
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Sunday Post #223

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

Snow! We got about 5 inches on Wednesday night/ Thursday morning, and the roads were terrible- but it sure looked nice! Looking like Christmas around these parts. The neighborhood is pretty much lit up, too. And on Tuesday we had serious blusterage! I've included a video below showing the waves on Lake michigan. I personally loved how blustery it was, it had it's own wild beauty with leaden gray skies and the wind howling around the house.  

Also this week I binged all ten episodes of TURN: Washington's Spies, which just hit Netflix. Although I wasn't crazy about the ending, I thought it was the best season yet. 

Last week I reviewed 0 books (yay me) but I am reading The Hunger Games, and *gasp* enjoying reading again. And I wrote another installment of On The Run, sorta going back to the beginning, so maybe things are returning to normalcy here?      

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)

Song of the week



Wild Bird  

Here's that waves video I mentioned up above.


  1. The Hunger Games is one of many I want to re-read!

    1. It's my first time, if you can believe it. :)

  2. Wow, those waves are awesome! Love the Hunger Games, you make me want to reread it now. And I'm jealous of your snow, it's cold here but no snow yet.

    1. It was blustery out on the lake! And I'm liking the snow, but in a couple of days I might be ready to get rid of it.

  3. We had snow too in some places in the UK. It actually surprised us all as when I got out of bed for work on Friday it was fine but as I was going to work the snow was coming down and by the time I got to the office it was white. It cleared in the roads a little after a few folks had driven on it but for a time I saw a lot of skidding and wheel spinning. It does look pretty out, though. And it's been a while since I reread Hunger Games, I attribute that book with getting me into blogging in some ways as it helped me discover book blogs when I was searching for what to read next. I'm loving that last picture on here, it's giving me final fantasy 9 vibes, but that could just be from the perspective and because I'm currently replaying it. And Altered Carbon definitely looks like it has potential, Netflix shows can be really hit or miss so fingers crossed.

    1. I hate it when it snows on the way to work and the roads get bad! And cool about The Hunger Games! I've never read it, believe it or not, so it's my first time. And so far I'm loving it!

      I like that pic too, as soon as I saw it I knew I had to share it. :)

  4. Yay! It sucks about the traffic, but I sure wish we'd get some snow here in NC of about 2-3 inches. I lived in North Dakota and drifting snow with extreme cold was the norm, making me crave the brutal weather. I found that it really brought out the kindness in peeps. Someone probably needs to keep me away from Netflix, because I keep finding some amazing programs to binge on, and that Altered Carbon looks pretty neat. Also looking forward to December 22 with Will Smith. Stay warm and safe this weekend! Hugs...RO

    1. Oh yeah I can imagine growing up in ND you would be used to snow! NC would be a big change I would think. I think I'd miss snow- a bit- even though it can be a pain.

      Netflix has been a bad one for me lately too. :)

  5. I'm liking the flaming circles illustration. Oh, the possibilities.
    LOL, books and cats! Brrr, stay warm while reading and writing ;-)

    1. I think so! And thanks, staying warm is a priority right now. :)

  6. The Agatha Christie book looks good. I have only read a couple of her books but enjoyed them. I love the Hunger Games books. I will have to do a re-read someday. Less than a week until STAR WARS!!!!! AHHHHHH!

    1. My first time w/ Hunger Games- can you believe it? And less than a week? Wow you are right- are you going opening day?

  7. Hmmmm, I will take a look at Turn. Not sure i have heard about it

  8. Any surfers out on those waves?? I would be very surprised if there weren't. I'd try to fit in my wetsuit and give it a shot (HA!)

    I loved The Hunger Games's books SOOOOO much! I didn't even bother with the movies beyond the first one. Why ruin it?

    We have zero snow over here. Can you send some? Have a great week!!!

    1. I've seen em out there before but not this time! And that's right you lived out in CA right? Did ya surf out there?

      I am loving THG right now.

      And yes you can have some! We're in a deep freeze over here...

