
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sunday Post #110

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This week kinda flew by. The weather was nice- 70's and sunny during the day and cool at night. A nice start to fall. I got a bit of reading in and some binging on Netflix as well. I reviewed Red Rackham's Treasure and a Star Wars book Lost Stars. I also reviewed Dark Matter (one of my favorite shows) and discussed another chapter of A Dance with Dragons. A pretty good week all around.

I started watching Continuum on Netflix. And I gave Bloodline a try- some are saying it's the best show on Netflix. I don't know but it is interesting. It's a slow burn drama about secrets and lies set in the Florida Keys. It kind of has a noirish feel to it. The pace is slow but I've heard the payoff is good- I'm about halfway through it.


  1. The pulp fiction Star Wars covers are hilarious! So true to both genres! I've been curious about Bloodline because I've heard that it's great but haven't gotten to it yet. I'm not sure what I think about slow burn drama but it's definitely worth checking out. Have a great week!

    1. I liked those covers too, especially the last one. :)

      Bloodline was interesting, I just finished it tonight and I don't know... there are definitely some twists and surprises. It is a bit slow but I liked it...I think it's worth watching.

  2. Will be interested to see what you think of Bloodline. I couldn't get away with it but maybe I didn't give it long enough?

    1. I've heard it said that you have to stick with it for the first few episodes. It definitely takes its time getting going- but by the midway point it gets going. Lots suspense towards the end...

  3. I haven't heard of Bloodline. I'll wait until you finish and see what you think. Those noir Star Wars covers are a hoot. I like the round Sci Fi Month logo with the white text and the rectangular one with the white text.

    Happy reading and have a great week!

    1. I finished it tonight and liked it. Having said that, I thought the pacing was kind of slow. I think that's intentional, but I did get impatient a few times. all in all though I liked it.

      Thanks for the vote, I like those choices too. Especially the rectangular with white.

  4. I think pulp covers for anything would be amazing but Star Wars would be perfect! I have seen lots of good Star Wars print ideas of Pinterest, I would love some on my wall!

    Looking forward to Sci Fi month, need to get some books lined up soon!

    Have a good week!

    1. I thought those were awesome, what a cool idea!

      Are you doing SciFi? I think it will be lots of fun.

  5. What do you think of Continuum? I've watched the first 3 seasons (I think s4 was on air just recently and it was to be the final?). I'm struggling a little to remember but have a vague feeling I felt a bit disappointed with the show from the end of s2 or during s3.

  6. Laughing at the Blade Runner cover its good. Hope you enjoy all your reading and viewing for the coming week.

  7. Love those pulp covers, what a great idea! Have a great week :)

  8. I hadn't heard of Bloodline before. Sounds interesting. Those Star Wars pulp thriller covers are great.

  9. I could identify so much with that Unread Books video and now that I'm getting my ARCs under control, my next step is to read my own stack of bought books. The amount of fantastic sounding books that I have just lying around is crazy!
    I haven't heard much about Bloodline but I'll keep it in mind. It sounds like something I'd like.
    Have a great week Greg.

    1. Isn't it funny how many good books there are? And we never seem to run out... LOL. Bloodline was interesting, I'll have a post maybe next week.

  10. I tried Bloodline but couldn't stay with it. I have so many shows I'm watching already and more starting back up soon.
    I buy a lot of books and never seem to have the time to read them. I'm now working on that, setting time aside to read one or two a week and trying not to add to the stack. Good luck with that, right? LOL

    My Sunday Post -

  11. I'll have to check out your review of Lost Stars. I am planning to read that one whenever it arrives from the library.

    I'm glad the weather is still warm. It is kind of cool in the early morning and evening but at least it is sort of like summer still. I do not want to get my sweaters out of storage yet!

  12. We've had the same weather. The forecaster actually said that our average daily highs for September have been even warmer than August! Just 0.1 degree, but still... and the crisp nights are perfect!

    I haven't watched much television or Netflix all summer, but am ready to start on some new shows now :) Have a great week!

  13. I'm planning on watching Blindspot, will let you know. Those pulp covers LOL are great!
    and just in case you wanted my opinion, the rectangle sci fi with white text is my fave.
    Have a great week and happy reading :)

    1. I hope you like it. I thought it was good- not great, but good. And I think I like that version of the banners the best too! It just has a nice futuristic look to it. Thanks for letting me know!

