Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Top Ten Most Unique Books I've Read


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week the topic is unique books. 

The Cats of Tanglewood Forest (Newford)

The combination of an enchanting story and lush artwork makes this a great read. 

Replica (Replica, #1)

I liked this story a lot about a girl and an institute where they make replicas, or clones. Plus it's two stories in one, which I thought was a gutsy move.   

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)

My favorite SF book of last year (if not ever). 

The Wanderers (The Wanderers, #1)

The thing I liked about this was that the shifters were all normal creatures- lions, elephants, etc- no werewolves or anything paranormal in sight.  

The Complete Morgaine (Morgaine Saga #1-4)

This is an older story but it has one of my favorite ideas- gates that traverse space/time- except here the gates have to be closed.  

The Originals

Okay you got three sisters- all clones- and they pretend to be one person. They even take turns going to school and no one knows. 

Three Dark Crowns (Three Dark Crowns, #1)

Three sisters who have to fight to the death for a crown. So much for family reunions! 

Blackbird (Blackbird, #1)

This got tough reviews for it's use of the second person perspective, but I thought it (and the sequel) were good.  

Six Wakes

An amazing story with so many things going- cloning, a generation ship, murder mystery, ethics, immortality. Chock full of goodness. 

Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)

Obviously the format of this one is very unique. 


  1. I had to stop and remark how you've read The Originals! I feel like no knows about that book and it grabbed me so much whe I read it a few years back. Three Dark Crowns also has that theme of three sisters. Thank you for reminding me that book is out there. I need to get on and read it.

    It's probably obvious but what is a SF book?

    1. Yes I love the Originals! And I never see reviews for it. I would love to see it discussed. I should re- read it here at some point.

      And SF was just science fiction - sorry! :)

  2. Great list. I have Illuminae on it as well. I still have three dark crowns and replica to read but you just made me more curious about replica. Once I get through my immediate tbr, haha.

    1. I liked Replica, it got mixed reviews I think but I liked the setting and the structure- the two in one story really worked for me, although I know it didn't for everyone.

  3. I had to adapt the theme this week as I just struggled with the concept of unique! I've read a lot of great books but unique...stumped me! Nice mixed list!

    1. Thank you! It was a tough topic- so many ways you can go. Although I thought your list was pretty good!

  4. I really need to pick up Illuminae soon, haha! And I keep seeing The Complete Morgaine on your blog if I'm not mistaken!

    1. Illuminae- yes! And yup this is probably where you seeing The Complete Morgaine lol- I do tend to mention it from time to time!

  5. I still need to read almost all of these books, but I'm excited to hear that they're unique. I feel like I've been reading a lot of books lately that sound almost identical plot wise so it will be refreshing to get to these titles on my TBR.

    My WoW

    1. They all are, in their own way. I hope you enjoy any that you try.

  6. Replica is a great choice! It was really unique. I really really need to read Illuminae!

    1. Replica was awesome. And I just finished Gemina, the sequel to Illuminae, and thought it was WAY better than the first one!

  7. Replica and Illuminae made my list too. I have no idea how I never heard of The Originals but that is so going on my TBR now. Great list!!

    1. The Originals is great, I really liked it and wish more people would read it. I keep looking for more of her books based on that one.

  8. There are several on this list that caught my eye from your past posts. The Originals truly sounds intriguing. I'm from a family of three sisters so the sister theme is always interesting to me.

  9. Man every time you mention The Wanderers I think of how I need to bump it up on the TBR. Great list!

  10. I'd never heard of The Originals before, but that sounds really cool! I'm a twin, but my sister and I never switched places - I can't imagine doing that with three people!

    1. Oh it was so unique, and at first I was so skeptical- like how would that ever work? But it was entertaining!

  11. Yay! Happy to see Three Dark Crowns here! Many of these are on my TBR like Illuminae, Replica :D I'm most excited about reading Illuminae!

    1. Three dark crowns- just the premise. I think you'll like Ilumina...

  12. I haven't read any of these, but Illuminae is on my TBR for sure. I've heard so many great things about that book. Great list! Here's my TTT.

  13. Oh! I forgot all about Three Dark Crowns. I had wanted to read that.

    For What It's Worth

  14. I haven't read any of these but I already had 2 on my wishlist and just added 3 more lol

  15. The Originals and Three Dark Crowns sound really interesting.

    1. Both of those are good- and very original.

  16. I love the cover for The Cats of Tanglewood Forest. It's so pretty.

    Now I want to read Illuminae as well. Has anyone else noticed how many TTT blogs have mentioned it this week? It's incredible!

    Here is my TTT

    1. Illumina eis like on EVERY post lol. And Cats of Tanglewood Forest is such a nice story, and awesome art too.

  17. I haven't read any of these.... But it was fun going through your selection Greg. I still want to read The Wanderers and I will look into that one of the small angry planet. Love the title and cover!

    I didn't do a TTT on unique books, but on unique characters. Have a look!http://marelithalkink.blogspot.co.za/2017/04/top-ten-most-unique-characters.html

    1. Thanks, both of those that you mention are fabulous.

  18. You have many books I want to read here staring with The Long Way, Illuminae and anything Oliver! :) Yup second person POV is a tough one to pull up but I still think I'd like Blackbird :)

    1. Any of those are good. :) And I didn't mind the 2nd POv, although I know some did.

  19. Wow, these are all mostly new book titles to me!! I love unique book reads!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  20. I completely agree on Illuminae it was such an original format and refreshing to read! I will need to check out other ones on your list!

