Good old Blogger ate my comment. Ugh. 😛

    I love talking about bad movies, and you are right... Lake Placid does suck. 😂

    Have a wonderful week. ☺

  16. Ah, Lake Placid. Such an awful, awesome movie. Mom and I are particularly fond of terrible B movies involving sharks, mainly. Shark Lake, Two-Headed Shark Attack, Three=Headed Shark Attack, Mega Shark vs Meca Shark, etc. And of course, the brilliant gems that are the Sharknado series. But, Sharknado has become so popular for being ridiculous, they're purposely over the top. Still, we enjoy them.

  17. It’s starting to feel more spring-like here, too, but I know it’ll snow a ton over the next two months. It always does. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  18. I am done with winter. Plus, I am fully convinced that weatherpeople are just glorified Miss Cleo in suits at this point, because they probably have about the same rate of accuracy. You are right about Eat Shit and Die- I was not going to listen to it because... weird, but it was actually good!

    I like the Hawkeye cover. She's like a more fashionable Katniss. Actually- she's like a cross between Katniss and Tiger from the Josh Hutcherson show! And Logan's Run, I saw that once ages ago but I barely remember it- though I do remember liking it, so I look forward to your review! And of course your thoughts on Rule of Mirrors, since that was my fave in the series!

    1. I'm glad you listened, because... yeah the title and song do not go together? I thought no one is going to listen to this, hence the little disclaimer. :):):):)

      Tiger! Ha love it. And you've seen LR? I feel like not a lot of people have...

  19. I'm totally looking forward to your upcoming post series Movies That Suck! You got snow? Lucky. Here in STL we barely got 5 inches this whole winter! Please send us some!

    1. You actually WANT snow? I could probably spare some :)

  20. I liked that song. It was good. And, our weather has been doing the same thing. We're now in the warm phase again. But, I bet is snows again.

    1. I know, right? We can't seem to get rid of winter

  21. Yeah, just when you think spring is just around the corner, mother nature decides to throw in one last snow storm. Thankfully most of the snow that we got around midweek has melted too, but the schools closed and the kids got another day off. I love the art picks for this week!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  22. I'm up the coast and it's been cloudy and rainy, but the perfect book reading, fireplace weather! It was sunny the first day, but I'm loving the gray clouds and rain.

    The song is quite pretty which doesn't fit the name at all, lol! Jessica Jones looks pretty good. I watched Logan's Run when it came out as a little kid. Actually, I think it was the series, not the movie? It's been a long time, but the concept really freaked me out at the time. Looking forward to your new posts for bad movies, lol! :)

    1. That does sound like perfect reading weather! :)

      I thought the same thing about that song, I totally stumbled across it! And Jessica Jones 2 is good so far...

  23. I am looking forward to Movies that Suck. LOL That dirty four letter word (snow) is supposed to occur here in the am. UGH! Ah well, at least there is coffee

    1. Thanks. It should be fun and yes I am OVER the snowing lolol.

  24. If I'm recalling the right movie, Betty White was the best thing about Lake Placid. Have a great week!

  25. Fun idea for movies posts. Half of what I watched in the 80's would probably qualify, but some where so cheesy they were good. :)
    Cool graphics!

    I had the same issue with spring flirting with me and then 'gotcha' when the weather was cold and snowy afterward.

    Have a great week, Greg!

    1. So true! Sometimes a movie is so bad it IS good. I think that be true of a lot of the movies I look at...

  26. Oh I will totally be joining you. lol I love reading negative reviews, they're just so satisfying! Don't know what that says about me... lol

    Have a good week! :)

    1. Yay! Should be fun... and I agree. A good negative review can be so cathartic. :)

  27. Hey Greg, Is Lake Placid a movie that sucks? hmmm It appears there are a ton of those huh. I don't know why you'd want to watch horrible movies Greg lol. I started watching The Frankenstein Chronicles on Netflix with the actor Sean Bean? And I have to say it's fucking creeping me out that I had to stop. I imagine Sean Bean will die in this movie as well. He always does. lmao.
    Here is My Sunday Post

    1. Hi Jackie, and yes Lake Placid is my kick off feature for Movies That Suck. Although it didn't suck too bad compared to SOME of the movies I'll be watching lol. And lol about Sean Bean...

  28. Sounds like you're totally being teased by Spring. Not fair! Can't wait for the Movies That Suck feature! Should be a lot of fun. :) Wow, that song and that title totally do not go together. LOL OMG, that Cobra Kai trailer is a real thing? Johnny is now running Running Cobra Kai? Classic! :)

  29. We still have snow!! Gah. I wish we had the spring already too :D

  30. We finally got rid of the cold and the snow and the weather is actually really nice now most of the time. When it's not raining that is. But at least it's not cold anymore and that's something, haha.

    Beautiful art as always!