  9. It's been snowing here all day, and I would be ok with it if it stopped. It is pretty to look at, but I hate having to travel in it, and it always messes with the trains and what not. So, happy the storm didn't read us until today. Hope you are enjoying The Hunger Games.

    1. It is pretty to look at, but the roads... not so much! Hope you don't get hit too hard...

  10. My favorite of those pieces is Caves of Tau Ceti. Wow! And I'm intrigued by the Altered Carbon trailer. I'm generally skeptical of adaptations (especially of my favorite books), but I gotta say this looks cool as hell.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I love Caves of Tau Ceti, I think I could stare at it for a long time! And Altered Carbon does look pretty good.

  11. I like Caves of Tau Ceti the best out of those, it's really beautiful :) also hee kitties! Always my fave.

    I enjoyed The Hunger Games when it came out, but I don't think I'd ever be able to re-read it again (looking back, I do take issue with some of it). Glad to hear that you're liking it though, it's an addictive series!

    1. I think Tau Ceti is my favorite too, or very close. And I'm curious to see how my thoughts evolve on THG, since this is my first time.

  12. The Hunger Games is a good series. The artwork of that second-bottom piece reminds me of the style of the game Masquerada: Songs and Shadows. LOVE the picture with all the cats. Have a great week :)

    1. I am enjoying it. And I do love that second bottom piece.

  13. Wooo snow! I mean, I hate cold, but wooo I'm excited for you! My thoughts on snow are that it's fun in small doses lol, like on a vacation. You do make that weather sound super beautiful though! Glad things are getting back to normal for you :-)

    1. Snow wee!!! I'm not crazy about the cold either, although the snow is fun (for now- ask me again in a few days). And thanks! I love the beauty of winter in it's own way.

  14. I've never heard of Turn before, but it sounds good! Glad you had a lovely week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post !

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  15. I love the wildness of your blustering wind and waves video, Greg! Thanks for sharing it. I think the lake in the winter is somehow even more beautiful and mysterious than in summer.
    I haven't heard of your new show, maybe I need to check it out?
    I hope you're doing better and better every day.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  16. Don't worry about doing 0 reviews, that is the story of my life. I hope you enjoy the upcoming christmas, and have a great week.

    Anne @ The Reading Life

  17. I love The Caves of Tau Ceti. I remember that Exit Alternative from your A Beautiful Day story.šŸŽØ

    We haven't gotten any snow accumulation yet, but it was blustery here, too. I love the waves video. I could watch waves all day!. šŸŒŠ

    I am glad to hear things are getting back to normal. Have a happy and healthy week. I'm sending all the good vibes.☺

  18. You got snow too! It seems everyone did :)
    My weekend's pretty ruined by the fact that NetGalley basically kicked out all of us internationals...

  19. we usually never have snow here.. too warm. But I wonder if we will have some this year? In any case happy reading!

  20. That video of the lake is so quintessentially northern winter! Gray, windy, dreary. I adore it!
    I'm jealous you got so much snow. We got barely a dusting. its already melting away. I want snow!!

  21. Seems like the reading slump is contagious. I know how you feel however, steampunk seems to be my thing at the moment and I think the book I am currently reading will help me get out of my slump. I hope.

    We got snow too. Now sure how much but it snowed all day yesterday, it was so pretty and my daughter was outside all day. Poor kid looked like a snowwoman when she came inside and all freezy. I am hoping for a little snow on Christmas morning, that would be so nice.

    Those waves looks intense but how pretty the clouds looked in the background with the intense white caps.

    I hope you have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading! ox

  22. Oh, I hate snow! My brother also got a lot of snow in the last couple days, but oddly it didn't stick. I'd really like to reread The Hunger Games at some point - have you read it before or is this your first time? I love the art you shared, especially the second picture! I love stuff that's slightly surreal. Have a great week :D

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

  23. It hasn't snowed here yet, but it certainly got colder this week. I'm really not a fan of snow (unless a ton falls and I get snow days). I love the Hunger Games series; it's been awhile since I've read it. Happy reading!

