
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sunday Post #62 Readathons- one scary, one merry

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Another week gone by. Fall is in full swing here and busy, although I do manage to steal a few moments here and there to read.  

This week I'm going to re- post some older reviews of the 13 series by Michelle Harrison- just in time for the season of scary reads. These are very early reviews from last year- in fact, these may be the first reviews I did. Stop by and let me know what you think- I'll be posting one each Tuesday through Thursday of this week- and check these books out if you're so inclined. 

I have a few more Bookstore Spotlights I'd like to do, but haven't had time to make it out to the stores in question. Hopefully over the next few weeks or months I'll get a chance to get those done. 

I joined the Frightfall readathon and am looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to some good fall reading. I'll be joining the HoHoHo readathon as well this year- last year was a lot of fun. I may even have to do another Christmas cats story... 



Review: Divergent - some nice comments on this one too 


Review: Insurgent
Monday: Frightfall Read-a-thon Start Up post  
Tuesday: Review: 13 Treasures 
Thursday: Review: 13 Secrets 


Insurgent (Divergent, #2)


Blackbird (Blackbird, #1) vGet Even (Don't Get Mad, #1)


Book Journey reviews Mr. Penumbra's 24- Hour Bookstore. This sounds good, I definitely want to read this now. 

Jen at A Garden Carried In The Pocket has Some Thoughts on YA Novels. A great post and I found myself agreeing with all of it. What do you think makes a good YA novel? 

Caroline at The Attic discusses Mood Reading and Schedules

Jessica at Tales Between The Pages has a nice Literary Lowdown this week. I especially liked the Scholastic Bookfair link. Is that true or what? 

My Shelf Confessions has an interesting post- Looking for blogs In all the wrong places. Have you had similar thoughts? 

The Hiding Spot has a review and giveaway for Tabula Rasa-check it out!

Rather Be Reading YA has a nice discussion post on stats and spoilers in reviews. 

Of Dragons and Hearts reviews The Loveliest Chocolate shop in Paris 

I haven't listened to Clannad in a while, so it was nice to hear this again. 


  1. Oooh, I used to listen to Clannad all the time but I kind of forgot about them, need to do some youtubing lol. My daughter's birthday was yesterday, we're now into the double digits oh boy....

  2. I love Clannad. They have a new album coming this week I think. I had not listed to them in forever either... happy birthday to your daughter! We're in the double digits now too, which is hard to believe. Two of them... yikes. They're not to snarky... yet. :)

  3. That's an interesting post about looking for blogs in all the wrong places. I find one of the things I love most about The Sunday Post is that helps me find new blogs to read and also I often find links to blogs that I'm not aware of. Plus you know when someone is posting in TSP that their blog is still active. So I haven't really encountered that problem.
    I'm looking forward to HoHoHo too! It's a fun way to get into the Christmas zone.

    1. I think so too. I've been doing this less than two years so I'm still discovering blogs. I agree about the Sunday Post- I find new blogs and I see old favorites and what they're up to. I would miss the SP if i didn't do it.

      I'm looking forward to the HoHoho readathon as well.

  4. Wow. I haven't listened to Clannad in forever! Love that last cover...books and cats? Nothing better...I need to check that one out...haven't seen it about.

    Have a great week!

    1. Me neither, I have a few Clannad CD's but it's been a long time. They had such a great sound- and I guess they're still around, although I haven't heard much of the new stuff.

      I think The Moment of Everything looks good, that is a good cover!

  5. All of your books are on my must read list, so I hope you enjoy them, Greg! Last week I finally made it to one of the bookstores I've dreamed about visiting for years. More in my post:

    1. I saw that on your post, good for you. That must be a good feeling to finally get there. Sounds like a must see when in Paris... I can imagine there are some fabulous bookstores there.

  6. thanks for mentioning The Moment of Everything, just added it to my TBR, sounds to have common themes with The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry, which I enjoyed a lot. I also review Mr Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore some time ago, a great book!

    1. I've seen some good reviews of Mr. Penumbra's so on the list he goes. I'll check your review, the premise is intersting and i like reading reviews of books I have my eye on. :)

  7. I got Get Even too. Thanks for linking my post. I've been thinking of joining the HoHoHo readathon but I rarely have holiday books to read. I guess I still have time to find some.

    1. Get even just sounds fun, I hope it's good. I liked your post, I've been thinking of spoilers lately so it was a timely read. :)

      I don't read a ton of Christmas-y type books so I really don't know what I'll read for the Ho ho Ho readathon either, I've got one but other than that... who knows? You're right, there is time. Have a great week.

  8. I love scary reads to much. I look forward to all the blogs doing tons of posts about them. I wonder what you will think of the rest of the Divergent series. Oh man .. you are in for it. The Moment of Everything looks interesting and neat. I can't wait to see what you think of that one too!! Have a great week.

    1. I like mysterious reads this time of year, definetly. There is so much out there in the blogosphere this time of year, love it!

      I keep hearing about the rest of the Divergent, I need to sit down and seriously plow through those so I can see what happens. I've heard so many things... I'm really looking forward to finishing them and knowing all the answers, and then reviewing them. Some reviews are just fun to write... :)

  9. I must check out the frightfall read-a-thon since I am already reading scary I hope you like Blacbird, I tried it but ended up DNFing it as I couldn't get into the POV.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. I think Frightfall will be fun, and if you're reading scary anyway might as well jump in if you want. I only have one book, maybe two planned at the moment, but I have a week yet and I'll probably only get through a few. I'm hopeful about Blackbird, but I've seen a lot of comments about the POV and that doesn't sound good- so it should be interesting.

  10. Blackbird and Get Even both sound interesting to me and I like the cover of The Moment of Everything with all the books and a cat.

    1. I like all three of those too, and hope they're good! :) I've heard good things about The Moment of Everything, in particular. Blackbird might be the weakest one, based on the buzz, but who knows- it might be good too. Have a great week!

  11. Replies
    1. I think so too! Hope it lives up to the buzz. Have a great week Sheila!

  12. Thank you Nyze, appreciate your stopping by!

  13. Your new arrivals all sound interesting!!!

  14. Oo Get Even and The Moment of Everything both look fantastic! I am putting them on my list for sure!

    The Frightfall readathon looks fun too!!

    1. I think both of those books look good too. I kind of wish I could start reading them now- i need to get reading! And I think Frightfall will be a blast, although I probably will only get through a couple of books. :)

  15. I hope you enjoy your books! Blackbird looks intriguing - I love the cover. Enjoy reading!

    It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

    1. I like that cover too, and hope it's good. Reviews have been mixed. I'm looking forward to starting it soon.

  16. I enjoy books about books and food! The Shirley King book looks like one I'd enjoy.

  17. Those readathons look like fun. I enjoyed Blackbird and Get Even and hope you do too. Happy reading!

    1. I think they'll be fun- now how many books I'll get through, that's another question! :) But it's fun to participate. Glad to hear you liked both of those, that's a good sign.

  18. Hope you enjoy Insurgent. And the cover of The Moment of Everything is fabulous.

    1. So far I'm enjoying it, and of course I'm intrigued to see where things go. I do like that cover too, perfect- cat and a book. :)

  19. I still haven't read Divergent, but my daughter watched the movie and said it's so good. I really try to read it first.

    1. I do too normally, although in this case the movie came first. And I liked it! Wasn't really sure what to expect, but the movie did spark my interst in reading the books...

  20. I read The Moment of Everything over the weekend, and it was wonderful! I hope you enjoy it as well.

    1. Oh, I'm glad to hear that. I've heard some positive things so that's a good sign. Judging from the blurb and the bookstore focus, I think it's going to be a nice read. Thank you for visiting.

  21. The Moment of Everything caught my eye. I picked up Allegiant to listen to so I could finish the trilogy. The read-a-thons sound fun altho I have never quite figured out how to set the time to do one. Hope you have a good reading week this week.

    1. Readathons sorta mean you should read a lot, and I'm not sure how much I'll actually get done, with work and all, but they sound fun and I'm going to jump in! What did you think Allegiant?

  22. Those readathons look like so much fun. If I can ever catch up with myself, I'm going to join one. Enjoy and have a great week!

    1. I'm probably biting off a little bit much... but they're a few weeks apart so whatever. :) I think they'll be fun, although with work who knows if I'l really read that much?

  23. Wow! Those readathons do look fun! How do you find out about so many of them?
    I have not yet read Insurgent, but I really enjoyed the first.

    Thank you for visiting my site!

    1. I just kinda stumbled on them, although I did Kimba's Hohoho readathon last year and had fun, and did one of Michelle's last summer too. They're both good fun. I started Insurgent but got sidetracked, need to find some reading time. :)

  24. You should absolutely read Mr. Penumbra. I absolutely loved it, especially on audio! And you should read some Riordan as well. If only we had all the time we wanted... Enjoy your week!

    1. I know it... I do want to read it, they both sound good actually. More time would be nice... :) Hope your week is good as well!