    Bee @ Novel Ink

  31. We had more snow here as well but Spring is definitely around the corner. You Movies that Suck feature sounds like fun! Lake Placid was awesomely bad.
    Happy reading and enjoy your week!

  32. We didn't get the snow but the temps bottomed out again after some teaser 60-70 degree days. I see the shoots starting to pop up too though so hopefully the cold will be behind us soon.

    Your 'Movies That Suck' feature sounds fun. For some reason, it makes me think of Mystery Science Theater 3000, which I've always loved.

    Hope you have a great week!

  33. We have been getting a lot of rain and then some cold days then warm then back to cooler days this week and then warm then rain...spring is on the

    Ahh, your going to hate on Lake Placid, I like that horrible movie. :) It the sequels I am not so fond

  34. Movies That Suck - sounds hilarious. Can't wait to see it. Uh, Cobra Kais - I can't get over how old everyone looks. Note: I saw The Karate Kid in the theatre, so I am that old too. Fingers crossed we don't get another storm this week, because my nerves are shot from last week.

  35. Lol, I like the idea of Movies That Suck!
    All our snow from last week has finally melted so I'm back to really looking forward to Spring and lighter evenings!

  36. Haha, movies that suck sounds great! I'll keep on eye out for it! I just started Jessica Jones yesterday and really enjoying it! I'm on episode 4 right now and can't wait to continue!

  37. Your new feature sounds great! I love when people talk about the stuff they hated or thought were bad!
    My husband has been binging Jessica Jones 2. He finished the Defenders and moved on to that. Its been his weekend binge!

  38. I’ll have to check out your new feature this week. Sunburn is one that I am certainly curious about, can’t wait to read your thoughts on it. Have a fantastic Sunday!

  39. I’m glad the new season of Jessica Jones is good. I haven’t started it yet. I still need to watch The Punisher. Enjoy!

  40. I'm glad to see that you're getting signs of Spring Greg, its still freezing cold here that iI'm going everywhere with my massive coat and scarf! And I love the idea of a post on movies that suck, it will definitely help me decide which ones to stay away from. I look forward to seeing these posts! I hope you have a great week Greg! :)

  41. You always have some amazing pictures on your blog. I love it. This weeks are pretty awesome! Lots of lovely books. I hope you have a good week in reading. I just got back in my home after a week of no power so I am behind in things. Have a good week. =)

    Mary #SundayRoundup #9

  42. I am looking forward your new post series, sounds provoking)))

  43. Movies that Suck is going to be awesome! I cannot wait haha. And Logan's Run, I finally found it on BluRay while I was out yesterday (only had DvD) so I jumped all over that! My scifi collection is rapidly growing and I love it. I am enjoying the pics you chose this week!

    1. Right? I have fun writing them! And ooh Logan's Run on Blu-ray? I NEED that.

  44. I like the movies that suck idea. I don't get to watch many so that would help me find the ones to avoid!!

  45. Ah spring weather. You know I can't actually tell the difference between the weather for the seasons in the UK nowadays I mean no matter the season we'll have rain at some point haha.

    Good luck with your new feature, sounds entertaining to say the least

  46. So, ready for Spring. I've been wanting to read the Vault of Dreamers but haven't gotten around to it. Have a great a week!

    1. Vault of dreamers was pretty good. My review for the sequel will be up this week if you're on the fence. I thought the first two were the strongest tho.

  47. I started Jessica Jones as well. Have a lovely week and happy reading!

    1. I think I like this season better than S1?

  48. Haha Movies That Suck is such a good blog post idea!! I'm looking forward to those posts. Lol. Such a good idea!

    Happy reading for the week ahead :) Enjoy the spring weather!

  49. You always make me want to read loads of books! Arggh. I hope you enjoy your new additions!

  50. We had a brief cold front but now the sun is shining and the birds are singing. Some great pictures this week, Greg. And you're right, that song is pretty good.

  51. It is snowing here today. Come on spring! Love all of the art that you shared. I can't wait to read your new feature - it sounds like fun! Have a great week!

    1. Ack snow?? It warmed up here a little (just a little!!) but we still have snow on the ground too.

  52. Your new feature sounds great and yes, do the poll thing - at least every once in a while. It sounds fun. I love that artwork of Melisandre. So pretty. My comic read this week was Issue 6 of Dark Sabrina. Can't wait for the series.

    1. I think I will- polls are fun. :) Ooh Dark Sabrina- I am waiting for that one too!!

  53. The art work you shared is amazing! I need to get caught up on GOT I am only on season 2!! I am obsessed right now with the current Homeland season. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Cindy! I've never seen Homelan....

  54. Noooo, I love Lake Placid! I'll admit it isn't Good(TM) but it sure is a lot of fun to watch, I thought. Looking forward to your review of Sunburn. I picked up a copy for myself not long ago and I really want to get to it soon. Gotta love a good neo-noir thriller!

