
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Favorite Imaginative Artists


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week's topic is a Top Ten Thanksgiving Freebie- and I decided to do cover artists I'm thankful for. Since I was going to do a post like this for SciFi Month anyway, this worked out.  So... here are my favorite SF/F artists.  

Michael Whelan

He's illustrated so many scifi/ fantasy books plus his personal visions paintings are usually phenomenal as well. Definitely can jump start the imagination. You can find his site here

Ted Nasmith

The Silmarillion (Middle-Earth Universe)

Tony DiTerlizzi

Known for illustrating the Spiderwick Chronicles and lots of other stuff, it's his work on faeries that always caught my eye. 

Image result for tony diterlizzi books

Charles Vess

Another guy who really brings fantasy and faerie worlds to life. 

The Cats of Tanglewood Forest (Newford)

John Howe

The Book of Lost Tales, Part One (The History of Middle-earth, #1)The Book of Lost Tales, Part Two (The History of Middle-earth, #2)


  1. Oh Tony DiTerlizzi does make pretty art. Personally I really like Chris Riddell. :)

    Some of these illustrations are really pretty.

    1. I've never heard of- I will have to check out his stuff. :)

  2. Ahhh - a tribute to your coverly love. :) I love it!

    Lindsey Look's stuff is incredible - I love the images that you picked.

    And obviously Ralph McQuarrie.

    The Nene Thomas images are also really, really stunning. I didn't realise how much a like faeries until fairly recently so I'm really appreciating those ones.

    Great take on the TTT! :)

    1. Yeah cover love- big surprise right? lol I love her stuff too. One of my fave new artists. And McQuarrie- amazing to me they STILL use his designs/ inspirations. And I've always liked Nene Thomas' stuff, although I like her older works a lot more.

  3. Oh, this is some gorgeous art! I know they say you can't judge a book by its' cover, but if books have cover art as beautiful as this, I will definitely be more drawn to them :)

    1. Thank you! I always judge a book by its cover!

  4. What a great idea for a post! Ralph McQuarrie's stuff is amazing. As a matter of fact, all of these artists are great. I love Tony DeTerlizzi's stuff as well. I have read the books yet, but I hope to get to them someday.

    1. I like DiTelizzi's stuff, it's different but he has a unique style I always recognize right off the bat.

  5. The magical lands J.R.R. Tolkien has created is certainly something to be thankful for. Great list!

  6. Wow, these are visually stunning! Love the Ralph McQuarrie and Roger Dean ones. When I think of where I really want to go, I think of Rivendell as it is shown in LOTR films-scenic, lots of soothing water, peaceful and stress free!

    1. I like roger Dean's stuff- so much! And I agree- I would love to go to the film version of Rivendell!!

  7. I love Lindsey Look's works! I've never seen it before. I've been a fan of Thomas' work forever. Great list!

    1. I love her stuff too- and Nene Thomas well. I first saw her work at a convention (imagine all her pieces in person at a booth)- I was like yeah!

  8. Wha a great take on this weeks TTT Freebie since so many of us choose our books based on the covers, the artists are sorely under appreciated. I see some artists I'm going to have to look in to.

  9. Great choices! One of my favorites is Chris McGrath who does the covers for The Dresden Files, the Cal Leandros series, among others. :)

    1. I've never heard of him but I'll check him out. I've heard of the Cal Leandros series too, and I think I know what you mean- it sounds familiar, so I think I've seen the art.

  10. Oh wow, these are amazing. I sat here just gawking at them for quite a while before finally stopping to write a comment. Love your spin on this week's TTT topic :)

  11. I love all of these so much! I was OBSESSED with Nene Thomas as a teenager! I also love that Spiderwick cover. Great list :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I saw Nene's work at a convention the first time and I was like, woah! I've been a fan since...

  12. I always admire the art, but admit to knowing so little about the artists behind it. I should pay more attention. I love all of these, Greg, and can see why you picked them.

  13. Oh I adore the artwork of Donato Giancola. And wow, Lindsey Look's art is amazing. That third one reminds me very much of the Mercy Thompson covers done by Dan Dos Santos.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I do too, Giancola's stuff is awesome. And I'm a big fan of Lindsey Look. You're right, that does look like a dos Santos cover, definitely.

  14. These are definitely some amazing artists! And cover artists rarely seem to get the recognition they deserve. It's like all the love for the covers goes to the authors. Every time I go to check out a cover artist on Deviant Art though, I end up falling down the rabbit hole and don't leave the site for hours lol.

    1. I agree. So many are unknown, even though we see their stuff all the time. And Deviant art is dangerous- but then you know from my Sunday Posts I spend a lotta time there lol.

  15. Sadly, I knew none of these but OMG they are beyond amazing, thank you for sharing!

  16. This posts makes me wish I could draw, SO bad!

    1. I know? I have no artistic ability, but love the art!

  17. What a neat topic, Greg! This is definitely an underrated group (cover designers) and talent to spotlight! Makes me wish I could draw. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland!

    Thanks so much

  18. I always LOVE the art you share so this post is a real treat!! Cats and magic and hobbits and pyramids and fairies and mermaids?! Oh my ♥ I wish I could draw too just looking at all of these^^

    1. Yup. Same here. :) And thank you! I love all that stuff too ha ha. Hope you have a great weekend.

  19. Wow, I love those! Especially the ones by Lindsey Look and Donato Giancola.

    Since he did the cover for the special edition of Gardens of the Moon, I am in LOVE with Michael Kormarck's art!

    1. Those might be my favorites at the moment- Giancola and Look. Both are fabulous. And Komarck- yes! I forgot about him, but he's done some Game of thrones art that is amazing!

  20. I especially love this post, not because I am a fan of the genre exactly, but because I am a huge fan of beautiful cover art. I know, I know, we are not supposed to judge books by covers but I do. Often. Great list!

    1. I love cover art! Glad you like it too. And yes I judge books by the cover all the time!

  21. I love Tony DiTerlizzi's art! Great post. :)

  22. Ted Nasmith's art for Silmarillion is too stunning. That's a great list of artists!

  23. Those are some great covers and artwork! Great list! There really are some great artist out there. I see a lot of cover with stock pictures on them lately and while those can be great, there's also something to be said for artwork like these on a cover. Especially if it fits the genre.

  24. Yeeessss. Michael Whelan is my favorite!
