
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sunday Post #35/ It's Monday. What Are You Reading?

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

Well things seem to be slowly getting back to normal around here- whatever that is. Spring seems like it may be close- we got into the 40's yesterday! Snow is melting and I can actually see yard again! 

I've been thinking about my social media use and how it ties in with blogging, and it occured to me that I really don't use Goodreads much at all. I originally thought of GR as just a review site basically, but I see the more social aspects of it as well. So if you get a friend request from me on GR that's why. I'm going to try and expand my circle of friends on there, as well as tweet more. I tend to tweet in little bursts, punctuated by periods of inactivity, so I'd like to work on being more consistent. Anyone else have that problem? 

I'm also thinking seriously again about a custom design for the blog- nothing too fancy, just something that looks better than my basic Blogger template! I don't really know design so I'm just going to have someone do it for me! If you have someone you recommend please let me know, I'm definetly interested.   


 Legacy of the Clockwork Key (The Secret Order, #1)


This story shows why domestic disputes and swords don't mix. Two men got in a fight over a woman and at some point a replica sword from Legend of Zelda came into the mix. Injuries ensued, not surprisingly!  

This is a neat story about a remake of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea that almost happened in the 1980's. Check out the cool concept art here and at io9.  


  1. We too had good weather here this week and I managed to sort out my garden during my week off. I never really do a lot on GR either and think I should use it more, there is certainly a lot out there and I do love the Listopia, could browse the many list for ages, though they delightfully contradict each other.

  2. I really enjoy Twitter when I use it. Every M-F, I make sure that I tweet at least three things and that I respond to at least three tweets. I also make sure to share an interesting site M-F too. I know this sounds a bit weird, but making these small goals ensures that I interact more on Twitter. I usually end up having a conversation with someone on a daily basis, which I do enjoy. :)

    1. That's cool, I had not thought of setting goals like that. Sharing sounds good too, I always see neat stuff but then I forget to tweet it or whatever. I'll have to work on that, great advice! Thanks!

    2. I have never thought of doing that before, and you seem to have it down to a science, I think I'll have to try that out :)

  3. I cannot wait for Cline's next book!!! EEK! I love those images from the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea remake. Too bad that didn't happen. How did you get those share buttons under your post? I love how simple they are. I just spent 20 minutes looking for them on the internet and didn't find them. I thought I used to have similar ones under my posts but don't see them anymore... soooo ... maybe I never did. I too have been looking for a new template. I am trying to find a good free one but they are tough to find.

    1. I thought those 20,000 Leagues images were cool too! Wish they would have made that. As for the share buttons... I have no idea! LOL I see that they're there but maybe they default, I don't know enough about blogger to have done it! I'm not much of a design guru... Good luck with templates. Yours looks nice though. I'm hoping to find a custom design that will look nice but not cost a fortune.

    2. I bet they were there... I think that my blog's template just didn't include them. Also... I saw that you are reading Harry Potter and wanted to let you know tor is having a re-read of it.

    3. Thanks Angela! I will check that out. Should be a lot of fun reading along with them. I'm really enjoying jumping into this series now, the world is so fascinating.

  4. If we aren't friends by all means add me on Goodreads :) I have heard good things about The Penderwicks and am anxious to hear your thoughts on Moth and Spark. Have a awesome week, good luck with the blog design, let me think about it and I will share some names

  5. The wormhole book interests me too ! You should really go more often to GR, the only possibility there is that your to-be-read pile will grown so exponentially that you'll never see the end of it ;)

    1. I'm going to be more active in GR, but yes I'm afraid that will make my reading list even worse! So true... I already have books piling up all over!

  6. Feel free to add me on Goodreads :)
    I use goodreads to keep track of all my books and I update my current reads a lot. I do go into some forums but not a lot usually just to promote a post.

    I can't wait to see our yard again, I want to start getting my garden together and buy a new grill for some great BBQ in the summer. I am hoping the weather doesn't get colder however I saw that it might by the end of the week and I want to cry. I just want to open windows and get some fresh air in it..Is that to much to ask ;)

  7. I love Goodreads. I just recently started using BookLikes and I just don't like it as much (heh). Goodreads will always be my favorite. Plus they have an Android app (probably Apple too) so you can add things to your TBR/update your reading progress/scan books via barcode (!), which comes in super handy at the library or at book stores. Stopping by from The Sunday Post.

