
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sunday Post #47

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Another busy week- kinda crazy at times. Traveling for work and real life issues kept me from finishing my current read (again) but I did sneak a few comic trade paperbacks in, so at least I got a review up and have a few more on the way. Should be a good week coming up since I have a book I'm almost done with and several more comic reviews on the way. Summer is finally here and the weather has been awesome. I'm looking forward to spending some time at the lakeshore and getting up to northern Michigan for vacation soon. 

In other news, I joined the COYER Summer Vacation hosted by Michelle at Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life and Berls at Fantasy Is More Fun. Since pretty much anything can be read for this one, I decided to jump in. Should be fun...   and since I've been reading trades I can use them for my COYER goals. :) 

Speaking of which, I've been reading some good TPB stuff lately. The Winter Soldier books have been solid. My review of Winter Soldier Winter Kills is here


Some fun updates over at Rapid City Recess- meteor showers, a cougar sighting (?) and mushroom hunting. Great blog by the way. Great photography too... 

Here's an interview with Anne Groell, the editor of George RR Martin's Ice and Fire series, answering questions about The Winds of Winter and what it's like working with George. Worth a read.  

Like comics? Well Karen and Doug run a great blog over at Bronze Age Babies- and this post looks at the old spinner rack (remember those?) Even better- want to see what comics were on sale any given year and month? Check out this amazing resource at Mike's Amazing World of Comics. Just plug in the date and publisher (Marvel, DC, whoever) and away you go. 

Speaking of Game of Thrones, I stumbled across this blog - the Meereenese Blot. Lots of essays here on the state of the series and especially concerning Jon and Dany's story arcs. Worth a read if you want to dig a little deeper... 

So how was your week? 


  1. I plan to join Coyer too, and hope you get to enjoy reading this week. Time at the lake sounds wonderful.

    1. Thanks Kimba, hope you have a fab week!

  2. I used to read a lot of Stephen Lawhead books at one time, don't remember why I stopped. I'm looking forward to your comic reviews, have a great week !

  3. I love the cover of Legacy of the clockwork key. Happy Reading. My sunday post

    1. Thanks for stopping by, I like that cover too. It kinda jumped out at me and that's why I picked it up... now if I can just get to reading it. :)

  4. I've just signed up for COYER too so hopefully I can start to wrestle my TBR pile into something a little more manageable.

    1. I know what you mean, a while back I didn't think my TBR was too bad... but it is now. :( I need to read faster... maybe COYER will help w/ that.

  5. I hope you're enjoying Shattered! I still need to read Slated. :) Have a great Sunday!

    1. I really like this book a lot... happy Sunday to you too!

  6. I've also joined COYER sounds like fun. Good luck with the challenge. Hope you enjoy your reads and have a great week. Thanks for stopping by my blog

    1. Thanks Sharon. Good luck with COYER as well... hopefully I won't blow it too bad. :)

  7. I read a little bit of Hood a whole bunch of years ago but it was kind of before I got back into read and totally forgot about it. I need to re look into that one, I had the physical book I wonder were it went..hmmm...

    Shattered's cover is fantastic, need too look into that series.

    Have a great week Greg and So very happy you are joining Coyer with us!!!

    1. Isn't that funny when you can't find books you know you had? I've had that problem... Shattered is good and I really like those books. Highly recommended.

      Looking forward to COYER, I think it will be a lot of fun!

  8. I'm joining COYER, too. Just didn't find time last week...LOL You sound like you were really busy. I hope you find time to enjoy the summer days along with a little reading!

    Have a great week!

    1. I have been busy lately, hoping things calm down a bit for summer. I could take some lazy summer days... :)

      Good luck w/ COYER, I think it wil be a fun challenge for summer.

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks Jenea, hope your week is a good one too!

  10. Great reading strategies, Greg. I'll have to follow your lead since adding so many new books and ARCs from BEA this week.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I'll bet you have a ton now! Have fun going through those, nothing like a great new haul. Have a great week!

  11. You have inspired me to want to join COYER also! I haven't read any of the books you have, but I would like to read another take on Robin Hood, whether it is that book or another one, will have to check it out. Have a great week! Michigan looks like a beautiful, scenic state.

    1. Cool, join the fun. I think it will be a fun event, it's my first time. I'm curious about the different take on Hood too, hope to get to that one soon.

  12. COYER does look like fun...I have to promise myself not to request any review books for that period, as I have tons of books I have been wanting to get to....

    Enjoy your reading, when you get the chance.


    1. Thanks LAurel, I'm hoping to get through some books this summer... we;ll see how that goes!

  13. Oh, those are some neat blogs you found. COYER should be fun and I hope to get lots read. We'll see. I hope this week is quieter for you and you get some good reading time in and time at the lake.

    1. I thought they were fun. I love finding new blogs it's always nice discovering new ones to follow. Good luck with COYER!!

  14. COYER sounds like fun. I might join it too. We'll see. Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Yvonne, hope your week is a good one as well.

  15. ahh Stephen Lawhead! yes! I've got one of his on my stack as well - look fwd to it immensely... will be waiting to hear about Hood!
    totally appreciating June as Audiobook Month! my cuppa tea for relaxing with one =)
    hapPy reading week, Greg!

    1. I have never read Lawhead, but seen his books many times over the years... finally going to delve in to one! And audiobook month- did not know that. Maybe I should try one...

  16. I am not familiar with any of these but the covers of those graphic novels look amazing. I need to go check out Perry's Killer Playlist- I think it's right up my alley. Great list this week!

    1. I'm really enjoying the GN's, and Perry's looks fun too. It's a sequel and the first book was funny but with lots of action too!

  17. COYER sounds fun! I saw the schedule and I might participate. My work and family have been crazy so I haven't been able to read much, but hopefully things will settle down for both of us! Have a great week =)

    1. I can understand that, my work schedule has been definetly affecting my blogging. :) I thought COYER would be fun to try. Let's hope we get to more reading this week!

  18. Have you heard or are you doing YALSA's The Hub reading challenge? It seems you read mostly YA so that might be a cool thing to do!

    1. I have not heard of that one, but will look into it- sounds like fun! I have been reading a lot of YA recently so that may be right up my alley. Thank for letting me know!

  19. I'm still in love with the cover for 'Emilie & the Sky World'! It somehow reminds me of Studio Ghibli movies, don't know why! I hate it when life gets so busy you can't find time to read! I just reviewed my first comic last week and I'm going to start on the 'Spider Woman: Agent of SHIELD' issues this week! Can I read the Winter Soldier ones after only having seen the 2nd Captain America movie or do you recommend reading something else for background info? I hope you enjoy your reading!
    My Monday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. I like that cover too. Those are fun books. I'll be looking for your comic reviews, especially Spider Woman- that sounds like a good series. As for Winter Soldier, I think you can read those just fine, the only thing is he already has his memory back in these. If you want to go back a little further you could try the Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection (although I like the movie version better) or Captain America: Civil War- that has a great Bucky story in it. There are other ones- he took over as Cap for a while but if you just want the newer stuff you could start with Winter Soldier: The Longest Winter.

      I hope you like them!

  20. We have had some amazing weather! It makes it challenging to read, when it's so nice out though :) Yesterday I sat out on the front step with a book, while my kids played on the sidewalk. But then I ended up abandoning the book for a walk, lol.

  21. I had a busy week; I spent all week at Armchair BEA. It was a blast!

    Here's my It's Monday!

    1. I had a lot of fun reading Armchair BEA posts this week- I'll have to mosey over and look at yours. have a great week Deb!

  22. I had to see what COYER meant... sounds like it's definitely the challenge for me! Hope you have a great week:)

    1. I didn't know what it was for the longest time either, and then I decided to jump in. I think it'll be fun.

  23. Good to hear you've had good weather, if a busy week! It's always nice to be able to sneak a read or two in, even if it isn't what you think it will be. I hope you have a great time taking part in COYER Summer Vacation.

    You've got some great looking books this week. The Dinotopia one made me smile. It was one of the books that my Mum got me as a child that I just fell in love with. All seven books look really interesting and I hope that you enjoy them. I also hope that you have a great week.

    1. I've been interested in the Dinotopia books for a while, I really like the artwork, so I figured it was time to get them. I remember them from years ago but never actually read them or owned them- looking forward to reading them and marveling at the artwork again. :)

  24. Darn those busy weeks that push reading aside! Glad you got some done though. I really need to start reading more comics/graphic novels. My library has a decent selection. Hope this week is less busy. :)

    1. I've been getting into the comic stuff more lately- they're fun to review, a blast to read and best of al they're quick reads since my life seems to be keeping me too busy to get through my books! :)

  25. My life has been crazy town busy lately too. :( I am looking forward to summer break, which includes a trip to northern Michigan, in the U.P. My husband has never been, and I thought we needed to correct that! :)

    1. Oh the UP is beautiful, hope you guys have a blast. Lots to do up there... hope things settle down for you this week. :)

  26. I've heard a lot of good things about Shattered, and IMHO, the cover is also stunning. Thanks for stopping by :)

    1. I like the cover too... and the books are a lotta fun. Thanks for visiting and have a great week!

  27. Hope life settles soon and you can squeeze more reading time in. OMG GOT this week, can I just say I'm seriously traumatised, devastated that it went down that way and I have a strong gore/violence tolerance but I nearly threw up my dinner!! ;)

  28. I had no idea that there were newer Winter Soldier comics out. But then, I am a bit out of the loop.

    COYER sounds like fun, but I have to focus on my physical TBR over my Kindle TBR for a while, since that pile is bigger.

    1. I was a little out of the loop too, they weren't really on my radar until recently- now I'm playing catch up! COYER I think will be fu for me cause this time you can read anything, not just ebook- otherwise I probably wouldn't do it either. I mainly read print books...

      Thank you for visiting, hope your week is a good one!

  29. I'm going to have to check out Shattered, the cover intrigues me. Lovely haul!