  24. Glad you're enjoying the snow, but I'm also delighted that so far we have escaped it. The waves hitting the breakwater are great - I love a stormy sea:). Thank you for the pics - I loved the steampunk ones this week. I hope you have a great reading week, Greg.

  25. I'm not sure how you deal with snow on a regular basis. While it's pretty I'm not a fan! I love all the wizardy art! And of course I love the Agatha Christie cover. I loved Hunger Games when I read it which was a big surprise because it was so different (especially at the time) of my usual reads. Have a great week!

  26. I can't imagine living in snow...although I've always enjoyed a quick trip to the nearby mountains to "visit" it.

    Those waves are awesome! I do love being near lakes (or oceans).

    Now I am curious about TURN.

    Enjoy your week...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  27. That's a pretty impressive video, though I'm glad I missed out on this latest round of snow. Love the cover of the Agatha Christie book... it's about time for me to read another of her mysteries. Have a good week.

  28. I haven't read anything in weeks but I've been out enjoying life so it's ok. I'm caught up on anything I had to read for review this year so I'm not going to worry about it.

    I'm so bummed that we missed the snow by one week after our visit to NC. We did get down to 32 last night but no snow for FL. Although we did have an inch about 12 years ago. So it's possible!

    For What It's Worth

  29. Usually by now we have had a few snowfalls but nothing Greg, and so far no warning of it coming before the holidays. It feels so weird. Hope your week is a good one. Happy binging!

  30. Our weather here was crazy this week. We weren't supposed to get hardly any snow, and 6 inches later and still snowing, I was not happy with the weather people. ;) It is pretty though. Have a great week.

  31. Wow, that was some blustery winds going on there and you may keep the snow. :) I am glad that Hunger Games is helping you enjoy reading it just wasn't one for me and I never made it through it. I watched the first two movies but never finished even

    Have a great week and I hope you get some warmth your way. Today it's like a heatwave at 51 and sunny. :)

    Week in Reviews

  32. We went from 60 degrees to snow here in a week. So crazy! Have a great week!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  33. I am so not ready for winter. I am glad to hear that The Hunger Games is pulling you out of your slump.

  34. We need some snow here. It keeps melting. It’s been a few years since I reread The Hunger Games, so I should probably do that. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  35. Wow, the waves on Lake Michigan look like ocean waves! It does look super cold. Did you take that video? Neat lighthouse. We've been having temps up to the '80s this last week. Not very wintery and not good for the fires which were super close to my house. Had a bit of a scare there. All is good now. For me anyhow.

    I love the Pinterest pictures, especially the one with the cats. Yes, crazy cat lady here. Lol! :)

    1. I didn't take the video, I stumbled across it on Youtube. They pop up every now and then whenever the weather gets the lakes riled up. :) I'd love to see it close up though- in fact I've been over there when the waves get crazy and it's quite the show. In the winter especially, we even get frozen waves!

      those fires are awful, I feel for all those in their path. Glad you're in the clear now, but man that must have been scary! Be safe!

      Ha ha I love that one too!

  36. Yay for snow! We got some yesterday but nothing that really stuck for long. Oh well, I like getting more in January and on.


    1. Yeah January is good! It's still really white here though.

  37. Okay, I WILL admit that the waves are pretty to look at. But I wouldn't want to be the person standing there taking the video, I'd want to look at it from behind a window or something? I am SO glad that The Hunger Games is helping your slump! This is very good news indeed, for so many reasons!

    It was another tough call, but I think Caves of Tau Ceti is my favorite. They are all really great in their own way though. And as for Altered Carbon, it does look kind of interesting. But let's be real, I am going to just let you watch it first and then you can tell me if it's worth it :D

    1. Exactly, I'll watch the video ha ha and leave the video- taking to someone else. Although... having said that, I've been to the lakeshore when it's like that and it's pretty awesome. In small doses. And THG is humming right along, I'm well into it now!

