
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Can't Wait Wednesday #12 / Midweek Stuff

 So here's a midweek round up of what I'm reading watching, etc. Plus Can't Wait Wednesday, hosted by Wishful endings. So sit back, raise a cuppa, and see what's new! And share what you're up to.  

This week my Can't Wait pick is Murder in the Locked Library. I want it just for that cover.        

Murder in the Locked Library

What I'm Reading

People Like Us

What I'm Watching

Image result for riverdale



  1. How are you enjoying People Like Us? I've heard good things and am curious about it.

    1. So far I am liking People Like Us a lot. there are a few things (little things) that are bothering me, but by and large I like it!

  2. Replace the cat on the cover with a Siberian husky or a beagle and it would be perfect!

    1. Ha ha that would certainly be interesting!

  3. Replies
    1. I think it is! and I had not noticed that lol.

  4. This looks very retro, Greg! That said, I've recently read and reviewed a delightful whodunit set in the 1920s clearly drawing on Christie's template:). I hope you enjoy this one as much!

  5. Yeah, I agree, the cover is brilliant! And don't you just want to sink into one of those chairs and never get up lol

  6. I NEED People Like Us. Hope it's as awesome as I think it's going to be. By the way: cat on the cover = awesome.

    1. I know? And so far I'm liking People Like Us a lot.

  7. Ooh nice! I love a good mystery!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I love that the cat looks like it's reading the book!

    1. I do too, and I hadn't even noticed that until someone mentioned it!

  9. That cover is great. I especially love the tagline "Permanently checked out", lol.

  10. Any book about a library, count me in! I love the cover too. Enjoy.

  11. That library looks too cozy for murder😁

  12. Can't wait to see what you think of People Like Us! Happy reading!

  13. I love that cover too. Wouldn't you love to be sitting there in those lovely chairs, in front of the fire, reading...

  14. I hope you're enjoying People Like Us. I haven't read a review for it yet!


  15. I love that you do "midweek stuff" We just do the weekly wrap up. I love Riverdale, and I started watching the 100. Jenn just finished people like us, and I can't wait to read it.
    Here's our Wednesday post!

  16. I love that the cat looks like it's reading the book. What a cute looking series - I must check it out - even if I don't see a dog!

  17. Murder in the Locked Library sounds fun! I hope you'll enjoy it! I still haven't continued watching The 100 and Riverdale and I have no excuse!

  18. I love the cover on Murder in the Locked Library! I finished binge watching The 100, and can’t wait for the new season to start. :)

  19. I want to read Diner too. I have read People Like Us and will have the review up sometime next week. I hope you enjoy it.

    Mary Can’t Wait Wednesday

  20. Kitty! I love that cover. Oh and I've been curious about Altered Carbon. Haven't started that show yet though.

  21. That cover is great and the book sounds really good too!

  22. Haha, oh my, I thought exactly the same thing when I saw the cover for Murder in the Locked Library! Also, you're really getting me curiouser and curiouser with Riverdale . . . I believe I'll try to watch it at some point!

  23. I love the look of your CWW murder book. And the cover.
    Lynn :D

  24. I'm really curious about People Like Us! It sounds so good. I can't wait to hear your thoughts about it.

    Thanks for sharing,
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  25. Murder in the Locked Library! Now that is the best title for a book, ever! I have a copy of People Like Us waiting for me at the library. I hope that it is one we both enjoy. :)

  26. I've seen the first two seasons of The 100! There's just something about it that I keep coming back to. I love the idea of children having to lead and take responsibility for themselves, but then we get to see how that works when the adults come back into the picture.

    I don't want to say too much, because spoilers, but I hope you're enjoying it!

    Do You Dog-ear?

  27. I'd want the book for the title and cover too.

  28. I really like the cover to Murder in the Locked Library too, that's pretty much "cozy mystery" exemplified!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  29. That tag line "permanently checked out" made me LOL! -

  30. I see People Like Us popping up everywhere! I feel this is one of those books I will get because I see it so much and it makes me really curious about it.

  31. I love the cover of People Like Us! 🙌

  32. You know, I've been saying it for the LOOOONGEST time: one of these days, I'm going to read a cozy mystery. Lol. And I DO want to, really! It's just that there are SO MANY BOOKS!! Well, you've heard the saying by Frank Zappa. How RIGHT he was!! But I'll go ahead and add this cozy to my GR shelves, anyway. I DO want to start reading cozies!! I do want to read cozies, I do, I do, I DO!! I do want to read cozies!! I do, I do, I do!!!!! (Remember the Cowardly Lion? LOL.)

    And man, your music videos are such a FEAST for the ears!!! This one by Balligomingo (whom I had never heard of, but is now on my YouTube EDM playlist!!) is SO AWESOME!!! Keep 'em coming!!!!!!! YAAAASSSSS!!!!

    Thanks for commenting on my own CWW post!! <3 <3 :) :)

  33. I hope you enjoy the mystery. A murder in a library....someone was probably interrupted from reading and snapped ;)

  34. Great CWW pick, the book looks absolutely great and very intriguing cover with the cat reading a book. I hope you enjoy it when you get the chance too read it Greg, thank you so much for stopping by my CWW Greg.

  35. I love that cover on the Ellery Adams plus that may just be one of the best titles ever. I'll be curious to see what you think of People Like Us. I like the cover.