  14. I'll have to check out your review of that Star Wars book. I haven't read any star wars book so far, but I started readign the prequel trilogy this week. There are so many books set in the star wars universum it's a bit overwhelming and I am not sure whether I want to read them all. Those star wars pulp thriller covers are done pretty well! I hope you'll have a great week!

    1. I agree, I never read many star Wars books because there were so many, and I heard people say some were good and some not so good. It seems the new ones are getting mixed reviews too. Oh well. I did get a kick out of those retro covers!

  15. I loved Bloodline, but I must admit that I mostly watched it for Sissy Spacek and Sam Shepard...but then came to love some of the other characters.

    I did see Blindspot, and it was intense....I am curious about what is happening.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a great week!

    1. Bloodline was interesting, I was hooked by halfway through and had to see what would happen next. You know a show is good when you start hating certain characters, or making comments to yourself after they do something. LOL. I'm curious where S2 will go...

  16. Bloodline is one of those shows I want to start watching there just never seems to be enough time. I hope you have a good week.

    Megan @

    1. If you get t oit, it's slow moving but intense in terms of the characters.

  17. How have I missed Sci Fi Month?!

    1. It's in November, I stumbled on it myself last year and enjoyed it. Have a great week!

  18. This week really did go fast for some reason. Bloodline looks really good. When I get a bit more caught up with my TV I might give that a try.

    Have a great week!

    1. It's an interesting show, with some distinctive It's kinda slow paced bit keeps you guessing.

  19. Omg, those Star Wars covers lolol I want them! As far as the banners go, I like the 1st one. I'd really like the 2nd one but I'm not a fan of letters missing some of their parts. And the quote of the day is one my husband said just the other day. o.O LOL Have a great week!

  20. The pulp fiction covers are so funny, Greg, and the Star Wars images are really cool. My husband watches Continuum and really likes it. Have a great week!

  21. I saw the Blindspot pilot and I thought it was pretty ok? Jamie Alexander is GORGEOUS, with or without tattoos. I wonder what they'll cook up.

    1. I thought it was OK too, not great. Agree about Jamie Alexander, I think she'll be great in that role. I hope they come up with some good stories- I have to admit I'm curious why they would tattoo her like that. Will it make sense?

  22. Love those pulp fiction covers even though not a huge Star Wars fan! :) I DVRed Blindspot and watched it the other day, it was actually better than I thought it would be..lots of action, it will get DVRed again. :) I also enjoyed Rosewood and The Player (though that was is kind of confusing..not sure what gambling has to do with

  23. I watched Bloodline but it definitely isn't the best show. It's...ok. Something to pass the time - the plot is interesting enough but if it comes back I don't think I'll bother watching it. If people are really saying it's the best show maybe I missed something lol!

  24. Interesting choice of reads you have there, and I really am attracted to the cover of "Need". Looking forward to your review on that book!

    I haven't had the chance to watch Bloodline but maybe I should try out an episode or two. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I followed you on BL :)


    Natasha @ Dreamland Teenage Fantasy

  25. Sounds like you had a great reading week! I felt like this week flew by too, but I managed to get a lot of things done that I needed to. Hope you have a great week this week!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

  26. Blindspot was really good. I like the action and how some secrets have been revealed already. I love those covers! Princess Lea has always been seen as a sex symbol so these covers are not shocking lol. Have a great week Greg!

  27. I love the Pulp Star Wars covers! They are so well done. I'll have to check out the LotR videos as well as the Yavin one, I've avoided the Jakku video when it came out so I probably need to check that out too. I hope you have a good week Greg

    1. I've been really enjoying those Star Wars ambient sounds videos, there are so many and they're fun! Some are pulled from the game I think. The Dagobah one is cool. LOL. I thought the Jakku video was pretty cool. although I wanted more!

  28. Just watched the premier of Blindspot and plan to continue watching to see where the story goes. The Unread Books video had an interesting ad!

  29. Digging all the Star Wars art!! I am loving this weather - we had a slightly rainy day today that is ushering in a cold front. Not too cold, but enough to make it feel like fall. :) Have a great week!

  30. I've just signed up to Netflix myself, and I have a feeling I'm going to go a little crazy! I had no idea they had both TV shows and movies... Needless to say, on dark winter nights, I will probably binge-watch some shows. And some movies :)
    I hope you're having a fantastic week, Greg!

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
