
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Cover Characteristics Elephants

Cover Characteristics is a meme by Sugar and Snark- every week a characteristic is selected and we post 5 books with that week's theme.   

This week's pick- Elephants    

This week we're looking at elephants. Interesting topic. I had a few spring to mind so this one wasn't bad. Although arguably at least one is a woolly mammoth instead of an elephant, but we're all friends here and not going to be too nitpicky right?? So here's what I found.  

Realms of Tolkien: Images of Middle-earthWater for ElephantsElephants Can Remember (Hercule Poirot, #37)Back to the Stone Age (Pellucidar, #5)Tarzan and the Castaways (Tarzan, #24)

Realms of Tolkien: Images of Middle-earth

Water for Elephants

Elephants Can Remember (Hercule Poirot, #37)

Back to the Stone Age (Pellucidar, #5)

Tarzan and the Castaways (Tarzan, #24)


  1. I don't remember many covers with elephants - the ones that sprung to mind for me were the Tolkien book you have and some of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books, e.g. the Fifth Elephant.

    1. I the Tolkien one was a good get, I wasn't expecting that one!

  2. Well I wouldn't have thought of one cover with elephants let alone 5! I love the Water for Elephants cover and the Tarzan one is suitably dramatic lol.

    1. Water for Elephants came to mind and the rest weren't too bad. Not as tough a topic as some recently!

  3. There were so many Tarzan books, that I already do not remember the one with elephants in it))

    1. I know, I knew there were a ton and I was surprised that with all those books there were surprisingly FEW with an elephant!

  4. I read Water for Elephants and liked the modern day parts of the book with the old guy but didn't have much interest in the flashbacks to the circus. I can't remember if I finished it.

    1. I only saw the movie but was pretty curious to read the book afterward. Never did tho.

  5. You cracked me up with your wooly mammoth comment lol. I won't hold that against you :-P

    Oh snap, I didn't know there was another cover for Water for Elephants! I would've used that one. It's pretty, and I also thought it was a great, well-written book. Though I remember it much since I read it in like 2013 or something.

    I like the Tarzan one too because Tarzan looks so calm about the fact that an elephant is stampeding toward them lol.

    1. :) Good! I felt like I was cheating a bit...

      Water for Elephants seems to have SEVERAL covers, I don't know what the deal is. I almost read that book...

      I know? He's all like standing there and there's an elephant stampeding. I don't know WHAT they're doing...

  6. I could only think of Water for Elephants. I never saw the movie tie in version though. I really loved that book.

  7. Other than Water for Elephants, I couldn't think of any other covers featuring elephants! There was a sci-fi book I read last year that featured elephant-like aliens (Barsk: The Elephants' Graveyard) but alas the cover did not have elephants (though it is a very pretty cover).

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  8. LOVE this topic! Elephants are fabulous! There should be more covers with elephants. Or mammoths. I like those too. Bummer about their extinction. I would have liked to pet one in a zoo or something. But alas. The Water for Elephants cover is so pretty! I also like the first one!

  9. Wow I didn't know there were so many covers with elephants on them..I could honestly only remember Water for the Elephants..

  10. Of course we are all friends here and a mammoth is an elephant - just say that very convincing. No one will ever be none the wiser. Great picks! I also have the Elephants can remember one!

    Here's mine:

  11. elephants are a favorite around our house. I like the Realm of Tolkien cover. Don't think I could think of many elephant covers and mammoths work in a pinch!

  12. Water for Elephants! I read that book before it was adapted into a film, and funnily enough I don't think the original cover art has an elephant on it. But then again, it doesn't have Reese Witherspoon either. ;)

  13. I really do like the idea of this post Greg, covers are a big deal for me, and definitely do push me into reading a book or not. I've never considered elephants on covers before, I think Water for Elephants, is probably the only one that I had considered reading! Thanks for sharing a great post with us! :)

  14. I didn't see Realms of Tolkien when I was doing my elephant search. Love that one! You have a nice, eclectic bunch.

    My Cover Characteristic - Elephants

  15. That Tolkien cover is fab! Great find. :)

  16. I think everyone probably picked Water for Elephants. I like Back to the Stone Age!

  17. Glad you also chose Water for Elephants!
    Sorry that this week's post was a little late!
    Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark
