
Sunday, December 3, 2017

Favorite Nancy Drew Covers

The Hidden Staircase (Nancy Drew #2)

Who remembers the old Nancy Drew covers? Probably most readers have seen them if nothing else. I know as a kid I read a fair number. To be honest, half the appeal was the covers! Evocative, just bursting with mystery and secret passageways and the like, I would often think of my favorites in terms of the covers, more than the stories. So I thought it would be fun to look at some of my favorites.


Runner Ups


  1. Ahh! I used to love Nancy Drew! I can't remember much about them all to be honest but the covers are ringing a distant bell. I should make an effort to read one again!

    Cool post Greg!

  2. I totally grew up on Nancy Drew. My library growing up didn't have the whole series so they would have to borrow them from other libraries. I now own the whole set. My kids' school library was going to throw theirs away so I took them. When I was little, I would go outside and look for clues to mysteries. My parents thought I was crazy. I loved Nancy and her friends because they always were laughing and having fun together. I should reread one or two book sometime. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    1. You're welcome! It was a blast putting this together. I read a few of these after doing the Hardy Boys series, and needing more. Cool that you have the full set! A library throwing these away *gasp*

  3. I remember reading these when I was way young and loving them so I definitely have a soft spot for them all!

    1. Me too, I just love looking at the old covers!

  4. My aunts used to read these when they were kids, and my grandma held onto them, so when my sister and I would visit, we could read them, too. The Hidden Staircase is definitely one I remember. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  5. Love Nancy Drew and think the covers are pretty great for the time especially.

  6. To be honest, I've only ever read one Nancy Drew book! I do like the older covers though.


  7. I think they may be a little too vintage for me! LOL

  8. I miss these old covers, I always liked them better than the uniform ones they sold in the box sets, even though the old covers are before my time. They're definitely prettier :)

  9. I had tons of these and to be honest, wish I still did. I devoured them as a young kid!

  10. So, uh, I think these were the covers that were on the ND books I read. I used to take them out of the school library, and I was simply obsessed with Nancy Drew.

  11. My mom bought me a whole stack of these because I loved them so much, and I hate that I no longer have them. Thanks for the memories though, Greg! Hope you're feeling well. Hugs...RO

  12. I had the first one! That is probably the only Nancy Drew book I owned, but I had that one. And I felt like I was channeling my inner Claudia from The Baby-Sitter's Club (which I am sure you are not exactly familiar with hahah but she was obsessed with Nancy Drew, so as any good fan does, I decided I needed to own a Nancy Drew book too!) Love the idea of secret passageways, too- I always hoped I'd be super rich one day and I could build my own house and instruct the builders to put tons of secrets in it. Clearly, I am not living my best life :D

    1. I had a few. Don't even remember which ones, although some covers are more familiar than others. :) And ah that's where the Claudia reference came from lolol. I was wondering. Yeah I need secret passageways or at least a secret library!

  13. Thank you for creating this post - it took me to such a great, nostalgic place! My mom used to buy me Nancy Drew books, many with the same covers. I've been going back-and-forth if I should get rid of them or not, but I'm leaning towards keeping them after this post. I remember reading a lot of the books behind (inside?) your favorite covers!

    1. Oh good I'm glad! I hope you keep them. :)

  14. I've never read these, but you're right, these covers totally nailed the mystery feeling!

  15. I love Nancy Drew Covers and the titles! I have plans on turning a guest room into a reading room and I found a place on Etsy that turned the Nancy Drew covers into posters. I think those are on my Must Have list! I love the ones you chose! I'm a big fan of any of the covers with stairways.

  16. I LOVED Nancy Drew growing up. I have no doubt that I owned a few of these at one point. Would have been cool if I had saved any.

    For What It's Worth

  17. So many of these sound familiar. I am wondering how many of these exist in my mother's attic? Ha ha.

  18. I actually used to own that copy of The Message in the Hollow Oak and it was definitely one of my favorite books! (All that archeological sleuthing was definitely my thing.) Most of the other ones I neither recognize the cover or the title. (I was left with my sister's hand-me-downs for Nancy Drew, my brother's for the Hardy Boys and what I could borrow from the library.) I think my favorite covers from those you've got are The Mystery of the 99 Steps (which does seem vaguely familiar) and The Secret of the Wooden Lady.

  19. I've only seen a couple of theses covers before, because I haven't read many Nancy Drew books. But, they're nice covers.

  20. This made me feel so nostalgic!! I collected these books when I was younger and now I badly want to re-read them!

  21. Be still my nostalgic heart! Love everyone of these. I need to get to collecting them again.

  22. I love the original covers so much. We found a bunch in our library stock for sale and got them so cheaply - first and second editions! I read them so many times in elementary school. Nancy was the coolest. Eleanor and I have read many of the younger Nancy Drew books, like the Clue Crew series but now she is on to the originals. I love it.
