
Saturday, April 5, 2014

Sunday Post #39/ It's Monday. What Are You Reading?

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Spring break is here! A week off with the family and the weather is starting to get nice (well, kinda). We're not going anywhere special this year, just going to stay home and take some day trips and pretty much relax. Looking forward to it. And oh yeah- read too.  I did some reading this week but it was a little here and a little there, and not always stuff on my reading list- so no reviews this week. Movies though- I got that covered. 

I saw the Divergent movie this past week and really liked it. I have not read the books- I'm one of those people- but I thought it was very well done. You can see my thoughts on it here

I also saw the new Captain America movie opening night in a very crowded theater. It's quite the thrill ride, I'll say that. My review of that should be up in a day or so. 


George RR Martin released a new sample chapter from the Winds of Winter last week. It's an Arya chapter, and is apparently an old chapter, in the sense that he wrote it a long time ago. Here he explains its history, and the fact that it was held out of A Dance with Dragons.  

There is also a new Tyrion chapter available, but only as part of the Ice and Fire app. Links are here. I've read it and let's just say it's vintage Martin. We're already getting a little snapshot of the early going in Winds of Winter based on these samples. 

TV Guide has a piece on Game of Thrones season 4. The takeaway here is they are going to pull plot points from books 3-5- this is huge because it puts the pressure on Martin, and also because some people have not read that far. Also of note- the producers stress this is the halfway point of the show, and they are starting to lay groundwork for finishing- whether Martin finishes or not. 

Dreamworks picks up rights to Eleanor & Park, and Rainbow Rowel may write the screenplay. 

 A couple of nice reviews over at Popcorn Reads this week - Don't Even Think About it by Sarah Mlynowski and Emilie and the Sky World by Martha Wells. 

Read an interview with Betsy Cornwell, author of Tides, at Icey Books and enter the giveaway for a copy of Tides. This was a good book and a great interview. I read it last year and it's nice to see it get some more attention. My review is here. I thought this book had one of the best covers of last year too. 


So how was your week? 


  1. It's finally spring here too, though it gets kind of cold at times but I'm not complaining 60's is way better than the 30's! The one thing that does suck is how high the pollen count is. I'll have to remember to stop by and check out your review of Captain America! I'm hoping to see it this week sometime. I hope you have a lovely week!

  2. *le gasp* YOU MUST READ THE BOOKS. Now. I implore you! O_O

    1. I know, I was terrible last week with reading! :) This week it's going to be all different... maybe...

  3. It seems like everyone has seen Divergent but me. I need to go and see it but gosh I have so many things to do. I need to clone myself. You've got some amazing books and I really hope you'll enjoy Stardust. It's my fave Gaiman's books. Great haul :)

    Here is our Sunday Post

    1. I hope you like it when you see it, I thought it was quite good. And this as someone who has not read the books. I'm looking forward to reading Stardust! I've heard good things about that too! Thank you for visiting!

    2. Tanja, I haven't seen Divergent yet! I'm not sure if I will. After finishing the series, I'm a little disappointed in the series.

      "The takeaway here is they are going to pull plot points from books 3-5- this is huge because it puts the pressure on Martin, and also because some people have not read that far. " I better get listening to book 4 stat!

  4. I haven't seen the Divergent movie but i have read the book. I'm glad you really like it! :D
    My Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Farzy for stopping by! I really liked the movie and now I'm curious about the books- I want to see what happens next. I liked the characters too.

  5. Replies
    1. I agree! This book in particular is one of my faves, even though it's a little obscure.

  6. I haven't read any of the Game of Thrones books or watched the series! I feel so out of touch. Ill have to start! New Google Friend connect follower :)

    1. Thanks Amanda! It can take over your life though once you start ha ha!

  7. I still have to watch Divergent. :) I think people have been positively surprised with in general, mostly because sometimes movie adaptations can be a bit horrendous. I'm glad if Divergent doesn't belong to that category! Happy reading and have a great Sunday. :)

    1. Thanks Sofia. I was definetly impressed, so many movies lately have been lame (at least I think) and Divergent totally entertained me. I think they did a great job, even though I don't know the books. :)

  8. Wow, Eleanor and Park a movie! I haven't read that one yet, but plan to do so. I enjoyed Attachments, have Fangirl on Sparky...and I've pre-ordered Landline.

    Have a great spring break...and here's MY WEEKLY SUNDAY/MONDAY UPDATES

    1. I need to read more Rainbow, really liked Fangirl and heard so many good things about her other books. I'm glad she's finding success and I love the topics she's addressing in her books too...

  9. The Planet of Exile description sounds very realistic indeed! Hoping to enjoy the current season, which is usually wedged between extreme ones...

    My Sunday post:

  10. Really looking forward to reading your thoughts about Captain America - I liked the first film, but haven't been over enthusiastic about the second one, at least not in the way which would have taken me to the cinema to see it right away :)
    Have a good Sunday!

    1. I hope my review gives you an idea of whether it's your cup of tea or not. My review should be up Mon or Tuesday.

  11. Wicked Autumn looks quite good. I really want to see the new Captain America movie. I read Divergent but will probably wait for the blue-ray to release. Have an awesome week Greg!!

    1. I thought so too, so giving it a try. Go see Cap, I think you'll like it. It was a lot of fun!!

  12. Wicked Autumn, hmm, forgot I wanted to try that series out and that is book one. Thanks for the reminder. Looks like you had a good week with the family. Glad you enjoyed Divergent the movie. I read the book a couple of years ago, recommended by my grown daughter. Have a good week ahead.

  13. I'm so ready for Games of Thrones Season 4! I also haven't seen the Divergent movie yet but I enjoyed the book. Legacy of the Clockwork Key looks interesting. Enjoy you books!

    1. I thought Legacy looked good too and I'm looking forward to delving into it. Hopefully it will live up to the anticipation!

  14. We're staying close to home for spring break too, have some outings planned and then just going to enjoy hanging out at home and having some down time :) Enjoy yours!

  15. Our Spring Break doesn't start until the 16th. We lost the 14th & 15th due to snow days. We'll most likely go to the zoo and the Natural Science Center and to see Captain America. :)

    Have a great week!

    1. Oh that's a bummer. Sounds like you have good plans tho- and enjoy Captain america! Fun movie.

  16. I want to see the Divergent movie. It looks good.

    Have a great spring break with your family!

    1. Thanks Yvonne, hope your week is nice as well.

  17. Have fun with spring break--and maybe some warmer weather. We just got home to Maryland and it's so nice to see the forsythia and daffodils in bloom. I haven't read the Divergent books either, but would like to see the movie. I'm glad to hear you liked it.

    BTW, when we flew home from Dublin to Chicago we flew over Canada and over the Great Lakes. It was amazing to see all the ice and snow in Canada and over much of the Great Lakes.

    1. Glad you made it home safe, you guys had quite the trip! It really was a wild winter up this way this year...

  18. I haven't read Divergent either... Nor Game of Thrones, how out of touch am I eh!

    It looks like you have some great books lined up!
    Happy Reading!
    Bits & Bobs

    1. Thanks Jade! It's kinda hard to stay on to of ALL the series, isn't it? I feel like there are so many I should read... :)

  19. Enjoy spring break and the spring weather. 3 more days til Divergent is out in Australia, can't wait. And I enjoyed the series, although Allegiant was disappointing. Love Neil Gaiman's YA, I did both Coraline and The Graveyard Book on audio, Neill narrates and he has a voice like warm honey :)

    Just watched Game of Thrones, fast tracked from the US .. OMG love it!

    Have a great week and happy reading :)

    1. I think you'll like Divergent. I've heard that about Allegiant, which kinda made me pull back from reading the books, but I still may. Neil Gaiman is new to me (although I saw the movie) so looking forward to trying his book.

      I missed Game of Thrones last night, argh! Now I have to catch up... although having read the books, I sorta know where they're at. Reaction seemed pretty positive...

  20. I love a stay-at-home spring break. Very relaxing. And isn't that what it's about?

    Here's my It's Monday!

  21. Th weather is getting a bit warmer as well, we have had some really warm days already and then suddenly it's a bit colder again.
    Enjoy your relaxing week vacation!

    I have read Divergent, but still haven't seen the movie and I am still not sure whether I want to see it.

    I hope you have a nice week and enjoy your new books :)

    1. Thanks Lola. The weather has been wacky here too, although we're getting better now and snow is gone. I'm debating whether to read the Divergent books, having seen the movie and liked it... I saw a lot of disappointment with book three, but the first two seem pretty popular...

  22. I read Ursula Le Guin so long ago ! I should try her again. Have a great week !

    1. That's pretty much the only book by her I've read, but it's a childhood favorite of mine.

  23. I really have to read a book by Le Guin this year she sounds like an amazing author. I am so stoked for the new Godzilla movie, it's going to be awesome.
    Thanks for stopping by my Sunday Post!
    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

    1. I think it looks good too, I was skeptical but I don't know, the trailer looks like they might do it right!

  24. Spring break here too, this week we are being treated to spring like weather, but have been warned freezing temps will be back.. Grrrr. Glad you liked Divergent. My son said Captain America was awesome and he'd see it again if I wanted to see it. Have a great week.

    1. It has been nicer the last few days, finally! We'll see if it lasts... I think I might see captain america again too, it was fun.

  25. You had a great week! I loved Seven Wild Sisters, so I hope you are enjoying it!

    1. I am liking it, and liked the Cats of Tanglewood Forest too which was the previous story. Thanks for stopping by!

  26. We were surprised when we walked into a 2:00 matinee of Captain America on Saturday and it was packed. I think my review is scheduled for Wednesday. I liked it more than the first one. My husband and I usually have to catch Game of Thrones later in the week; Sunday just isn't a good night for us. We're excited for the new season. Enjoy your week!

    1. I was surprised too, I went opening night and the place was packed to the rim. I figured it would be popular, but yikes it was buzzing! Will definetly check out your review, love to see what people think. I'm not crazy about GoT's Sunday night time either, I may have to catch some episodes later on HBO Go.

  27. Great week Greg,

    I hope you love Stardust, its a great read and Neil Gaiman is my favourite author.

    I really want to go see Divergent And Winter Soldier but I need to scare up some money first.

    Hope you have a good week.
