
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The 100

The 100 is a postapocalyptic show on the CW, about a group of kids sent down to Earth to see if it is habitable after a nuclear war. Set 97 years after the war, thr only survivors of humanity are in orbit on a station called the Ark. The assumption is that the Earth is radioactive, but some hope that the surface may still be habitable. When conditions deteriorate on the station, the decision is made to send 100 criminals- who happen to be kids- down to see if conditions will support life. The kids are considered expendable, so if they don't survive- oh well.

Based on the books by Kass Morgan, my understanding is the show and the books differ considerably. Apparently the first book wasn't written yet when they started the show, so the showrunners went in their own direction. And that's probably good, as I've heard mixed things about the books. At any rate, the show is its own thing- and it's a lot of fun. When the kids hit Earth they find that it is indeed safe- at least from the radiation, which they have apprently adapted to while in orbit (or something). Clarke (played by Eliza Taylor) becomes the leader of sorts, although Bellamy takes charge initially.

Clarke and Bellamy clash at first, as most of the kids follow Bellamy's lead and consider themselves free now- and screw the Ark. Clarke knows though that the Ark has so long before life support runs out, so she fights to get Bellamy to prepare the way for the rest of their people to come down. Season one continues with the struggle, which only intensifies when they encounter the grounders- survivors who have been down on earth all along.

Season two is the better season, in my view. The survivors of the Ark are on Earth, but some of Clarke's group have been captured by Mount Weather, an outpost of survivors who are not adapted to the radiation and must therefore stat in their fortified bunker/ fallout shelter. Everything about the show is ramped up in season two- the stakes, the tension, and the choices. I mean really, this show will go dark and several times I was like they did not just do that. Well, yeah they did.

One thing about this show- the characters are always a mess. I mean literally- streaked with dirt and blood, always being attacked or trying to survive some crisis or other- there are times when I laugh at how messed up they looked- especially Clarke. There's no shortage of eye candy either- the stars are all attractive, the locations are at times stunning, and the plot is totally unpredictable. It reminds me a little of Game of Thrones, where characters you start out despising become favorites, or vice versa. Several characters I couldn't stand at the beginning of season one I was rooting for by season two, for example (Bellamy- I'm looking at you).

Clarke and Bellamy are the heart of the show, but all the leads are compelling really. Octavia is Bellamy's sister, who I really didn't like much at the beginning, but she grew on me. And Lexa, the leader of the Grounders in season two, was very popular with fans. She's awesome, and her relationship with Clarke gets interesting.

They need each other but at the same time their factions are so different- and you never know what's going to happen on this show. Oh, and the adults are almost always assholes- okay, not always, but they are so ruthless at times you just want them to bite it. Allegiances shift and sometimes someone you can't stand does something honorable, and you think they may be redeemed- sometimes they are, sometimes not. Like I said- you never really know on this show.

I can't recommend The 100 highly enough- it's fast paced, sometimes shocking, but always good. A bit unrealistic occasionally- but what show isn't? Season three is coming next year, and after the thrill ride of season two I can't wait.


  1. I heard about the show before I read your post, but now I really want to watch it ! Unfortunately, it's unavailable on Netflix France for the moment. Thanks for sharing, Greg :)

    1. Aw that's too bad. Netflix here has season one but not season two, I had to buy from Amazon. A good show... and I started Dark Matter after seeing your post last week. Watched the first one last night- pretty good!

  2. I'll have to check and see if Hulu, NetFlix or Amazon Prime Streaming has this. I'll keep in mind that season 2 is better than season 1.

    1. Netflix has season one and I had to buy season two on Amazon, which kinda sucked but I got hooked and had to watch it. :) The two seasons are pretty different but both are good.

  3. Thanks! I think I've seen this listed on either Netflix or Hulu-- can't remember-- I have both. I'm thinking I would like this and maybe the hubs too, since he used to watch a show on NBC a few years back, about surviving after the apocalypse, but it was cancelled, hmm.. forget the name... The survivors had to revert back to more primitive times but somehow had a good supply of clothes, even if they were dirty, lol. Thanks for the tip, Greg.

    1. Netflix has the first one- I had to go to Amazon to watch season two. It's a fun show, a little CW-ish the first season if you know what I mean, with the love interests and all, but season two is not like that. A lot of twists which makes for fun viewing.

      I wonder if Revolution is the show you're referring to- I started watching that one too, but lost interest. It wasn't bad but didn't wow me. I have to say I'm really liking all the dystopian/ scifi shows that are on now. So much to see...

  4. I didn't realize The 100 was still on. I saw a lot of season one and fell off watching it. I might have to check it out again.

  5. We like this show too and are glad to know there will be a season three. We weren't sure.

    1. I just discovered this show a while back, and quickly became hooked. Liked the second season a lot. I'm looking for the new ones... will be fun. :)

  6. I've never heard of it, but it sounds really good. Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. I've been hearing so much about this show, that I picked up the first book earlier this year. I really disliked it though, but the show is apparently very different. I love sci-fi so I really need to watch this, clearly.

  8. YESSSSS! I agree with you 100%! This show is AMAZING! My friend Holly and I did a recap feature last season, and I cannot WAIT for it to start so we can do it again. I love this show SO. MUCH. Bellarke needs to happen. Also, Octavia! Like you, I didn't love her in the beginning (or Bellamy, for that matter!) and now, she is my favorite! I could seriously gush about this for days. I'll stop now, but I am so glad you love this show too! How are we supposed to wait for season 3, exactly?
    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. A recap feature? Oh I would so be there- be fun to see your thoughts each week. There's so much to talk about on this show. I agree about Bellarke- what are they waiting for? I couldn't believe Clarke left- very curious where she ends up. Go find her Bellamy!

      Octavia has gotten pretty badass as a warrior, she is so much more interesting now. I'm with you, I could talk about this show at length. The wait is going to be terrible for next year!

  9. Haha welcome to the fandom! :) I really like this show and can't wait for it to return!
    It's crazy, though, how perfect everyone looks even when they're sweaty and dirty... Have you read the books? I haven't but I heard the show is much better.

    1. I know it, I enjoyed seeing how messed up they got. All the dirt and blood LOL. The fandom looks fun, I'm glad this show has such a devoted following. I can see why! I have not read the books, to be honest I heard they weren't that good so I have not, although I am curious. And I guess they are pretty different?

  10. The 100 is SO GOOD. I was literally rooting for Murphy by the end of season 2, and I distinctly remember thinking JUST KILL HIM ALREADY in episode one. :D I gotta say I loved Lexa from the start though and still do. I think she and Clarke are very evenly matched, which makes for an awesome dynamic. Bellamy is definitely fun to watch too. It IS kind of ridiculous how attractive everyone is; I remember posting about that as well when I first watched it. It's a bit like The Vampire Diaries in that regard (or every TV show ever, I guess, I don't know why it made me think of that show in particular). I definitely agree that season two is better than season one. I mean I liked season one as well, but it took me a couple of episodes to get into. I was definitely a fan by the end of season one, but season two is just on a whole other level. And when did Clarke become so badass?? Anyways, I can't wait for season three.

    1. I love this show. At first I wasn't sure, like you, but then as S1 progressed I was like, yeah. And same about Murphy- hated him at first, but by the end of S2 I was like go Murphy! And I hate Jaha- so much! :) Lexa is awesome, I want her in every episode. And bellamy has come a long way.

      You're right about S2, they really cranked it up. By the end I was like, no way. Did they just do that? And Clarke is badass- her, bellamy and Octavia are a pretty awesome team.