    Jessica @ Tales Between the Pages

    1. Thanks Jessica for stopping. I joined GR a while ago but just haven't used it much, for some reason. Looking forward to being more active on there. Didn't realize really that there were so many groups, wow. Lots of likeminded people to share books with! I've heard a little about Booklikes too, but will probably just stick with GR for now.

  8. I had used Goodreads mostly for posting reviews and keeping track of my reading, but lately I've been enjoying seeing what "friends" are reading, too.

    Enjoy your blog makeover; and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. That does look like fun, keeping track of what others are reading as well as myself. I always get so many reading ideas from blogs, I'm sure that will only increase on GR!

      The makeover should be interesting, but I know it will look a lot nicer when I get it done. Thanks for visiting.

  9. I use GR a lot more than I used to. I have found a couple of discussion groups that read the same types of books and I like to talk back and forth. I don't use twitter all that much though. I like FB more. Enjoy the new books and good luck with the blog design.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Jenea, I just joined a couple of groups on GR too. Wish I had done so long ago, I think they'll be fun. I kinda perused their forums and saw a lot of good stuff there. Right up my alley! Ha ha. Twitter- I like the idea of Twitter but if I get busy at work or whatever just don't think to get on there...

  10. I'm using Goodreads a lot more now. What I like best is being able to add books I've read (you can add your own Goodreads 2014 challenge to your redesigned blog site homepage) and adding books I see on blogs and other places to my Want to Read list. It's better than jotting down book titles on odd bits of paper, which is what I used to do. I also like to see what friends are reading.

    My Sunday post:

    1. That's funny you say that about bits of paper- I totally do that. Ooh that looks good, rummaging around for something to write on! Why I don't use GR for that is beyond me- maybe I'll start LOL!

  11. If you schedule your blog posts, I highly suggest finding a Social Media site that allows you to schedule your social media posts. I've tried Buffer and HootSuite, both which have web interfaces and smart phone apps. I prefer HootSuite. By scheduling my social media posts, I make sure I'm putting consistent messages out about my upcoming posts, my latest posts or as I've done this weekend, my greatest hits.

    Have a great week!

    1. Terri, thank you. That's good to know, had no idea. I've never heard of either of those. I'll check those out, that's something for me to think about. Never even occurred to me to schedule my social media posts... hmm.

  12. I like Goodreads for finding and keeping track of new books, seeing what friends are reading and keeping on track with the number of books I want to read this year. I know I could use it more effectively, but that will have to wait awhile! I need to do more on twitter, too, I've liked it so far.

    Good luck with your reading, warmer weather and Goodreads!

    1. I'm going to need it, ha ha! Seriously though I think I'll use GR a lot more effectively now, just putting some time into it. There is a lot there to work with. Twitter is fun too, if I can remember to get on there and share stuff more.

      Have a great week!

  13. I have to confess that GoodReads kinda purplexes me, so I only tend to use it for keeping track of what I read. It's interesting to see what my friends on it are reading as well. I love the cover of The Penderwicks books - and the cover of the Harry Potter book - they look really fun. I hope you and your daughter enjoy them.

    1. Thanks, I pretty much felt the same way about Goodreads all this time. Didn't use it much other than the occasional review or check in. It is fun to see what others are reading, totally agree. I like the Penderwicks covers too, they look really fun.

  14. The Penderwicks looks like fun! I love GR mostly because I like seeing all my friends reviews for a book in the one place. And I enjoy their status updates as they read too. I don't think it generates blog traffic but I just love using it.

    1. I like the look of those too. As for GR, I hear ya on having everything in one place. I was just looking at something today and there were all the reviews, and I knew most of the bloggers so that was kinda cool! That is a nice benefit to GR.

  15. Glad the weather's finally getting a nicer! And I'm glad you're still enjoying Harry Potter (: Oh, I'm excited for the new Captain America, too! Yay Winter Solider! Have an awesome week!

