
Monday, May 18, 2020

Tuesday Tagline

Queens of Geek

Three Friends
Two Love Stories
One Convention

I love conventions as a setting!

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Reasons Why I Love *. I'm going with space opera because I love an optimistic take on the future, and especially lately that's really important. How about a future where things are better, or at least more advanced?       

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)

Sisters of the Vast Black

Exit Strategy (The Murderbot Diaries, #4)

Record of a Spaceborn Few (Wayfarers #3)

A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers, #2)

Planet of Exile (Hainish Cycle #2)

Heir to the Jedi

To Be Taught, If Fortunate

Date Night on Union Station (EarthCent Ambassador #1)


  1. I don't think I've ever read a space opera, but I have seen a few space opera-y movies that I thought were SUPER entertaining. :)

  2. I am definitely a fan of quite a few of these! LOVE Murderbot, and Sisters of the Vast Black is such a fave! I really must catch up on Murderbot AND finally get back to the Wayfarers series.

  3. Fun list. I haven't read any of these books but I know where to go for recommendations. My TTT list today>

  4. I really do need to read Sisters of the Vast Black. It does sound up my alley :) Great list.

  5. I'm not sure I've read a space opera before. I'm familiar with Becky Chambers, but haven't read one of her books yet.

  6. A better future is definitely something to look forward to! Hope you are doing well!

  7. I must get round to trying Becky Chambers as she seems to be very popular. I can't wait to get my hands on the new Murderbot book too!

  8. Kiss me it's date night made me smile! I like your take on the topic today -- I am all for an optimistic future in our reading.

  9. I love Illuminae and Aurora Rising, which are both space operas I think?

    My TTT:

  10. I love space operas, too. And I totally agree with you on the importance of reading hopeful visions of the future.

    My TTT .

  11. I thought the convention setting in Queens of Geek was really cool! Definitely something I have never read before.

  12. Great list! The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet will always be one of my faves.

  13. I'm glad to see Sisters of the Vast Black on here. Becky Chambers seems to be the queen of optimistic space opera๐Ÿ˜

  14. Lots of Becky Chambers on here - and with good reason. I've not read all of her books but the ones I've read definitely fit the bill here and were really good. She is the queen of space opera.
    Lynn :D

  15. I don't read a lot of space operas although I do always find them enjoyable! I really need to get on with reading Becky Chambers' books (and now Martha Wells', too) because they're everywhere and sound so good! Great list :)

  16. I do think conventions make a fun book setting! I have not read any of these, but I do know you like many of these. :)


  17. Space opera! I love that title. I don't really read books in this genre, unless you count Illuminae and The Raging Ones. But I loved seeing all the books you put in this category. You always have books with such fun covers and titles.

  18. I've read Science Fiction but I don't know if they were Space Opera's. I love the Star Wars book. Here is my post-

  19. I'm not the biggest fan of space opera because some can be a little overwhelming for me, but I have wanted to read Becky Chambers' books for a long time :)

  20. I've been reading more space opera lately and have been really enjoying it. I love the scope and scale of it. And all the unique characters that seem to people these kinds of books. :)

  21. I don't read a lot of space operas but my favorites are Chilling Effect and Empress of a Thousand Skies.

  22. Queens of Geek was fun!

    Have you read the new, full length Murderbot yet? I haven't but I'm looking forward to it.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  23. I'm really trying to read more science fiction and picked up the Becky Chambers books because you loved them so much. Of course I still need to read them. Of course I also need to read Murderbot too. Great list and I want that pink hair!

  24. Kevin Hearne wrote a SW too?!

    I need to try the murder bot! I do have the first 4

  25. I don't think I've read anything that could be considered a space opera! I have enjoyed watching shows like Star Trek though. I do like the idea of an optimistic future too. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  26. Some of those covers are real beauties. I am not sure if I´ve ever read a space opera, but if the Red Rising Saga by Pierce Brown counts as that, then I have *smile* Stay safe and well and happy reading!

  27. Space Opera would be a new genre for me. But I say a few of those with the same design. Series perhaps? The titles and covers were intriguing for sure.

    My TTT if interested! Peace, Matt

  28. Space opera are is really the closest I get to sci-fi, though, I have not read any of these.

  29. I loved A Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, I need to read more space operas!

  30. Those Becky Chamber book covers are AMAZING!!!

  31. You've educated me. I had no clue space opera was a thing. Lisa @

  32. I'm not really a space opera fan but they definitely have the best covers!

  33. I’ve been thinking about reading Illuminae again because I’m in the mood for some fast-paced sci-fi. I could use some escapism right now.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  34. I don't think I've read any space operas, aside from Ender's Game (if that's even considered a space opera...) Here's my TTT list.

  35. I don't just love conventions as a setting, I love conventions!! I used to go to quite a few of them, I miss that and I hope I can plan on going to one again soon . . . Also, is it just me or the pink hair tangled in the text like that is pretty cool? :D

  36. I had no idea that there were so many space operas out there! I am intrigued by A Closed and Common Orbit. Any book that can help me escape reality is welcome right now!! ;)

  37. Space opera! WHat I great choice, I did smile when you said you were chosing to take an optimistic view of the future, especially now. I think I need to do that too. I've only read one of these and that was A Long Way To A Small Angry Planet and it was brilliant but now I feel like I should try a few more.

  38. I sure love the Murderbot series! I love how obsessed with dramas he is and how he gets roped into helping humans. I love the length too. I normally don’t love short stories but it works so well with the adventure nature.

  39. Thanks for reminding me to catch up on Chambers!

  40. Love Queens of Geek!
    I have to admit I haven't read many space operas. I really want to check out the Becky Chambers books though.

  41. Me, too! I cannot wait until I can get to Sisters of the Vast Black, and the Murder Bot series! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ
