
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Top Ten Facts About Me


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week's topic is Ten Facts About Me (bookish or otherwise)  

1) My favorite color is green. 

2) My favorite shows are probably The 100 and 12 Monkeys. 

3) My first job was at a vette shop. I started out washing cars and then drove vettes back from the auto auction. A 17 year old driving vettes on the highway...  #lifeisgood

4) My favorite Corvette colors are black, metallic blue and silver. 

5) Sleeping Bear Dunes is one of my fave places. 

6) I love Knights of the Dinner Table and The Order of the Stick. 

7) I used to read this book over and over as a kid. Now I can't even get through it. But I did meet the author at a signing in college and he was a nice guy.  

The Sword of Shannara (The Original Shannara Trilogy, #1)

8) My favorite movie is Gosford Park. Every time I watch it I spot something new. 

9) I went to a George RR Martin signing after the 4th book and he remarked that he might be in the area again in a year or two for the next one. Um, that didn't really happen. 

10) I love kayaking up north. 


  1. Yay, OOTS! It might be time for me to enjoy a weekend rereading / catching up (I have faithfully bought the printed editions, but haven't kept up to date since Rich had his accident and scheduling became unguessable)

    I can't quite bring myself to getting rid of my Shannara books - I reread Elfstones and Wishsong and it was medium hard work; I don't think I have the courage to tackle Sword! But they were such favourites in my teens. They've earned a spot.


    1. (also YAY I finally found a way to comment back on your blog ;)

    2. I love OOTS! And I am SO behind on it- I've never read them all the way through so I still have hundreds to go. Which sounds kina fun BTW!!

  2. I love kayaking anywhere.

    1. Me too... being on the water, especially when it's glassy and clear. So relaxing.

  3. Kayaking is much fun! I haven't gone in forever but it is awesome. Fun facts :)

    1. I love kayaking, and don't get to go nearly enough. :)

  4. Sleeping Bear Dunes looks beautiful, what a gorgeous part of the world.

    George RR Martin really is a big liar!

    1. Ha ha you crack me up. Yeah I still laugh about that- what did it take, 5 years? And yeah Sleeping Bear is awesome.

  5. I really love green too and Corvettes are awesome. I love that at 17 you could drive around in them XD LOVE those Dunes^^ We have famous dunes where I live too, we go there a lot in the Summer :D

    1. Corvettes are the best- although I like the older styles. the new ones don't so much for me.

  6. That's cool you worked in a Corvette shop!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    1. It was awesome- the smell of the paint, I still remember it. And all the vettes- although most were wrecked and being repaired lol. But getting new ones at the auction, ane being lucky enough to drive 'em- yeah that was cool.

  7. That's a pretty awesome job for a 17 year old! I just rang up people's prescriptions at our local pharmacy...

    It's so interesting to see if our favorite childhood books hold up in adulthood. I don't think it's necessarily bad if they don't; it just means that the author was really writing for kids.

  8. That George R.R. Martin comment is cracking me up!! I still totally refuse to read those books until he finishes the series! Robert Jordan ruined me! XD

    Here are my Top Ten!

  9. I've never been kayaking. That is so cool about working in a corvette shop! Nice to get to know the person behind the blog. 😀😀

  10. Fun post! Now I want to watch Gosford Park... again.

  11. I'm a green fan too. I have to be careful because I could easily end up with all green clothes and every room in my house painted a different shade of green without even realizing it! That sounds like a pretty great first job! Though I can't imagine giving a Corvette to a 17 year old even for a few minutes! I really need to rewatch Gosford Park. We watched it right after it had come out after it had been nominated for an Oscar. I didn't really enjoy it but I think it was a case more of mood and timing than anything to do with the actual movie.

  12. I haven't seen Gosford Park, but now I really want to... after reading about it, and seeing the clip.

    I understand how our favorite genres and titles change over years. I've heard Brooks is a LOTR copycat by some, and genius by others. I haven't read him, so I can't comment.

    I worked at a Ford dealership rental office when I was a young driver, and I got to pick up customers sometimes who needed to be brought in, & got to drive cars like new Crown Victorias, Rangers, etc. Was interesting work.

  13. Green is a good color, forest green especially. I really enjoy The 100. I wasn't sure I would, but now I need to watch it.

  14. LOL at GRRM's comment! I hope he didn't make any similar statements when ADwD came out! :D

  15. OMG, I love Gosford Park, too! It's true, you can spot different things every time you watch it. That, and The Usual Suspects are my favorite to re-watch for that very reason.

  16. That's funny about Martin. He seems to do stuff like that often. What a cool job for a 17 year old! I'd take the long way around the parking lot. lol

  17. I loooooooooveeeeeee metalic blue! Martin seems to be a really fickle guy, or is that just me. Ha ha. I have no idea what Knights Of the Dinner Table and Order Of the Stick are, but I am going to check them out. You know, I have been in just about every type of boat except a kayak. Maybe I should put it on my bucket list. Loved this. You shoukd do TTT more often. :)

  18. I tried The Sword of Shannara last year but couldn't get into it, but I might just pick up the second one (soon because they are showing the tv show here at the end of August) as you can apparently skip the first one. I don't know but I'm willing to try as I hear a lot of people say that the first one is just background and that the rest of the series is better. We'll see. :)

    Martin seems to have a thing with not letting things happen. :P

  19. I love Sleeping Bear Dunes! And Gosford Park is a great movie!

    1. That's one of my favorite areas! Glad to see another fan... and I agree, Gosford PArk is great. Love the dialogue... :)

  20. This is a fun topic for the week! My favorite color is green too. :)

    I haven't seen Gosford Park yet. I keep meaning to get around to watching it, but just haven't had time yet.

    1. I hope you like it if you watch it. It may come off a bit dry, it's one of those movies with a ton of dialogue but there's so much going on behind the scenes it's almost impossible to catch everything!

  21. Well, I already knew your favorite color, so that was no surprise :-P But that's awesome that you had a job driving corvettes! It does like every 17-year-old guy's dream job, haha.

    I clicked the Sleeping Bear Dunes link, and it looks so pretty! I have to admit I'm not much of a nature person though. So the kayaking is also out for me lol.

    About your #7, it seems like every book I used to love the most when I was younger I can't even get through now! Why does that happen?! It's like a weird feeling because a part of me still loves those books because of how I felt about them at one point in time... but then a part of me thinks they're awful and would never recommend them.

    1. Yeah that was an awesome first job. My dad worked there and I got to spend a lot of time around them- and they needed drivers for the ones they bought at auction so I was lucky. Good times. :)

      Sleeping Bear is a beautiful area. Kayaking is nice because you're so close to the water, I'm not much of a camping person but I do love being on the water.

      And yes the childhood favorites, even stuff I read as a teen- most of it when I re- read now I have trouble with. Tastes have just changed too much I guess. It's kind of a bummer but you can't go back. :)

  22. Certainly a dream job. I drove a 73 454 convertible Corvette before kids, and when the second one was born we sold it. I'd kill to have it back again.

    1. Ah i love those 70's vettes. Such classic lines... I don't even like the new ones. My parents had a few but by the time I was older they were buying more practical cars- I was bummed! :)

  23. OMG that is the best first job I have ever heard of! Mine was in the fast food industry!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. It was pretty nice- my dad worked there so that helped. :) He would go buy cars at the auction and they needed drivers to take them back, so I got to do it a few times. It was awesome!

  24. Love this! Especially since The 100 gets some love, of course 😂 Did you ever watch the Shannara show? I tried, I did. But alas... I wanted to stab myself from boredom. Also, now I want to go to Sleeping Bear Dunes because when I went to the website there was a mommy deer kissing a baby deer and it filled my heart with happiness. (Also, it is gorgeous, and also, I went once to the dunes in Michigan City, IN, and it was AMAZING- because my least favorite thing about ocean beaches is salt water and there IS NONE, so I now want to go visit more lake dunes!)

    1. Yes I had to fit the 100 in there somewhere! And yes I watched Shannara- I got to episode 5 I think and just stopped. It's horrible, really. the acting, the writing... it's just so chintzy.

      Sleeping Bear Dunes is one of my favorite places, if you're ever in northern Michigan it's worth the stop. It's absolutely beautiful there. And yes I'll take the salt free and- no sharks.

  25. You and my husband share the same favorite color. :-) I can imagine you enjoyed driving those vettes! I have never been kayaking, but it does sound fun. I have been canoeing, which is different, of course, but still fun. Thanks for sharing, Greg!