    Cyn @ Bookmunchies

    1. You too, doesn't that trailer look awesome? I could watch that opening sequence over and over... go Natasha! LOL

  16. Our weather has been getting more spring like too, but they are saying we might get more snow later in the week. I'm ignoring them :)

    I love Goodreads. I'm over there all the time.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. LOL, yes let's just ignore anything about snow and maybe it will go away (or not come at all). I keep thinking spring, spring...

      Thanks for stopping by Yvonne!

  17. It's finally spring here! We can go outside in our normal clothes now! Have you ever seen Man At Arms on Youtube? He's a blacksmith who makes actual working replicas of fictional weapons, and it's very impressive. I tend to go a few days without social media, but I'm much better at it now than I was a year ago. Feel free to add me on Goodreads!

    1. Thanks Michelle! I have not heard of Man At Arms, but I'll check it out. I like stuff like that. :) I can go days without tweeting too, trying to get on there a little more often but it's hard sometimes. Have a great week!

  18. We are expecting 48 degrees tomorrow, we just may see some grass in spots too! I have not got the hang to Twitter. Not sure I want to be connected to social media enough to get the hang of it. I do, however, like Goodreads. Have a great week.

    1. I know what you mean, the more I get into it sometimes I wonder when will I actually read? :) 48 degrees sounds great, it's about time!

  19. Into the melting here at last!
    active social media is def time consuming - depends on your purpose I'd guess.
    It seems to get on a roll once you invest of steady activity.
    Friending at goodreads is welcome and twitter is @_eHope for me.
    Are you connected to John's Canadian Reading Challenge?
    lots of great books all up to your own reading pace -
    worth checking bookmineset blog if you read Canadian authors/settings

    Enjoy your new pursuits =)

    1. It really is time consuming- I want to be connected enough to meet like minded people and share books, but not so much that I never actually read. :) Thank you, i will send a friend request at GR. I'm enjoying meeting people there and seeing what everyone is reading.

      Thanks for the tip on the reading challenge, I'm always up for new authors so I'll be checking that out.

  20. I soooo want Moth and Spark like yesterday!!! I don't have it for review so I'm going to have to make sure the library is planning on ordering it :)

    And I still can't see my yard... not sure I want to after the winter we've had :D

    Good luck on the blog design - I'd look around at the free Blogger templates all over the internet and see if there's something you like first. I did that when I was back on Blogger :)

    1. Moth and Spark looks great and the reviews I've seen are good, so I have high hopes for that one. Plus dragons you know. :) Yeah I should look around and see what's out there. I have ideas on how I want it to look but just have to get there...

  21. I'm useless at social media - have finally accepted that it's not me, it's them! :-) (at least that is what I am choosing to believe!) You can check out my Monday here

    1. That's right, it's not you! :) In some ways they're great (social media) but they can take up an awful lot of time too! Happy medium I guess! Thanks for stopping.

  22. My daughter and I love The Penderwicks! She introduced them to me - the first books she ever read to me. (Come to think of it, I think they're the only books she has read to me - but she read me all three when she was in high school.)

    I hear Tor is doing an HP re-read. I don't know if I can keep up with it (not because I can't read fast enough, but because of all the other books I've got to read), but I may try. They're on the first book now.

    Thanks for friending me on GR! As for Twitter - I'm inconsistent there, too. Mostly because I don't have a smart phone, so I only tweet a) from my computer and b) when I have time.

    Have a great week, Greg!

  23. Feel free to add me on GR (Sheree Davey) I'm inconsistent on twitter, even though my blog posts are automatically linked to post on twitter I don't interact very much. With limited time, I guess I'd rather comment on blog posts than tweet lol. The Penderwicks looks like one my niece would enjoy, will have to check it out. Have a great week and happy reading :)

    1. Thanks Sheree, I will. I'm scattershot on Twitter, with me doing more on Goodreads I'll probably struggle to keep Twitter updated but I'm going to try. I hear you about blogging time, I kinda have to blog first and tweet later if I can! :) I've heard good things about the Penderwicks and lok forward to delving into them.