      Caves of Tau Ceti is awesome. Seems to be a favorite and I like Sigma Draconis.

  38. It was a slow review week on my end as well! I only reviewed one book. I'm hoping to bump up that number this week. We got about 5 inches of snow here - on Saturday though! It was lovely. :D Happy reading, Greg!

    Have a wonderful week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. That's about how much we got too. It's like a winter wonderland here now!

  39. The waves video made me miss the lakes! I love the last two images and the one showing the world and it's moons.

  40. I could sit and watch those waves for hours. My hometown sat beside a river and there is a park there that has steps all the way down to it. As a teen, I used to sit on those steps for hours and watch the waves.

    1. I can watch for hours too- there's something about the waves rolling in, the sea and sky. Very mesmerizing!

  41. Hope you enjoy The Hunger Games. That series was so addicting. Of course now I am "done" with dystopia but that was the book that got things rolling :)

    Wow 5 inches! I am glad we haven't had much snow yet. I am planning an impromptu trip to visit my family and go car shopping in a couple of days so hopefully the snow will hold off. So far the forecast looks good. I don't like to see lots of snow ever but if it could wait till after Christmas...

    I still haven't written a review since August. I have toyed with the idea of writing brief mini reviews to catch up on stuff. I just haven't been motivated. Glad to see you are enjoying reading again. I hope to get to that point soon. At least I have my shows to watch in the meantime :) Started binging on season two of The Crown. I will have to add Turn to my list. I love history and that time period.

    1. I am enjoying it. Nice to finally read it!

      I'm glad you didn't get snow! It's such a pain and especially when you have to travel. I hope you have a safe trip and success in your car shopping.

      It's nice to take a break and I haven't written a review lately either, and that's okay!

  42. We got a little bit of snow Saturday night Sunday Morning but by the afternoon it was gone. I would love to have that much snow right now. But I get about the roads being terrible. Have a great week!

  43. I like snow and snowstorms much better now that I'm retired and don't have to drive in them. I enjoyed The Hunger Games when I read it. It might be worth a reread if I could ever find the time. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  44. That's the thing about snow: it's always pretty to look at but completely a different story to have to go out in it. That's awesome that your area is starting to look very Christmasy. Some nights I walk home from school, and while I hate the cold, I love looking at everyone's lights. Have a great week, Greg! :)

    1. You too Lauren! Looking at the lights is one of the best parts of the season, I think!

  45. Hi Greg; how're you feeling? Are you okay? Love The Peanuts. We forgot to watch the Thanksgiving one this year; we'll make that up for sure. I read the first Hunger Games book. I admit kids killing kids (Yeah, yeah, I know this is happening in real life.) bothered me and stopped at that. IDK; maybe I'll give it another go but the audio way. Those are some heavy waves. Were there any surfers out? I like the first and third art pieces. It would cool to live in places like that and explore such worlds. Your talk about your recent snow made me think of Empire Strikes Back. I saw this cool AT-AT toy that you put together from Prime; I thought of my brother for Christmas.

  46. Altered Carbon looks so cool! Thanks for sharing, Greg. :)

  47. Loved the wild weather video, hard to believe a lake can get so ferocious. Great to look at from inside nice and cozy!

  48. So much snow!! I'm jealous, your side of the state gets so much more snow. Lol. As long as everyone can stay safe!

    I saw that video of Lake Michigan on Facebook, that is nutso! It must have been something to see though.

    Stay warm, enjoy your reads and shows this week!

  49. I always envy those with properly marked seasons. Tropics warm hot dry or warm and wet. No proper cold.
    Enjoy the week.

  50. While we do have the sun the whole year round here in Singapore, it's been raining pretty regularly in the afternoons this week - but it remains unbelievably humid. Great images as per usual. I can't wait to read an Agatha Christie novel - perhaps for our murder-mystery reading theme next year.

  51. Glad to hear that you're starting to enjoy reading again and that you've written another chapter of On the Run :)

  52. I feel like Altered Carbon could be really good or really bad, given some of the things I've heard about it...