    1. Yup, awesome. And I just finished Gemina, and LOVED it.

  21. I most definitely have to look into grabbing myself a copy of the The Cats of Tanglewood forest. I've never it seen it before now!

    1. Ooh I hope you can. A very good story, and good for kids too.

  22. Illuminae, Replica and The Long Way To A Small, Angry PLanet have all been on my TBR forever. They sound so good and unique and I hope I'll get to them soon :)

    1. I think you would enjoy any of those three.

  23. OHMYGOODNESS! Replica sounds like a crazy unique read - I forgot about that while putting my list together. I've not read it, but since I put some on my list that I've not read, I should have thought of this one too. :)

    Thanks, as always, for visiting Finding Wonderland, Greg.

    1. Replica is a trip because of the two in one story. I loved it. I mean yeah it wasn't perfect but it was a gutsy move to try, and I thought it mostly worked.

  24. I'm really interested in checking out Three Dark Crowns. Thanks for the reminder!

  25. A forest full of cats, sounds good to me! :-P

    The Originals does have a super unique premise. I've never heard of any other book like that! And could you imagine if you found out your friend or someone you knew was actually three people??

    I've never read a book in second person. I'm kind of curious, but I feel like it'd probably just be weird?

    1. Tanglewood Forest rocks.

      I know? I was so skeptical- I mean 3 clones all attending school and taking turns? I was expecting it to kinda suck and instead I liked it- a lot. And clones you know.

      To be honest I didn't mind the 2nd person, it felt immediate and fast moving to me, like you were there, but a lot of people HATED it.

  26. Illuminae Files <3 Loved the story, but the format took it to the next level for me. Hello? by Liza Wiemer is another mixed format book that come to mind, which I also really enjoyed. I thought Replica was interesting to. The whole idea of there being multiple ways to read it (I read one story and then the other) was a fun.
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. Yes. And I just finished Gemina and it was even more awesome. Can't recommend it enough! Hello I have not heard of but I'll take a look! And Replica was fun. I alternated chapters and it was fun seeing their different perspectives!

  27. Oh, yes. Illuminae and Gemini would've made my list as well. Also, House of Leaves.

    1. Ooh I don't know that one- will look. And Illuminae and Gemina- SO original.

  28. Three Dark Crowns sounds good and I think I really need to read The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet since it's your SF ever. All of these look really good and definitely unique!

    1. I would recommend Long Way to just about anyone, even if they don't read much SF. It's that good actually. It's all about relationships and I just loved it.

  29. So many of these look good! I am definitely adding a few to my list, especially the Lyra book - that is my niece's name. :) And The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet sounds like a good rec for my husband!

    1. I'd love to see what you think of Replica! I read it alternating chapters (you can read it either way) and the two different perspectives was awesome!

  30. The Wanderers has really got my attention with the cover. I don't think I have seen this one before. I will have to check it out a bit further.

    1. I think it got mixed reviews to some degree, it's YA with shifters that run in a carnival. I know some bloggers who liked it and some not, but I thought it was good.

  31. I think I might own The Originals. And I might own Blackbird? I KNOW I own The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, and NEED to own Six Wakes. I liked Replica, but it isn't my favorite Lauren Oliver- though I agree it was a gutsy move. I feel like it had to be really hard to write, too, because talk about mundane- and the attention to detail had to be REALLY on point. I loved Illuminae, of course. And Three Dark Crowns is one of my all-time favorites! I think that girl on the first cover should probably start to get concerned about being featured on Animal Hoarders though...

    1. I recommend The Originals, although I read it early on in my blogging and it's been a while. Would I still like it? I hope so as I have good memories of it... and Long Way, I just can't say enough about. It probably is one of my favorite SF, top three def.

      Agree with all of those things on Replica- it must have been mad to write!

      Ha ha she has serious cat issues!

  32. Six Wakes is definitely a good read!

  33. Great list! I really need to read Illuminae someday!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  34. I love the post ideas that TTT comes up with sometimes. This is one I'd seriously consider doing in the future, just because it lets you talk about some super-interesting stories. Unfortunately I haven't read any of the books you listed, but I really want to read Small Angry Planet... and The Wanderers sounds interesting. I don't think I've heard of that one before.

  35. I've been wanting to read Three Dark Crowns and The Illuminae. I read the first few chapters of Three Dark Crowns through a promotional newsletter from the publisher and the little bit I got from it really had me wanting more.

  36. I really need to read Illuminae and check out what all the buzz is about! Replica was recently a Kindle daily deal and now I'm kind of regretting not grabbing it, lol.

  37. Awesome list of books here! I really enjoyed Three Dark Crowns although it's had mixed reviews and I can't wait for the next book in that series.

    I also enjoyed Replica and wanted to try more L.O. books but haven't had a chance to do that yet!

    I need to pick up Illuminae

  38. So many interesting titles! A couple of these I've got to add to my TBR, but especially The Complete Morgaine. Sounds too much like a fantasy twist on Stargate to pass up!

  39. Ooh, looks like a good list. I need to read Six Wakes!

  40. Excellent choices! I need to read Six Wakes! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  41. Great list, Greg! All of these do sound unique, not to mention worth checking out. I have a few on my wish list because of you, as a matter of fact. :-) Thanks for sharing.