  24. I don't have the time to be as interactive on Twitter as I'd like to be, I think we are already friends on GR but if not feel free to add me!

    Have a great reading week,
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Thanks Shelleyrae, I will. I'm the same way on Twitter, just not enough time usually. I do try to get on at night sometimes when I can...

  25. I think a lot of people have seen bursts of Spring in the air this past week or so... It definitely lifts one's mood.

    I'm terrible when it comes to social media and such like. I have a Goodreads account but use it more as an overview of what books I've read and the occasionally to look at reviews and such. For some reason I never seem to post my own reviews on there despite posting reviews on my blog... I also have a Pinterest, besides those two that's all my social media platforms. I am aiming to expand those through out the year though as I know they can benefit a blog, and help to be more involved in the community.

    Happy Reading!
    Bits & Bobs

    1. I've been the same way with Goodreads, just been using it to track books (and I didn't even keep that up very well!) and not really interacting there much. Trying to change that a bit and be better at Twitter too. We'll see how it goes. :) Good luck w/ your social media expansion! I sometimes wonder how much is too much...

      Spring definetly seems in the air, it's warmer today and the sun is out. Let's hope it continues!

  26. I have only read the first Penderwicks book, but I am keeping them in the back of my mind as summer reads. :) Speaking of, today we are supposed to reach highs of 50 degrees, woohoo!

    I am not that great at blog promotions through social media. I think that I probably use Twitter and Pinterest the most for it. I don't religiously post my reviews on Goodreads, but every so often I will spend some time copying and pasting a bunch over there.

    Have a great week, enjoy this warm up!

  27. It's always great when you share similar reading preferences with your kids! Makes staying under your monthly book budget WAY easier. Looks like you got a lot of fab pretties this week. Happy reading! :)

  28. Love the cover and title of So You Created a Wormhole -- LOL! I have a ton of friends on Goodreads, because I've been there approximately forever but I don't interact much in that space. I keep thinking I want to do more, so I'll be interested in your experience. I'm here:

    1. I like that cover a lot too, I think it will be a fun book. Lots of humor. There's a lot more to Goodreads than I realized, with some groups that look fun and of course everyone commenting on each other's reads, etc.

  29. I'm having similar thoughts about redesigning my blog. I went ahead and bought my domain, so that was a first step. There is a part of me that thinks I should teach myself to do it...but I'm not sure where I will find the time!

    The Penderwicks look great. I will be interested to see what you and your daughter think of them!

  30. I don't tweet like I should and I know I don't use Goodreads as I could. I'm pretty happy with how my blog look has evolved over time, but it might like to change up my librarian icon a little. Maybe when I have more time this summer.

    1. Time is always an issue. I'm the same way. Especially w/ Twitter.

  31. I am getting a craving to reread the Harry Potter books now. :) They're always fun to reread. Surprisingly, though they aren't anywhere near my favorite books, they might be the books I reread the most. :)

    1. A ton of people say that, that they're fun to reread. I'm having fun reading them the first time, I've heard so much! Looking forward to seeing where the story goes. Thank you for commenting!

  32. The Penderwicks, Charles de Lint with Charles Vess, and Harry Potter. This could be my reading list--I love them all! We hit 70 here today and its supposed to be even warmer tomorrow. I think spring might really be on its way! Enjoy your week!

  33. Welcome to Goodreads! I'm not as "social" on there as I'd like to be, primarily due to lack of time with all of the other stuff that blogging requires. I do find it very useful to get a sense for what my GR friends like and what they don't. I think you'l see that the more you use it, too.

    As for your blog design, unless you're set on hiring a designer, there are tons of free templates available. Cutest Blogs on the Blocks is one. I'd suggest the name of the free design site that I used, but they switched to paid templates. (That was actually what finally prompted me to move to WP. I'd already been planning the move, but finding out that my free template was about to disappear gave me the nudge I needed.)

    I'd also suggest that if you are considering a Blogger re-design, this could be a good opportunity to jump to WP, instead, if that's something you've ever considered. If you do go that route, let me know if you have any questions, and I can point you to the resources that I used.

    Stephanie @ Inspiring Insomnia