    1. I like it too! That's the thing about Movies That Suck... some of them are gonna be good! Or, you know, relatively good. So I may have to change my title? But nevertheless, I do like that movie how can you not with Betty White??

  55. I'm looking forward to your movie posts! That sounds awesome!!

  56. Ooh I'm curious about your upcoming Movies that Suck posts. :) I hope to start Jessica Jones S2 soon!


  57. I think we are in for some up and down weather. Snow, sun, snow, sun. Looking forward to your Movies that Suck posts!

  58. Hurray for spring-ish weather... for now. Haha! I hope you enjoy your new books! Hawkeye looks so good! I've always avoided Marvel comics because there are SO many, but maybe one day. Have a great week :D

  59. Spring is coming in my city (for good this time, hopefully) - loving all the green popping around and the birds. I need to start Jessica Jones too, but I was busy with Altered Carbon this weekend.

    Ah, it makes me so happy when the pulp cover of the week is an Agatha Christie book.

  60. A poll to tell you which horrible movies to watch? Boy, you're a sucker for punishment.:-) Spring wants to come here too but that snow keeps butting in.

  61. Well that sounds like a lot of fun to post about movies that suck and to be able to go to town on them! Oh dear poor little spring buds. Naughty snow!

  62. Your new feature definitely sounds fun :) And yes doing the poll thing is definitely a good idea :D Go for it!
    We already have summer here and it is so hot right now.. I wish my place had a little snow too :(

    All your new books llok good. I hope you enjoy them all :)

  63. I have Sunburn on my list. I *know* it will snow again before the season finishes, but I love seeing the green sprouts in the garden. YOur movie series looks fun --

  64. The terrible movies feature sounds great, I will look forward to your "tweets" :) Lake Placid is a great one to start with LOL!

    I know, what is the deal with this weather? I'm super excited for spring, but when it starts dumping snow after days of pretty that's just annoying. We haven't had snow in Dallas but we went from pretty (in the 70s and 80s) to some chilly days this weekend. Not AS annoying, but still!

    Hope you have a great week Greg!

  65. I'm in love with the art you featured this week! The "Sleep Tight" one is so elegant and eerie at the same time, plus the ones of Ashara and Melisandra are gorgeous--the eyes seem so real and I LOVE the hair!

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

  66. I feel like we might live close to each other because we always have the same things to say about the weather. Lol. We also had signs of spring and then a huge dump of snow. SUCKED. I'm so over winter. Like OVER IT.

  67. Ha! That sounds like a fun series to do :)

    Gah, yes. It was nice earlier this week and I planted a bunch of things. Today...snow. Seriously? lol

  68. You always come up with such amazing Sunday posts.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  69. I kind of love bad movies. Especially cheesy ones.

    The weather...every day is different lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. They're good to watch when you just want to veg...

      So true...

  70. Yay spring! Boo snow. Movies that Suck. That does sound fun lol. You found some amazing art this week, I love all the sci-fi ones!

    1. Right? And yes I have to admit the posts have been fun to write. :)

  71. No snow here but a mountain nearby had a white peak once last month when we had frost warnings. We are expecting rain this week. Your new feature sounds fun and I like how you'll interact with readers.

    1. Thanks Stefanie! And a white peak huh? Wows...

  72. I feel like we're just being teased with spring at the moment... And that winter is never ending!

    It sounds like you have some fun new features planned.

    Happy reading & a lovely week to you!

    1. Right? I need winter to be over.

      Have a great week also!

  73. Movies that Suck sounds like a really fun feature---I look forward to reading them!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  74. Our crabapple tree is blooming and it's so pretty. However, I don't think we're through with frost. Hope we don't get any.

    I haven't seen a movie that sucked recently, but I'm a big fan of MST3K and that's how I get exposed to them. LOL. Sounds like a fun feature.

    Hope you have a great week!

  75. I recently showed Logan's Run to my son. It's fun exposing him to the older movies. I'd like to go see the fountain they used at the end in person sometime. Come see what I'm reading

  76. I am surprised at how much I am looking forward to Cobra kai.

  77. It was starting to feel like spring around here but then it snowed last night. 🙄 Good times! I am ready for winter to leave. Hopefully soon. 😎 Happy reading, Greg!

    Have a lovely day. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  78. It's always warm where I am. I've been to cooler countries for vacation and I cannot really stand the cold. Have fun with Movies That Suck feature!

  79. Gosh I am soooooo ready for spring. I need colors around me and want it warm! Looking forward to your project.

    Best wishes
    Vi @Inkvotary

  80. Snow? I'd be so annoyed! I'm already annoyed weather-wise because the temps fell to the 40s. Movies That Suck sounds amazing! I love that idea. I love the Agatha Christie cover. Hope you're having a great week!

  81. I'm interested in reading your upcoming movie posts. Hope you have a great week.

  82. Our weather has been the same. It was spring-like, and now we have snow again.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your Movies that Suck posts.

    I hope you are having a good week!
